Dear Santa Letter . . . From VariaTEA

Dear Santa,

We haven’t had much contact in the past. As a young Jewish girl, I wasn’t allowed to send you letters. But I am older now and my mom doesn’t have to send my mail for me anymore so here we are.

I am not sure how to do this but I asked some kids and they told me I could ask you for anything I wanted, like anything, no matter how big or small.

So I guess I should start small. I would love a Gaiwan or some other tiny teaware to finally try Gong Fu style steeping. I have never had it yet and every time I go to buy one, I end up spending the money on tea or pretty infuser mugs from DAVIDsTEA.

Speaking of pretty infuser mugs, I would like one of the gold tip mugs that DAVIDs is currently selling. Preferably the teal but I am not picky. And it would be an added bonus if it were magically made dishwasher safe. I would also settle for an eclectic assortment of teacups to put on display along with my teas.

To brew in this different teaware, I probably wouldn’t say no to a tea vacation…teacation? Exploring the world one tea producing country at a time with an unlimited tea budget. From places like France to China and so much more, I would love the opportunity to travel the world, indulging in one tea at a time :).

Or, if travelling isn’t in the budget, I wouldn’t say no to a variety of fandom blends from the many various tea companies that make them. There is just something a little more exciting about a tea blend inspired by your beloved shows. Oh, or monthly subscriptions to 52 Teas and A Quarter to Tea so I can try all the flavored teas as they are released.

Finally, if you know of a teamaker that can somehow fill the Butiki-shaped void in my heart, I would love to know who. The delicate yet flavorful blends are severely lacking in my tea stash these days and they are definitely missed.

So there you go. My hopes and wishes for my tea future. I hope I am not asking too much of you, Santa. I hear you can make miracles happen so I am putting my faith in you and in return I have tried to be on my very best behavior.

Yours very truly,




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