Trader Joe’s Peppermint Tea. . . .

I love peppermint tea. I love the way it both relaxes and uplifts me. I especially love having a cup when I’m having stuffy sinus issues. It just wakes me up, and makes me feel happy to start my day.

I was at Trader Joe’s yesterday, and I decided to try their peppermint tea. You cannot beat the price. I paid $1.79 for a box containing twenty tea bags. They’re practically giving it away!

I brewed myself a cup this morning, and knew I was going to love it as soon as the boiling water hit the tea bag. My whole kitchen smelled minty right away! It has a wonderful mint flavor, not too strong and not too weak. It’s definitely a very high quality peppermint tea, don’t let the low price scare you.

My tummy was a little upset after breakfast because i just had to have that last bite when I shouldn’t have, and so I had another cup of this tea, and it really did help settle my stomach, I feel much better now.

This is definitely a new favorite, and with an absolutely unbeatable price I see this being a staple in my tea cupboard.

I imagine this would make a really refreshing ice tea as well. I plan on making a big pitcher this summer to help cool off after a long hot day.

This tea is caffeine free, so it’s safe for those of us trying to watch out caffeine intake, and it’s also perfect for anytime of the day or evening!

If you have a Trader Joe’s near you, I can’t recommend trying this delicious, refreshing tea enough!

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Herbal
Where to Buy :  Trader Joe’s

Visit your local Trader Joe’s for more info!