Tea Information:
Leaf Type: Black Tea
Where to Buy: Uniq Teas
Tea Description:
Uniq Teas Earl Grey loose leaf tea is a fine blend of black tea with the zesty and fragrant aroma of top quality Bergamot oil. A classic black tea loved across the world. Uniq Teas Earl Grey delivers a timeless and classic tea with its rich, full-bodied black tea taste and exotic citrus flavor. For a refined exquisite taste and memorable aroma, Uniq Teas Earl Grey Tea infuses the citrus punch of the bergamot fruit. A refreshing and bright cup of tea for anytime of your day.
Taster’s Review:
It’s Earl Grey time! As most of you are probably aware by now, Earl Grey is one of my very favorite black tea flavors of all time. And this Earl Grey Black Tea from Uniq Teas is an excellent Earl Grey selection. The black tea base is smooth and rich tasting, and the bergamot is good and strong.
And since it seems like at least once a week I’m here all giddy over some Earl Grey tea, it might lead one to think that I love ALL Earl Grey teas that I try. But that isn’t true. I’ve tried more than a few that have not been up to par. More often than not, the culprit for a bad Earl Grey is in the bergamot flavoring. A good quality bergamot oil is essential for a good Earl Grey tea, and I’m tasting a really superb quality bergamot here with this Earl Grey from Uniq Teas.
And it’s also … just a wee bit different from some Earl Grey teas that I’ve tried, too. This bergamot tastes just a little bit sweeter than the typical bergamot, which tends to be somewhat tangy. This still has that classic tangy bergamot taste, but, there is a smoother, sweeter tone to this as well. No … this isn’t an Earl Grey creme, either! This is just … a really nice, refreshing take on Earl Grey!
And the black tea has a robust character to it, but isn’t overwhelming. It melds really nicely with the bergamot to create a delightful partnership of flavors that is both rich and flavorful. A really lovely Earl Grey tea!
Oh … and if you’re still wondering … YES! Uniq Teas does still do customized blends! You might recall that the SororiTea Sisters team did our own blends (and you can buy those blends as well as other blends created by Uniq Teas too!) A custom blend would make an incredible gift for the tea lover in your life … even if that tea lover is you!
SororiTea’s Tri Pi Chai from Uniq Teas
Tea Information:
Leaf Type: White & Black Teas
Where to Buy: Uniq Teas
Tea Description:
Started with a White Chai Base added a hint of Caramel & Raspberry. Aromatic, Spicy, Sweet, fruit and vegetal notes underneath with a overall medium strength flavor. A Sororitea Sisters White/Black Tea Blend.
Taster’s Review:
After enjoying my own blend from Uniq Teas, I really looked forward to trying the blends that my SororiTea Sisters created. This SororiTea’s Tri Pi Chai was crafted by Jennifer aka TeaEqualsBliss, and she used a base of White Chai, and blended that with a touch of Caramel Black tea and Raspberry Black tea.
And I really like this. I like that I taste both the black and the white tea here, the white tea isn’t overpowered by the black tea. The black tea tastes like a lighter black tea – imagine resteeping the leaves of a black tea twice … the flavor would be significantly lighter, and that’s what I taste here. I still get the essence of the earthy, black tea flavor but, it’s lighter than a typical black tea – not so robust and strong.
The white tea is actually the stronger of the two teas, and it tastes fresh and delicate and there is a creaminess to it that complements the flavor of the caramel quite nicely.
The spiciness of the chai is fairly mild, I taste cardamom and cinnamon, and maybe just a hint of ginger. There’s just a touch of that prickly, peppery taste of the ginger that hits the back of the tongue. And the lemongrass adds a brightness to the cup … it doesn’t taste overly citrus-y … it’s just sort of … bright.
The caramel is soft, as is the raspberry. I think that the raspberry is a little stronger than the caramel … or at least, it’s more noticeable in this cup. It tastes sweet, tart, and has that berry tingle in the aftertaste. The caramel is more like a presence of sweetness rather than an obvious caramel-y taste.
Overall, this is something I really enjoyed. I really like how the flavors come together and provide a taste that is a little bit sweet, a little bit spicy, a little bit tart and a whole lot of tasty!
Nutty & Sweet SororiTEA from Uniq Teas

Tea Information:
Leaf Type: Genmaicha, Green
Where to Buy: Uniq Teas
Tea Description:
Delicious nutty genmaicha blended with sweet succulent strawberry green tea. This is Azzrian’s blend. Azzrian loves genmaicha, and strawberry teas are her weakness, so she combined the two. A mix of nutty and sweet, just like her!
55% Genmai-cha / 45% Strawberry Orchid
Learn more about this tea here.
Taster’s Review:
A huge Thank you goes out to Uniq Teas for giving me a chance to create my own blend!
Nutty & Sweet SororiTEA from Uniq Teas is a blend of two of my favorite things, Genmaicha and Strawberries!
I love a good genmaicha, and I adore the fresh sweet flavor of strawberries. Combined it is the most wonderful flavor you can imagine! In some ways it reminds me of a Long Island Strawberry Tea, which is one of my summer staples! It has that really ripe, fresh, and not overly sweet strawberry flavor.
If you are looking for a strawberry flavor that is intensely sweet to the point of almost cloying, or an artificial soda pop flavor of strawberry then this tea is not for you. This is something very natural tasting, very refreshing, and of course add to that the genmaicha, which is savory, nutty, green, etc … its just delicious!
I named my tea to reflect my personality which is somewhat nutty, somewhat sweet, but perhaps not too much of either on its own. I also can certainly be bitter from time to time so you want to be sure that you steep my tea blend correctly or it could, like me, get a little snappy! It is fresh (I can be a little fresh at times) and refreshing, (I would like to think I can be) with its grassy natural flavors, (I do love nature), and excellent cooled or iced. Also like LiberTEA, and TeaEqualsBliss, who also created and named their own blends, I wanted my tea blend to represent our Sisterhood! It is the perfect blend when you want to get some grounding earthy goodness or when you want to feel rejuvenated!
See TeaEqualsBliss’s review and her tea here. See LiberTEA’S review and her tea here.
I love my blend and now you have a chance to win a custom blend of your own! Check it out here.
Sororitea Sisters’ Tri Pi Chai Blend from Uniq Teas
Tea Type:
Black Tea/White Tea Blend, Chai
Where to Buy:
Uniq Teas
Product Description:
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution
Follow us: @uniqteas on Twitter | UniqTeas on Facebook
Tasters Review:
If you are a regular reader of ours here at Sororitea Sisters you are aware that Uniq Teas allowed the 3 of us here to blend our own tea and this is mine in the series of 3!
The Tri Pi Chai was the one I blended thru their wonderful service!
You can find this blend here
It’s made up of:
70% White Chai / 15% Caramelicious / 15% Raspberry
I wanted to do a Chai but not a ‘regular’ chai. I’ve always been intrigued by WHITE Chai’s – I can’t really explain why but I like them and like the tinker with them. This was the very first thought I had when I saw that as an option on their site!
But I also wanted both WHITE and BLACK Teas in them. I didn’t want the black tea to over power the white, tho. BUT…I did want to taste both. Most of the other attempts I have tried with the black and white combined you can’t taste the white…so…fingers crossed!
I also wanted this to be just a little sweet and a tad fruity so that is why I went with a little bit of the caramel and raspberry combo-ed offerings!
I wanted to try infusing this a 1 minute or under FIRST so that is what I did.
Here were my findings:
First…the DRY leaf aroma – right from the tin – smells like white tea, gentle spices, raspberries, citrus, a pinch of sugary and I am chalking that up to the caramel, as well as a little woodsy. It has some interesting yin and yang or masculine and feminine type aromas to it. I like how the opposites seem to attract in this!
This blend – at 1 minute or under – infuses to a medium brown color with a neat copper glow.
To the nose – the liquor smells warming, comforting, mellower, and slightly fruity, floral, and woodsy…all at the same time! WOW! How different…but that is what I was HOPING for!!!
Now the taste…
“Oh…WOW!” were the first two words that came out of my mouth! WHITE TEA! YAY! But there was MORE to it!
It has a nice white tea flavor up front that is mellower but still pushing thru and noticeable. The Chai Spices are subtle and I am ok with that! I didn’t want them to over power! The white tea also provides an interesting floral flavor working with the spices or maybe just a tad more than the spices. The Caramel is also hiding out in the background and does contribute an oh-so-small-hint of sweetness to possibly tone down the floral flavor. More importantly – I think the Caramel assists with the texture and gives it a nice creaminess to the middle of the sip. However, as it continues to cool at room temperature I can taste the caramel more and I like it! I also think the black tea working with the caramel works well, here, again, I didn’t want it to overpower the white and I really don’t think it did. YAY! Also as it cools the Raspberry started to come out to play more and it’s really welcoming and fun! It’s just enough to make you say “What’s that? Fruit!?” So, yeah, I guess I just really wanted this to be complex…but I wanted it to be interesting and diverse, but jive in it’s own certain way. Just like a Sorority I guess. So far…I think this reached those things.
I named this Tri Pi Chai for a few reasons! One being…The SororiTEA Sisters are made up of 3 Tea Lovin’ Sista’s…Liberteas, Azzrian, and myself. We are all different but we all love tea and we all work well together. I also named this Tri Pi Chai to do a little Play on Words to work hand-in-hand with SororiTEA Sisters. Also because I used 3 different offerings Uniq Teas offered.
The more I drink this the more I like it and as it cools the flavors dance around and become more youthful and seem to morph at different temperatures!
I will experiment with this at different temperatures but I am really liking it with a shorter infusion time, so far.
Special THANKS to Uniq Teas for this awesomely-fun opportunity!
We’re Back with Another Giveaway!
This contest is now closed! Please keep watching our site for more giveaways – on their way!!!
Hello Everyone! After just a short break during our Season of Giveaways, we are back with an amazing offer that will result in not just one winner at it’s conclusion – but THREE winners! Wowza!
This week’s giveaway is sponsored by a company that I only recently discovered: Uniq Teas! This company recently contacted us with an offer for each of the SororiTea Sisters to create their own unique blend. Here’s my review of my tea, that I call Sweet & Sassy SororiTea. It’s a delicious blend of black teas flavored with caramel, almond and masala chai spices! It’s a little bit sweet, a little bit spicy, and a whole lot yummy! Be sure to watch for additional reviews on our other blends from TeaEqualsBliss (SororiTea’s Tri Pi Chai) and Azzrian (Nutty & Sweet SororiTea) … coming soon!
In the meantime, this amazing company would like to extend their offer to three of our lucky readers via this giveaway. That’s right! Visit their website now, and create your own blend! You can do this FREE! Just register an account on their website and start creating. Once you’ve created your blend, come back here, and comment on this blog post. Tell us about the blend you’ve created, and include a link back to the newly created blend so that we can check it out!
What I love about Uniq Teas is not only are we able to create and order our own unique blends, but we can also shop through the amazing assortment of blends that other people have come up with, and try those too!
So be sure to make it a great blend – something you want to drink, because at the end of the giveaway, I’ll be selecting (via Random.org) not just one, but THREE lucky winners to win a tin (these tins are beautiful – complete with your own label artwork!) filled with their own unique creation shipped right to their door, courtesy of Uniq Teas!
Your entry will be your comment that includes a link to the page of your creation. Your comment should also include a way for us to get in touch with you (your email address or let us know your Steepster User ID so that we can PM you) so that we can get in touch with you if you’re one of the lucky THREE winners this week!
Additional entries can be earned by doing the following:
- Tweet about this contest. Be sure to include a link to the contest as well as @SororiTeaSister on tweet so that we can easily find the tweet, and mention that you tweeted in the comments section, so that we can add your entry to the drawing.
- Share this contest on Facebook. Let your Facebook friends know about this contest by writing about it on your Facebook page, and include a link to the contest on your Facebook page, so that your friends can easily access the contest information, and come back here and let us know that you’ve done this, and provide a link so that we can check out your Facebook page.
- Like Uniq Teas on Facebook! This is a real simple step that can earn you an extra entry. Be sure to tell us that you’ve done this in the comment section so that we can add your entry.
- Follow Uniq Teas on Twitter! Another easy entry! Be sure to let us know that you’re following Uniq Teas on Twitter so that you receive your entry.
- Follow Uniq Teas on Pinterest! Easy peasy! Be sure to let us know that you’re following Uniq Teas on Twitter so that you receive your entry.
- And how about TWO bonus entries? Just share your newly created tea on Pinterest! The Uniq Teas gallery of teas shows all the amazing teas that have been created, and use that gallery to add a photo of your tea blend to one of your Pinterest Boards,t hen come back here and include a link back to the photo you’ve pinned. Your Pin should include a link back to this contest so that your Pinterest followers can check out the contest for themselves!
So … you are able to earn up to SEVEN additional entries by following these simple steps! Awesome!
This contest is open to US residents. You can enter to win now through January 1o, 2013. On January 11, I will select THREE winners via Random.org, and contact them. You will have three days from that time to respond to the inquiry – this is for verification purposes so that we can forward your information to Uniq Teas so time is of the essence! Once we have verified your status, you could be announced as one of our lucky winners this week!
What a great way to start the new year – with your very own creation from Uniq Teas! I can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with!