Strawberry Marshmallow Treat Genmaicha from 52Teas

Strawberry-Marshmallow-TreatTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Green

Where to Buy:  52Teas

Tea Description:

In the meantime, here’s a real treat. I was GOING to make a peanut butter marshmallow treat genmaicha for this week, but that just struck me as too savory and I need something bright and sweet right about now, so here then is our very popular marshmallow treat genmaicha paired up with a kick of sweet strawberry! I will be really surprised if this one doesn’t sell out very quickly, so don’t drag your feet. And let me know what you think about the peanut butter marshmallow treat idea.

Learn more about this blend here.

Taster’s Review:

When I stopped by the 52Teas website to get the information I needed to start this review of their Strawberry Marshmallow Treat Genmaicha, I was shocked to see that this tea hasn’t yet sold out!  How is that possible?

This is absolutely YUMMY!  I can’t remember if I’ve ever actually had a strawberry flavored marshmallow treat.  I seem to recall that marshmallow treats were one of those treats that my step-mother would actually make once in a while, so, it was a treat that I had on occasion and more often than I do now, because I prefer making cupcakes to marshmallow treats.  But I don’t recall ever having a strawberry marshmallow treat.

Whether I have or haven’t, I will say that this tea tastes just like I’d expect a strawberry marshmallow treat to taste.  The strawberry is sweet and a little bit tart.  I taste marshmallow, notes of vanilla, and the toasted rice in the Genmaicha gives it just the right ‘rice’ note.

The green tea tastes sweet and buttery.  It doesn’t have a strong vegetative or grassy taste to it, but I do taste some slight vegetal notes.  Mostly I get that warm, toasty, nutty flavor that I typically would experience from a Genmaicha.

Like I said before, I’m shocked that this tea hasn’t sold out yet!  I highly recommend getting yourself a pouch of it before it does!

Peppermint Bark Black Tea from 52Teas

Peppermint-BarkTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black

Where to Buy:  52Teas

Tea Description:

My wife has been hounding me to make a peppermint bark tea. She makes peppermint bark every year at Christmastime and it’s all gone now and we’re back on the diet bandwagon, so I agree, it’s time for a peppermint bark tea. This is a blend of our premium black teas, fresh cut peppermint and organic flavors. I realize that almond bark is not really white chocolate, but I used some organic white chocolate flavoring (along with a bit of marshmallow to sweeten it up) to approximate the flavor, and wow is it delicious! I went easy on the peppermint–there’s nothing worse than a tea that tastes like mouthwash–and I think I struck a pretty awesome balance. 

Learn more about this blend here.

Taster’s Review:

When I opened the pouch of this Peppermint Bark Black Tea from 52Teas, I was pretty surprised that I didn’t get a huge whiff of peppermint fragrance.  I kind of expect that from a tea with mint, because mint tends to be an overpowering scent.  But while I could absolutely smell the peppermint, it wasn’t a strong aroma.  I mostly smelled black tea.  I could also pick up a slight nutty note that reminded me of almonds and a hint of a alcohol-ish note that reminds me of the smell of extract.

The brewed tea smells a little bit minty, a little bit sweet and more than either of these two things, again, I’m smelling tea … and again, I’m surprised that the mint notes are not more prevalent.  However, after reading the description, I think that is what Frank (the chief Zoomdweebie at 52Teas) was going for anyway.  He didn’t want this to be a sip of mouthwash … and it isn’t (and definitely doesn’t smell like it either!)

The flavor is really nice!  I taste mint, but I taste other things too.  I taste the tea – It is a smooth, robust tasting black tea base.  It’s not the strongest flavor that I taste … instead this cup is a compelling combination of flavors where everything sort of melds together deliciously to offer up a confectionery delight.  I don’t know that what I’m tasting is white chocolate peppermint bark in a teacup, but, I like what I’m tasting.

I taste the nutty flavor of almond and I taste the sweet white chocolate.  The white chocolate is actually the flavor I taste least, but it is elevated by the addition of marshmallow that adds a sweet, “fluffy” kind of taste that gives the cup the “confectionery” sort of flavor that I mentioned before.

As I said, I don’t know that I’m tasting peppermint bark.  But, I like what I’m tasting, and if I were given a piece of candy that tasted like this, I’d be more than happy to devour it!  It may not taste like the peppermint bark that I’m used to, but that said … I think I might like this better than the peppermint bark I’m used to!  A very tasty cuppa!

On the Eighth Day of Christmas, Della Terra Teas Sent Me This Tea …

Day Eight finds us revisiting an old favorite.  When I contacted Della Terra Teas this year to inquire about their 12 Days of Christmas collection, my question for them was would it be a different box than last year.  As many of you know, I used to do another 12 Days of Christmas countdown, however, with that company, I subscribe to their teas, so, all of the teas that are in the box are teas that I would have tried.  I wanted something NEW which is why I changed to this box from Della Terra Teas.  Don’t get me wrong, I love the other company too (Hey, I subscribe to them so that I get every tea they offer, I must love them, right?), but for the Christmas countdown is something that I want to be somewhat new and fresh whenever possible.

So, when Della Terra Teas got back to me – promptly too, I might add, they have great customer service! – and told me that all the teas would be new teas except for this one, I was OK with that … for one reason and one reason only.  The tea that this “old” tea is.

Eight Candles

eightcandleseightcandlesTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black

Where to Buy:  Della Terra Teas

Tea Description:

On this, your eighth day you will have Eight Candles, lit brightly in your cup.  The eight maids a’milking will be a bit jealous with this one!

Caramel and marshmallow flavors abound in this perfectly blended black tea.  Sip after sip the magic of this season is tasted within!

Taster’s Review:

I LOVE this tea.  This is – by far – my favorite tea from Della Terra Teas.  And based upon the response on Steepster, I’d say that I’m not the only one who thinks that this is a pretty amazing tea.  So, needless to say, I didn’t mind it when I was informed that this would be the one “old” tea in the collection.  I didn’t mind it a bit.

Since this was in last year’s 12 Days of Christmas Teas box from Della Terra Teas, I have reviewed it, so I don’t guess I need to review it again, do I?

But I will say that this tea is every bit as good as I remember it being.  Sweet, gooey, marshmallow-y happiness in a teacup!  One thing I did note about brewing this cup … there was some “oily” spots that rose to the top of the cup which I must admit are never appetizing to see, but, I was able to look past them.  If I were to change anything about this tea at all, it would be the oil slick, but, if that means that the flavor of the tea is changed, then forget about it, I’d rather see spots and enjoy the caramelized marshmallow-y joy that is this tea.

Frankenberry Black Tea from 52Teas

FrankenberryTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black

Where to Buy:  52Teas

Tea Description:

If anyone from General Mills is reading this, please don’t sue us. My wife suggested we rename this tea Frank’s Berries so as not to get in trouble with the cereal company, but (and maybe this is just my dirty old man mind, but) “Frank’s Berries” just doesn’t sound right to me. ‘I like Frank’s Berries hot with a drizzle of honey…’ Uh, yeah, just doesn’t sound right. This tea, on the other hand, is nothing but right. We’ve paired our premium black teas with freeze-dried strawberries, marshmallow root and organic flavors, including a touch of malt to give it a cerealistic (ie realistic cereal-like) flavor. 

Learn more about this blend here.

Taster’s Review:

I am a huge fan of the General Mills Halloween cereals, although my favorite is Count Chocula.  COUNT CHOCULA, FRANK!!!  Every time I’m in a store and see those cereals, I’m grabbing at least one box, because they don’t last long.  (I seem to recall when I was young that they were available year round.)  So, when 52Teas announced Frankenberry Black Tea as their tea of the week for the week of October 21st, I was happy.  (It also indicates to me that maybe, just maybe the tea next year might be Count Chocula.)

Having tried the Boo-Berry and the Boo-Berry Cotton Candy flavored teas from 52Teas, I was confident that Frank would do this Frankenberry justice.  And, yeah … this is better than I remember the two Boo-Berry teas tasting and I think it might have something to do with the malt addition.  This really gives it that cereal-ish type of flavor.  It tastes like someone liquefied some of one of my favorite childhood cereals and added it to a cup of black tea.  YUM!

The black tea base is robust and full-flavored, and the malt not only gives the tea a “cereal-y” sort of flavor, but it adds a “roundness’ to the overall flavor.  The strawberry is sweet and it tastes a bit candy-like in this blend, but, I guess for a tea that is channeling a children’s marshmallow cereal, perhaps a sweet, candy-like flavor is the way it should be.  I’m liking it!

But it’s the marshmallow that really makes this tea taste like the cereal, because let’s face it, when one is sitting down to a bowl of Frankenberry cereal, they’re doing it for the marshmallows!  The marshmallows make the cereal something special, and the marshmallow root in this cup make this tea something special too.

A delicious, fun, sweet and fruity tea.

Peppermint Patty Herbal Tisane from Butiki Teas

Peppermint PattyTisane Information:

Leaf Type:  Herbal Tisane

Where to Buy:  Butiki Teas

Tisane Description:

What better way to wind down the day than with chocolate and mint? Our Peppermint Patty pairs organic marshmallow leaf, a naturally sweet caffeine-free herb, with sweet organic peppermint, and mellow milk chocolate. This light and refreshing herbal works well as an after dinner treat. With each sip, the flavor grows stronger and lingers longer. Add a little sugar to intensify the chocolate flavor.

Learn more about this tisane here.

Taster’s Review:

This is a really cool looking herbal tisane with the itty bitty chocolate chips in it!  Yeah, I know … I shouldn’t get all excited by something as simple as chocolate chips.  But I’m a chocoholic, what can I say?  And when I saw that this Peppermint Patty Herbal Tisane from Butiki Teas is a peppermint tisane with chocolate AND marshmallow root … I got really excited about trying it!

And OH yum!  This is tasty!

It’s minty, of course, and the mint is strong … but it isn’t overpowering the chocolate-y notes and the creamy, sweet notes of the marshmallow come through so deliciously!   The mint doesn’t come off tasting like mouthwash … with the fluffy marshmallow and decadent chocolate notes … these flavors bring out the sweeter essence of the mint so that it tastes sweet not medicinal or too herbaceous.

What I’m liking most about this is that this herbal tisane is that it really delivers just what the name seems to imply.  The name … sounds like a candy bar (I know, duh!  right?) and this has a very yummy, sweet, dessert-y taste to it.  This is the perfect way to enjoy a sweet treat after a meal without too many calories.  Sure, there’s going to be some calories in this … but, it’s not going to have as many calories as that candy bar you might be craving!

It’s sweet, minty, chocolate-y, creamy deliciousness!   And it is delightfully satisfying to my chocoholic sweet tooth!