Wow … day nine. The big day is nearly here. A scary thought if you haven’t finished your holiday shopping (or if you’re like me, you haven’t really begun.) Yikes!
This tea is very relaxing though, helping me to soothe those ’bouts with holiday anxiety.
White Winter
Leaf Type: White
Where to Buy: Della Terra Teas
Tea Description:
You’ll be dancing like the ladies on this 9th day of Christmas after one sip of this amazing white tea!
Filled with coconut, cream and white chocolate, this amazing white tea is pure perfection in a cup. So, don’t mind those flurries outside, you’re inside with this cuppa!
Taster’s Review:
The photo above is for Della Terra Teas’ White Chocolate Coconut Creme tea which looks a lot like and from the description seems to be a lot like this White Winter tea. I did contact Della Terra Teas to find out if the teas were the same, however, they haven’t been able to get back in touch with me. Understandable, since it’s just days before the holiday … everyone’s out there scurrying around, finishing up the last minute details for their celebrations.
So as I’m writing this, I’m not sure if Della Terra Teas played around with the recipe of their White Chocolate Coconut Creme tea to make this White Winter blend a little different, and since I haven’t yet tried the White Chocolate Coconut Creme tea, I can’t tell you from my own experience if they taste the same.
So, instead, I’ll simply focus on the tea that sits before me.
The white tea base is light and crisp but it isn’t so delicate that it becomes indistinguishable in the blend. I can taste the “hay-like” vegetal notes of the white tea. It feels very clean and refreshing on the palate, which is in contrast to the creamy notes that want to coat the palate in decadence. I like the way the two diverse elements play with one another in this teacup.
And there’s a lot of creaminess to this cup: the white chocolate, the cream and the coconut! I can taste each profile in this tea, and it’s really sweet. One of the sweeter teas that I’ve tasted in quite some time. It’s almost on the verge of excessively sweet.
As I am sure some of you are aware, I do have a sweet tooth and an obsession when it comes to chocolate, but, I think that this one might be almost too much. Mind you, I did say “almost,” as I haven’t yet pushed the cup aside, and I’m still enjoying what I’m drinking.
That said, I think that this is a tea that I’d reserve for those occasions when I am wanting a sweet, dessert-y tea. One of those times when my sweet tooth is crying out for attention. Something that will satiate my sweet tooth and my desire for rich chocolate flavor in one cuppa. I’d also recommend not adding any sugar to this cup – trust me when I say it doesn’t need it!
Tasty, but I think I’d like it better if there was a little bit of something to cut through the sweetness here. As it is, it’s almost too cloying.
Note: I did hear back from Della Terra Teas and they said:
the White Winter is similar to the White Chocolate Coconut Creme, HOWEVER, there are more parts vanilla and less white chocolate in the White Winter.
Perhaps the White Chocolate Coconut Cream is not quite as sweet then as this White Winter? Let us hope so!
Winter Solstice Herb Tea Blend from ESP Emporium
Tisane Information:
Leaf Type: Fruit/Herbal Tisane & Spice Melange
Where to Buy: ESP Emporium
Tisane Description:
Winter solstice, also called midwinter, is the pendant to midsummer and symbolizes hope: it marks the longest night of the year after which the days slowly become longer! The period of the Zodiac signs of Capricorn to Gemini. However, since the four elements of the twelve astrological zodiac signs – air, earth, fire and water – comprise the second half of the year, we are certain that the warm flavors of caramelized pomegranate in combination with the wintry spices are also a real indulgence and bright spot for the signs of Cancer to Sagittarius! The stars are in your favor!
Learn more about this tisane here.
Taster’s Review:
I am usually hesitant to try fruit and herbal tisanes such as this Winter Solstice Herb Tea Blend from ESP Emporium, usually because hibiscus scares me just a tad, but also because I really just prefer TEA … as in the leaf of the Camellia Sinensis plant. Fruit and herbal tisanes aren’t bad, but, they just aren’t as interesting to me as tea.
However, I am enjoying this blend. It is heavier on the fruit than it is on the herbal, and there is a nice touch of spice to this that makes it very palate pleasing. The hibiscus is not a heavy component to the tisane – there is some and it adds to the color (the liquid brews to a beautiful ruby color), the texture (which is thick but not too thick or syrupy), and just a hint of tartness to the flavor (which offers a nice contrast to some of the sweet and spice of this blend).
I like that I can taste the pomegranate, the orange, and the cranberry. I like the combination of these fruits. Together they are sweet, tangy and verging on tart but not so tart that I find it off-putting, and I tend to be very sensitive to tartness. (I don’t like to pucker when I’m drinking tea!) Of these three fruits, I think that the orange is the strongest, and perhaps the orange (together with the apple, which offers more of a “sweetness but not so much of a distinct apple flavor) is what tones down the tartness to a drinkable level for me.
I don’t taste a whole lot of the Star Anise here, and I find myself wishing there were more of that licorice-y note that anise is known for. I taste the cinnamon, and I feel the cinnamon! Toward the end of the sip, and in to the aftertaste, I feel it toward the back of my mouth and the top of my throat. It isn’t a strong cinnamon note, but it is enough to keep things interesting.
Overall, this is a very interesting blend of fruit, herb and spice. And even though it’s called “Winter Solstice” it is one that I’d drink year round … it would be excellent served iced, and one that I think kids would really enjoy.
Winter Warmer Black Tea Blend from Grey’s Teas
Tea Information:
Leaf Type: Black
Where to Buy: Grey’s Teas
Tea Description:
Looks good, ..smells good, …tastes good. Just the reassurance you need on a cold winter’s evening. China tea with citrus peels and cloves. Perfect.
Learn more about this tea here.
Taster’s Review:
This Winter Warmer Black Tea Blend from Grey’s Tea is a really nice alternative to the typical “orange spice” winter blend. Other orange spice blends often overwhelm the palate with spicy notes … nothing wrong with that, of course, because I like spicy tea, but, sometimes, it’s nice to have something on the gentle side.
This Winter Warmer is just that. Warmly spiced, but gently so. The clove is exotically sweet and has a comforting, cozy kind of flavor to it without going over the top. The citrus brightens the cup but does not overpower the flavor of the black tea. The orange-y notes taste sweet, a little tangy, but it isn’t overdone.
The black tea is really the star of this cup, and that – in my opinion – is just the way it should be. The black tea tastes robust with a mild-to-moderate amount of astringency which is accented by the citrus notes.
This is a really nice black tea – one that maybe isn’t quite strong enough to serve as a breakfast tea alternative … but instead, one I’d like to sip in the afternoon – it’s something that would warm me up and energize me at the same time.
On The Eleventh Day of Christmas, Della Terra Teas Sent to Me …
By the time you’ll be reading this, my family will have already celebrated their holiday, because we chose to celebrate on the 23rd. My oldest daughter, who is now married, will be spending the 24th and the 25th with her in-laws, and we decided that we’d rather push up our holiday celebration and have her enjoy the day with us than to have it on the “official” day and not have her here.
And really, that’s what holidays should be about. Not about presents, not about decorations … but about family. And of course, TEA! (with me, everything is about tea!)
And here is the tea that Della Terra Teas sent for this Eleventh Day of Christmas …
Winter Nog
Leaf Type: Rooibos
Where to Buy: Della Terra Teas
Tisane Description:
Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, except for you … and you are awake to steep this delightful, creamy rooibos nog tea!
So, sit back, relax, and enjoy this sip by sip as you wait by the chimney for Ole St. Nick.
Learn more about this tisane here.
Taster’s Review:
The first thing I noticed about this tisane is the cute little snowflake candies … very festive! The aroma was noticeably vanilla-y, and I also detect a note of spice to the scent.
If I recall correctly, this 12 Days of Christmas tea box from Della Terra Teas has had 2 rooibos tisanes in it (well, thus far … there’s still tomorrow!) and of the two, I have to say that this one delivers much more of the flavor that the name of it promises. This tastes much more like egg nog than the Gingerbread Man tasted of gingerbread. Oh, that one still tasted good, it just didn’t taste like any gingerbread that I had ever tasted. This one, though … this tastes like egg nog. The only thing that is missing for me is the texture … it’s not quite creamy enough – texture wise – for me to declare this as a perfect “Winter Nog.”
It’s still good though, and flavor wise, it is plenty creamy. Unfortunately, with rooibos tisanes, the texture is a difficult thing to capture, because rooibos tends to feel rather thin on the palate. I will say that this feels a little creamier on the palate than say … unflavored rooibos. And it tastes a whole lot better than unflavored rooibos too! ha!
And actually, I kind of like the combination of egg nog flavors together with the nutty flavor of the rooibos. It just kind of … works together. I taste a heavy note of cinnamon, a hint of nutmeg, and creamy vanilla. I find myself wanting just a tad more of that egg-y custard-y taste that is present in a glass of egg nog, but, overall, this is pretty tasty. And every once in a while, I think I’m tasting a hint of rum … but, maybe that’s just my imagination.
A nice way to spend Christmas eve … curled up with this tisane!
LiShan Oolong, Winter from The Mountain Tea Company
Leaf Type: Green Oolong
Where to Buy: The Mountain Tea Company
Tea Description:
Our Winter LiShan coats the palate with orchid, pineapple, and vanilla bean. “LiShan” means Pear Mountain and in the past, the most sought after pears came from this place. This highland climate with an altitude of more than 6600 feet above sea level produces especially superior teas. LiShan oolongs are the most fragrant, smoothest, butteriest oolongs, incredibly sweet with a taste of toasted fruit.
Learn more about this tea here.
Taster’s Review:
I have only recently discovered tea from The Mountain Tea Company but I am so very glad that I have.
I have enjoyed every tea I have tried from them so far.
The aroma of this tea in dry form is amazing. Such a strong delicious scent yet so difficult to explain. There is something quite roasty and toasty about this tea yet it is a green oolong. There is a smokey aroma but that does not convey in the steeped cup.
Steeped it is fresh, grassy, vegetal, and crisp. Refreshingly delightful and just simply splendrous cold brewed!
There is such a sweet honey like flavor with a bright clear finish. The sweetness does not linger in a cloying manner but rather leaves behind the flavor of fresh cut grass.
There is a lightly floral note of orchid and some fruity notes mixed throughout the flavors on the palate and a lovely lilting vanilla note that drifts over the taste buds but dissipates quickly making me want more.
While the cup is fresh and bright there is a deep creamy mouthfeel before hand – so the initial taste is that of deeply creamy and buttery followed with the clear cleansing finish.
I know I am just not doing this tea any justice in my review but I am just so very excited to be sipping on this tea right now. I want to sit back and enjoy it yet my excitement to share information about this tea with everyone can’t wait. I just want to get it all out and written down right as the flavors and notes come dancing forward for me so that you can experience in its truest form – outside of having it for yourself. I want you to be in the moment with me while I have this spectacular tea!
I do hope to get more of this before I drink it all, and it won’t be difficult to justify as it is one of the more exquisite teas I could invest in.
As a reviewer I can drink upwards of 10 cups of tea a day, some days more, some less, and I don’t review them all. I only review those teas I would suggest to others. Be it a solid beginner tea, a tea for those who are looking only for the best, or something in the middle. Even though I may not particularly like every tea personally, due to simply perhaps not enjoying a flavor element for example, I try to be quite fair in my reviews. Regardless, this is a tea I would recommend to everyone. Beginners should use this tea as a baseline for all other teas, specifically Oolongs if you are finding you love Oolongs. For those who have been drinking tea for some time you won’t be disappointed in this tea, or The Mountain Tea Company. I certainly am not as experienced as some but thus far I have to say this is one of the most enjoyable oolongs I have had the honor of sipping.
Sometimes we just get so excited about a tea – after drinking one after another – one simply stands out above the others. As for Oolongs, I would stand behind this one hands down as supreme.