Mother Nature’s Medley Herbal Tisane from Tealee

MotherNaturesMedleyTisane Information:

Leaf Type:  Herbal Tisane

Where to Buy:  Tealee

Tisane Description:

The tastiest detox tea around, this all natural herbal blend is jam packed with ingredients that are loaded with Vitamin C, and are known to aid digestion and reduce bloating. Stimulating ginger opens your palate, fruit and citrus notes follow and finishes with minty freshness. Delicious!  

Learn more about this tisane here.

Taster’s Review:

I love it when I discover a tisane blend like this and there is NO hibiscus in it!  Yay!  See there, tea companies?  It can be done!  You can make tasty tisanes WITHOUT hibiscus!

Here are the ingredients:

Ginger, Apple, Rosehip, Lemongrass, Organic Spearmint, Rose Petals

This is one of the tastiest “detox” teas that I’ve tried thus far.  There is a very pleasing balance of flavors.

My experience with this tasting is much like the above description suggests, only the first flavor that I noticed is a faint fruit-like sweetness – for just a moment! – and then I pick up on the zesty ginger note.  I enjoyed that immediate contrast.

After my taste buds recognizes the ginger, they’re allowed to further explore the fruit notes:  I can taste apple, which surprises me!  I didn’t expect to taste much apple here because generally speaking, when apple is used in a blend like this, it’s more about appearance and maybe just a hint of sweetness but not for a strong flavor.  But I’m tasting apple!  And I’m tasting notes of citrus from the lemongrass.

Just after mid-sip, I start to taste that vibrant flavor of spearmint.  It tastes very fresh and exhilarating.  Throughout the sip, I also get a hint of rose.  Of all the ingredients, the rose offers the least flavor in the cup.  It’s a really thoughtfully crafted medley of fruit and herbal flavors that I find very enjoyable.

The spearmint and ginger are really nicely matched.  I get that invigorating kick of peppery ginger that is countered by the crisp, cooling mint notes of the spearmint.  These two ingredients seem to keep each other “in check” – so that I’m not tasting too much ginger or too much mint.

Overall, a really tasty beverage that I would be happy to drink on a regular basis.  Many detox teas are something that I would drink because I felt the need to detox but not because I’m really enjoying what I’m drinking.  This is something that I am actually enjoying!  I’m impressed with this!

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