On the Third Day of Christmas, 52Teas sent to me…

Having had 2 black teas for the first two days of this sampler, I was looking forward to having something a little different – perhaps something a little lighter and maybe even a little fruity?  Well, apparently Frank (aka the Willy Wonka of Teas) had the same idea, and chose the perfect tea for Day 3.

Speaking of which, don’t you think it would be neat to have a 12 days of Christmas Sampler that was inspired by the song?  It would be a bit challenging, of course, to fit teas with some of those days, but, it doesn’t have to be literal … it could be an interpretation.  I know that Frank touched on this idea a bit last year with his introduction of the Partridgeberry in a Pear Tea (and I still giggle a bit whenever I type out that name) … but I think it could be a fun idea.

Anyway… I’m babbling, when I should be talking about today’s tea:


I was a little surprised to see this one in this sampler, only because it seems like it hasn’t been that long since I tried it and reviewed it.  But then, I looked at the date of my review – August!  Wow… time flies when you’re having fun I guess.

This tea is a light, crisp and refreshing tea.  I am sitting here, enjoying it hot, but it makes an even better iced tea!  I enjoyed this several times as the warm days of summer came to a close.

One thing that I’m noticing this time around, though, and I don’t know if it is because this is a whole new batch or what – but this is a less pucker-y tart Strawberry Lemonade.  I still get a strong sense of tartness in the finish which lingers into the aftertaste.  You know that tingly-tart sensation that sort of tickles the tongue?  Yeah, I’m getting that, but, in the actual sip, I notice a sweeter, smoother lemon-y taste than the way I remember it.

I know that 52Teas has begun reviving these teas that are included in the 12 Days of Christmas Sampler, and this is one that I’d recommend stocking up on for iced tea brewing!

White Ginger from Golden Moon Tea

Tea Information:

Leaf Type:  White

Where to Buy:  Golden Moon Tea

Product Description:

White tea leaves and Yin Zhen buds blended with freshly dried ginger root.

When you fell ill in my family, my mother applied her version of an ancient Chinese remedy. It didn’t matter if it was a stomach ache, sore throat or cold or flu symptoms – she would serve ginger tea. She probably knew that ginger tea was said to be healing and cleansing, though I doubt she knew that the white tea it was mixed with was high in anti-oxidants. Nevertheless, it worked, especially served in traditional Chinese fashion – with lemon and honey. I recommend you drink yours similarly.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

Wow!  What a surprise!  I expected this tea to be a strong, ginger-y cup, but, nothing could be further from the truth.  Sure, there’s ginger in there, but, it isn’t an overpoweringly ginger-y taste.  Here, the ginger is light and ever so pleasant.

Don’t get me wrong, I love ginger, and I love it good and strong.  But, it is really nice to sometimes have something that catches me off-guard, like this tea has.  It tastes warm and peppery, as I would expect from ginger, but, it is so subtle.  Subtle enough to not overpower the soft flavor of the white tea leaves and buds.

And that is what makes this tea so special.  The white tea tastes so amazing!  It is crisp and refreshing.  The flavor is so gentle and soothing and delicious.  It reminds me a bit of the ginger ale I used to be given as a child when I was feeling under the weather … it was always given to me a little bit flat and warm, because I was told that it would help settle my stomach.  I enjoyed it like that (is that weird?), because it was still sweet and spiced, and I wasn’t really very fond of carbonation anyway.

Golden Moon Tea is one of my favorite companies (I have several favorites!) and the reason is not only their fantastic selection of high quality teas but also their commitment to providing the best customer service.  I placed an order with them very recently, just a small order containing several samples that were not just for me, but also for a friend of mine, as I was putting together a gift package for her and wanted to include some tea.  I was a little concerned about getting my order on time, because I had a deadline that I needed to get my package mailed, and the order was a last minute “afterthought.”  I contacted Marcus from Golden Moon, and he made sure that I got my order in record time – even though this IS the holiday season and the postal service’s busiest time of the year.  I can’t thank them enough for helping me make my package all the more special!  Golden Moon Tea rocks!

White Eagle Long Life Green Tea from Imperial Tea Garden

Tea Information:

Leaf Type:  Green

Where to Buy:  Imperial Tea Garden

Product Description:

At 17.65% by dry weight, White Eagle Long Life green tea is one of the highest polyphenol antioxidant teas on the planet.  The cup is abound with astringency, however, to the trained palate, notes of honey & orchid like sweetness intermingle.  The unique production method of this Mao Feng tea grown in the Hunan Province of China, is highly regulated to ensure its authenticity. White Eagle Long Life’s reputation is preserved in the likes of
other great Mao Feng teas such as Dragon Well.  White Eagle long life green tea may not grant immortality, however, the health benefits from removing oxidative stress is unsurpassed.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

This is the case of the green tea that made me think it’s a white tea … at least, until I tasted it. 

The name was my first “hint” that this might be a white tea.  And then there is the appearance of the dry leaves.  These look like they could be a green tea with lots of silvery white tips … or a white tea with lots of … well, silvery white tips.

And then there is the color of the liquor … if this is green tea, it is certainly one of the lightest infusions I’ve yet to see.  It looks like … well, it looks like a white tea to me.

But the flavor and aroma give it away.

The aroma is grassy and sweet, reminding me of the smell of young grass in the springtime.  The flavor has a very distinct “green-tea-ness” – fresh and vegetative, with a crisp sweetness.  Sure, these words could be easily used to describe a white tea just as easily as a green, but, the flavor with this tea is stronger than a typical white.  It tastes like a green tea, and this is one of the sweeter green teas that I’ve tasted, with well-defined floral notes and a honey-esque sweetness that lingers.

The description of this tea suggests a strong astringency, and at the start, I didn’t really get that.  I detected some astringency, certainly, but, I certainly would not describe this tea as astringent.  As I continue to sip, the astringency builds slightly, but only slightly.  Perhaps it is the way I chose to steep it?  I put a generous amount of the tea (a heaping teaspoonful) of tea into my gaiwan, and heated the water to 170°F, and infused the first infusion for 1 minute, adding 15 seconds to each subsequent infusion.  This produced a lovely tea, and made for six very flavorful infusions.

So, whether you are a fan of white tea, or of green tea, this is a tea that you should definitely try!

Yunnan White Jasmine from Verdant Tea

Tea Information:

Leaf Type:  White

Where to Buy:  Verdant Tea

Product Description:

This jasmine has helped us understand what jasmine is all about.  It starts with a silky smooth silver needle white tea from Yunnan with notes of cinnamon sweetness.  Jasmine blossoms are scattered around the tea while drying for several nights in a row, and removed in the morning to be replaced by fresh blossoms, scenting the tea in the traditional method.  The result is a perfectly integrated flavor, that starts off with the textures of a white tea, and sweetness drawn out and extended by a silky jasmine aroma.  Continue steeping this out, and an intriguing apricot jam flavor starts to come out and compliment the subtle spice of the yunnan white.  In later steepings there is even the slightest hint of pine needle.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

What a splendid jasmine!

Some time ago on Steepster, I recall reading a forum post from an individual who suggested that scented teas were of inferior quality.  I think that if that sipper were to try this Yunnan White Jasmine, they just might change their mind!

Of course, just like any thing else, there are good scented teas and there are bad ones.  This is definitely one of the good ones!  I’d even go so far as to say one of the best.  The deliciously sweet, light white Yunnan tea has a delightful flavor that possesses fruit-like tones and hints of that peppery spice for which Yunnan black teas are often celebrated.  It has a creaminess to it that when combined with the sweet, luscious flavor of the jasmine becomes quite an indulgence.

My jasmine Yixing mug holds about five infusions from my gaiwan, so I steeped these leaves five times and combined all five infusions in my Yixing.  It is interesting because the flavors change with each infusion, so I taste many different things in this cup.  The sip starts with the sweetness of jasmine, along with just a hint of spice.

By mid-sip, the creamy flavor washes over the palate, and as the sip nears the finish, an intriguing, almost-resinous note arrives … it almost tastes of pine or perhaps rosemary.  I thought maybe my palate was playing tricks on me, until I read through the tasting notes from Verdant Tea, and I notice that they also experienced this flavor.

What a truly remarkable jasmine tea … it will surprise even the most seasoned of jasmine aficionados out there!

White Chocolate Spiced Chai from Culinary Teas

Tea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black

Where to Buy:  Culinary Teas

Product Description:

This Spiced Chai has seasonal Malabar Coast spices, the sweet caramel comes to the fore front with a sensuous Belgian White Chocolate finish. Spices include Ginger, Cardamom, Coriander, Cinnamon, Cloves and Black Pepper.

Taster’s Review:

Wow!  What a wonderful way to wake up!

The black tea is a blend of teas from India and Sri Lanka.  It’s a pleasant black tea flavor:  strong but not overwhelming, astringent but not too much, while offering hints of malt and a caramel-y undertone that enhances the flavor delivery.

The description above is pretty spot-on, in my opinion.  The sip starts out smooth and sweet with caramel flavor.  The spices are fairly mellow, but that’s really what’s called for in a blend like this.  It’s not all about the spices and it shouldn’t be.  Instead, the spices are warm and comforting, and work well to highlight that delectable caramel flavor as well as the white chocolate, which emerges at the finish.

It is also near the finish where the spices come forth with a peppery kick.  Not a strong kick, but just enough to let you know that this is a chai you’re sipping.  The tea finishes sweet, chocolate-y and with a slightly dry, cleansing astringency which prepares the palate for a softly sweet, very pleasant aftertaste that is almost as enjoyable as the sip itself.

This is a real treat!