Kitchen Sink Green Tea from 52Teas & A NEW CONTEST!

Tea Information:

Leaf Type:  Green

Where to Buy:  52Teas

Company Description:

I know many of you think I am crazy; I’m confirming your suspicions with this week’s blend, which is TRULY and completely one-of-a-kind and definitely a limited edition blend. I could not recreate this if I tried. In varying and unknown proportions, this tea has all of the following blends mixed into it:

Apple ~ Apricot ~ Blackberry ~ Blueberry ~ Cranberry ~ Cherry ~ Ginger ~ Grapefruit ~ Key Lime ~ Lemon ~ Lime ~ Mango ~ Orange ~ Peach ~ Pineapple ~ Raspberry ~ Strawberry ~ Watermelon ~ Ginger, Peach and Lemongrass ~ Tangerine ~ Banana ~ Honey Lemon ~ Guava ~ Cran-Raspberry

There are fruit peels, dried fruit, freeze dried fruit, some ginger and some lemongrass mixed in it. It is spectacularly ridiculous. I’m not sure if you will taste each of the flavors in every cup or if every cup will be a little different, but it will definitely be interesting.

Taster’s Review:

I brewed up a cup of this so that I can start writing about it… however, it disappeared from my cup before I could start writing!  Yep… it’s that good.  So, before I could start composing this review, I had to go and brew myself a second cup.

Wow!  This is one seriously fruit-flavored tea.  Because it’s got so many different flavors in there, it’s difficult to discern one from another – and I’m having a hard time trying to describe for you what I’m tasting right now.  What I can say is that it’s absolutely delicious!

On Steepster, I think I described the flavor as a huge fruit salad composed of the largest assortment of fruit ever.  Or something like that.  But, I think a  more accurate description would be a fruit smoothie blended with the largest assortment of fruit ever… and replacing the yogurt with a smooth, sweet green tea base!

And yes, I can taste the tea.  It is made with a Chinese Sencha, and  I can taste it’s rich, buttery flavor with just a hint of vegetation.  Not grassy, and not even strongly vegetative… just a mere insinuation of lush green-ness to go with the sweet flavors of fruit.

This tea is fantastic hot, and equally as good iced too.  I do recommend adding a little sweetener (I chose agave nectar) to it because it really brings the fruit flavors to life.  A truly delicious and unusual tea delight!



CONGRATULATIONS TO Melissa Wrzesniewsky & michelequake!

thanks to all who entered!  Watch our blog for more exciting giveaways! ~LiberTEAS

It’s about time for another SororiTEA Sisters contest, don’t you think?

This week, you can win a 2 oz. pouch of KITCHEN SINK from 52Teas!  And, if you’ve read the review above, you know I’m speaking from experience when I say that this tea is absolutely, ridiculously delicious!

Here’s how to enter to win:

1.  Post a comment on this review. Be sure to include a way for us to contact you if you win.

2.  That’s it.  Just… comment on this review, and you’re entered into the contest.  Simple, right?

To earn additional entries into the contest and increase your chances of winning, you can:

a)  Click on our Facebook widget on the right of the blog and become a fan!  If you’re already a fan, that’s great!  Just let us know!

b)  Post a link to this contest on your Facebook page to share with your friends!

c)  Blog about this contest!  Be sure to include a link to this contest and let us know so we can check out your blog!

d)  Twitter about this contest!  Be sure to include the link!  (Also, please follow Anne & Jennifer on Twitter!)

OK… so that is FOUR additional ways that you can earn entries into this contest!  We will be drawing the winner by random draw on Sunday, August 8th!  So ENTER NOW and please TELL YOUR FRIENDS!

24 thoughts on “Kitchen Sink Green Tea from 52Teas & A NEW CONTEST!

  1. Not sure why I want this… my stomach is saying “no!” while my head is saying “yes!”… it’s always the reverse. But, as you know, when it comes to tea, “YES!” always wins:)

  2. Wow! I have been eyeballing this tea since I got the email about it! I just linked you both to my tweet, i’m already a fan on facebook, and am going to share the link with my FB friends right now! I will be blogging about it soon. Cheers to you both 🙂

  3. I’ve gotta enter a contest that starts on my b-day! Hopefully that’ll bring me luck, this tea looks good!

  4. Sounds absolutely devine! I will be putting in an order right away. Can’t wait to smell all the wonderful fruits in a warm refreshing tea! Thanks for reviewing this product!

  5. Oooh, this sounds too good to pass up. This tea is definitely on my to try list. Love the fruit salad flavors.

    Meghann M on Steepster:)

  6. Well, I don’t like cranberry (or cran-raspberry by default), mango, or guava but I still want to try it. If I don’t like it, I’m sure someone I know will.

    1) Going to facebook fan right after I post this.
    2) Link on facebook: done.
    3) I don’t think my blog is the sort you want this advertised on. It’s not search accessible or anything.
    4) Twitter:

    Contact through twitter or facebook (Ozymandias Creed) please.

  7. Count me in. I liked you on Facebook and if you need my mail, it’s on Gmail and the user part is my name DOT my surname.

  8. Ok, here’s a comment, and I got a twitter and a FB entry (wombatgirl for twitter, and Jennifer knows my facebook)
    (and I’m having a fail on becoming a fan on FB – unless I already am.. as I said – I’m having a fail on it.)

  9. Oh noes, it looks like I just missed this one. (A bit behind on the Steepster forums. =) ) This is a tea I am interested in trying. Luckily, Frank seems to have quite a bit of it so as soon as I finish up some tea, it may be one of several yummy 52 Teas options to order. As always, love that your blog has free tea contests! And great reviews!

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