Leaf Type: Green, Floral
Where to Buy: Fusion Teas
Tea Description:
The classic idea of bergamot turned into a very enthralling new blend on this green tea base. Invite your sweetheart to this pink version of the traditional English Tea Time and the wonderfully fruity and sweet rhubarb flavor will put your two hearts in tune!
Ingredients: green tea (94 %), flavoring, rhubarb pieces, rose petals, rosebuds.
Learn more about this tea here.
Taster’s Review:
My confession is that I did not think I was going to like this tea. I am surprised to say that I do like it.
In my opinion this would be the ultimate in Valentine’s Day teas. Keep this in mind as Valentine’s Day will be here before we know it! I could see this being served for a traditional English Tea with tea sandwiches, and cakes. So yummy!
It is a bit on the perfume-y side, the bergamot is strong but it quickly changes into a sweet, floral, creamy, and fruity flavor.
Now according to the ingredients there are no fruits in this blend, however the combinations of the ingredients somehow comes across to me as fruity. Yes the rose does take its time in the limelight, but the fruit notes come over almost as strawberry somehow. Yet in other sips I taste something of lime or citrus.
The mouthfeel is heavier than I would have suspected but not too heavy, just full with a creamy finish that remains bright.
It is a really pretty tea as well.
I am impressed. I really feel that Fusion Teas got this one right. It may not be what the true Earl Grey lover is looking for but if you keep an open mind you will enjoy it. I like regular Earl Grey but I have to be in the mood for it. This is an Earl Grey that I could drink just about anytime. I also think that younger people would love it because of its sweet, creamy, and fruity like flavor.
Now I suppose I could see an argument for this tea having a different name. Just because something is flavored with Bergamot does not mean it has to be called Earl Grey. Earl Grey does not have the entire market cornered on Bergamot after all. Also this is clearly not a black tea.
Call it whatever you want Fusion Teas, I like it!
Tibet Dream from In Nature Teas
Leaf Type:
Where to Buy: In Nature Teas
Tea Description:
A new blend of red and flower teas, Tibet Dream has evoked the imagination of many as its red deep colors remind the Chinese of the deep red robes of the Tibet Monks. This blend is an exceptional combination of a red/black tea with a floral after-taste. Sweet in the palate and mild, this is a must-drink blend to the ones that can appreciate the qualities of superb tea, from the region of Fujian.
Tibet Dream is a great relaxing drink that is said to refresh your mind and body.
Learn more about this tea here.
Taster’s Review:
Ha! What a delight to the eyes! When I opened this sample (generous sample) from my SororiTea Sister Jennifer I was so surprised I giggled. I showed my daughter the “tea” and said “look at this”! My daughter said that it looked like flowers. I had to look again as I was sure I was looking at some kind of confetti streamer like stuff I would put in a gift to give to someone. Then I saw the flower buds. What a truly interesting tea! I have taken a photo with my iPhone for you to see the beauty of this tea:
Dry leaf aroma is very floral, somewhat earthy, almost musty but not in a way that turns me off, and slightly sweet.
Tibet Dream is a sweet tea in my opinion with a very creamy mouthfeel. There is an astringency to it that verges on medicinal but in the way I would expect an herbal tea to taste.
In the after taste I pick up an almost menthol like cooling sensation on my tongue.
I do detect a delicate black tea undertone which is nice.
There is a savory element to the flavor of Tibet Dream as well.
One could not say this tea lacks depth or interest layers of notes within it!
I do also taste a light fruity note such as tart cherries. Perhaps this is what Jennifer was picking up as a slightly tart hibiscus note.
What a truly unusual and delightful tea! I can’t say that this is a tea I would have selected for myself however after having it I can say it is one that could easily grow on me. I could see myself craving this flavor now and then and if the effects are as the site describes I know I surely need that kind of relaxation with mind boost often!
See Jennifer’s (TeaEqualsBliss) review here.
Chinese Flower from Harney & Sons
Leaf Type: Green, Flower
Where to Buy: Harney & Sons
Tea Description:
Green Tea with Flowers and Lemon A reinvigoration of the senses. Chinese Flower, flawlessly blended of hand plucked Chinese green tea, three types of flowers, and citrus flavors, yields the most high-caliber tea experience. A synergy between tea, flower, and fruit, every part gorgeously synchronized – crisp citrus aroma that bursts and floral notes that woo, Chinese Flower grasps the sensations. It is a rare jewel in the teascape, its bold vitality spellbinding.
Learn more about this tea here.
Taster’s Review:
What an absolutely stunning tea! So many pretty petals in this cup my first thought was it looked like potpourri! It smells divine as well and one could actually place this out on a table in a bowl and enjoy the aroma and colors of it.
The tea has a lovely lemon flavor which is tart but not sour. The floral notes seem to meld nicely enough but I do seem to feel at times – in some sips – that the floral notes are arguing about which is prettiest and going to get the most attention. Yet, somewhere between the floral chaos, and the lemon’s tart little attitude there is a sweetness that shyly peeks through and politely says a meek hello. This is the note that is worth waiting for! Then in the after taste this delightful and refreshing grassy green pokes through from the base!
This tea makes you pay attention, the more I found myself wondering if I even liked this tea at all the more I found myself taking another sip and smiling because I did enjoy it.
This tea is a lady indeed, complex, beautiful, aromatic, confusing, profound, sweet, sassy, and delightful.
I applaud Harney & Sons for using such a wonderful base for this tea as it could have easily been hidden behind all these other notes but it was not lost at all. I find that if you wait long enough between sips that the flowers dance on the grassy green flavors of the base making me feel like I am sipping this cup in a field of wildflower.
Thanks to a Steepster friend I have a pretty healthy sample of this tea here but I already want to buy a tin of it just because I want to have it in my permeant stash in its own lovely home, as this tea is deserving of it.
Its not often a floral tea catches my eye, or the favor of my taste buds, but this tea has so much more going on than just a flowery bouquet.
The after taste is what gets me the most. Absolutely not to make you think this tea is remotely perfume-y because it is not, but it does remind me of an expensive French perfume. Even if this is a Chinese floral tea. Fresh, rich, romantically floral, beautiful, sweet, tart, sexy and expensive, except Harney & Sons, in my opinion, is reasonably priced tea.
If my tea breath smells half as good as this tea tastes lingering around in my mouth then people should be oohing and aahing over me, following me around wanting to kiss me, yes I can be my own romance heroine if only in my own mind!
Oh La La!
Tibet Dream (Pure Tibet Spring Flower Tea) from In Nature Teas
Tea Type:
Red Tea (Black Tea)/Flower Blend
Where To Buy:
In Nature Teas
Product Description:
A new blend of red and flower teas, Tibet Dream has evoked the imagination of many as its red deep colors remind the Chinese of the deep red robes of the Tibet Monks. This blend is an exceptional combination of a red/black tea with a floral after-taste. Sweet in the palate and mild, this is a must-drink blend to the ones that can appreciate the qualities of superb tea, from the region of Fujian.
Tibet Dream is a great relaxing drink that is said to refresh your mind and body.
Tasters Review:
This has to be one of the most unique and interesting teas I have had in a LONG TIME…
Where to even begin?
Dry – It looks like dried Marigold Flowers or something similar. Maybe even a mini Dark Daisy or something. It’s incredibly light-weight and fluffy. It smells like Flowers, Fruit, Hibiscus, and Herbs. BUT…there isn’t any Hibiscus IN the loose leaf mixture! VERY interesting!
Once I poured water on top to infuse this I noticed the centers of the ‘flower’ puffed out even more. Much like a tea I once had from teaNY long ago! The yellow-orange flower petals expanded from the water and flopped-out and drooped over the puffy center.
Post infusion – the tea liquor is that of a light-medium red-brown. A very nice shade!
The tea taste itself is rather different than I anticipated. It’s Creamy and floral…not an old-lady flower-perfume type floral, but not a Jasmine either. I want to say it somewhat resembles a “cousin” to a chamomile type flavor but that might be a stretch as well as hard to comprehend unless you were to try it yourself. It has gentle fruity notes as well as some sort of likeness to the most mellow and most pale hibiscus you’ve ever tasted…BUT…REMEMBER…I really don’t see any hibiscus in here! And I’m not saying it’s that stereotypical tarty hibiscus flavor either…I’m just not completely sure how to describe it…it’s just the closest comparison I can make to it, I guess. It’s really pleasant and really different. As it starts to cool a bit I’m picking up semi-sweet and semi-dry wine type flavors in the aftertaste but not before I pick up a refreshing celery type hint in mid-sip! Again, this is quite the roller coaster ride and I LIKE it! The cooler it gets I can taste more subtle fruity flavors underneath floral/herbal combo’s.
I have to fess-up! I would certainly have identified this as a flowering-type tea because it’s obviously flower contents but I was surprised they have it listed as a Black Flowering Blend as I don’t ‘see’ actual black tea in there – BUT – when you infuse the loose leaf…it’s that of a milder black tea! Very unique…very interesting…VERY strange…I really thing that is why I like this tea because it really made me think…it really surprised me…and it REALLY threw me for a loop! Well Done on this tea!
As far as the name goes! Tibet Dream. I certainly have been sitting here – sipping on my new tea from In Nature Teas thinking of the Tibetan People, the Tibetan Monks while looking at my Windhorse Pray Flags displayed on my wall. I dream of peace, love, joy, happiness, and freedom for all! This is a great tea to assist with those positive thoughts and meditations – hopes and dreams – for everyone across the lands!
Love Game Flowering Tea from Dragon Tea House
Leaf Type: Green
Where to Buy: Dragon Tea House
Tea Description:
A delicate flower blooms inside this ball tea just before tiny flowers slowly cascade upward like Champagne bubbles. The flowers add their enlivening fragrance and strong taste to this delectably smooth green tea. Our Ball offers one of the most artful spectacles in tea. This blooming tea has an original shape of an tiny ball and when put in boiling water a bouquet of tea leaves and flower. The aromas of both flowers and tea leaves are very well preserved and these exceptional teas develop a wonderful flavor and create at the same time a beautiful “table decoration”.
Learn more about this tea here.
Taster’s Review:
Every once in a while, I like to take a moment to simply watch a tea steep. There is something so wonderfully relaxing about it. I think my favorite teas to watch steep are blooming teas, like this Love Game Flowering Tea from Dragon Tea House. I like blooming teas because they open slowly, taking their time to reveal their splendor, and when they’ve finally fully unfurled, what a breathtaking display!

I infused this tea for six full minutes in 180°F water, and it still had not opened fully … which means MORE INFUSIONS! Yay! This first cup is tasty. The mouthfeel is soft and silky. The taste is sweet and floral with notes of jasmine, and a slight nutty flavor. It is very smooth tasting, with very little astringency and no bitterness.
For my second infusion, I set the timer for ten minutes, although it had fully unfurled after about 90 seconds (taking seven and a half minutes total to completely open), but I infused it for the full ten minutes to achieve full flavor for the infusion, and that ten minutes delivered! The second infusion was even tastier than the first. The flavor is more focused on the nutty flavors, with hints of jasmine, and a sweet, fresh, slightly grassy tone.
Overall, a very pleasant experience!