Breakfast Blend Black Tea from Rington’s Premium English Teas

breakfastblendTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black

Where to Buy:  Rington’s Premium English Teas

Tea Description:

Ringtons English Breakfast Tea is a superior black tea blend from Assam and Kenya, with a strong and refreshing taste. With a medium/high caffeine content, this bright and lively blend is strong enough to help wake you up in the morning.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

The first thing I have to say about this one is that it really surprised me. I don’t drink a lot of bagged tea at the moment, but it generally seems much of a muchness to me when I do. At least in the UK, the flavour profiles of “breakfast blend” style black teas seem very similar – sweet, malty, strong, and otherwise fairly nondescript. Until now. At first glance, Ringtons English Breakfast looks like your typical bagged black tea. It’s in a square paper bag, and is about half full with finely shredded leaf. The scent is typical “black tea”. I used one bag for my cup, and gave it 3.5 minutes in boiling water. It brewed up a pretty strong-looking red-brown, so I added a splash of milk.

I wasn’t expecting much, except perhaps a quality black bagged tea – an everyday sort of experience, I thought. Not at all. It’s delicious! The first thing I picked up on is the strong baked bread flavour, which I’ve never before experienced except in fairly premium loose leaf varieties. It’s sweet and malty through the mid-sip, perfectly smooth with no bitterness or astringency at all. Right at the end of the sip, there’s the tiniest hint of milk chocolate. I don’t know what varieties of tea went into this blend specifically, but I’m guessing there must be an Assam, probably a Chinese black, and something else that I can’t quite put my finger on. It’s not floral, exactly, although that was my first thought, so I don’t think it’s a Darjeeling. Maybe a Ceylon, or something Kenyan? It’s certainly intriguing!

I thoroughly enjoyed this cup. It has a real depth of flavour, and it’s almost completely unique amongst the bagged breakfast teas I’ve tried in my time. I’d happily drink this one again – I actually think it might be replacing my normal breakfast tea for a while. It’s just too delicious to pass up!

Rose Royal from Lupicia

RoseRoyalTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black

Where to Buy: Lupicia

Tea Description:

A black tea with enchanting aromas of sparkling wine and sweet strawberries. LUPICIA’s Signature tea.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

If you haven’t taken a whiff of this tea while its steeping, you are missing out.  This tea had such an amazing sweet candy with an almost berry dessert wine profile.

I received this tea bag from a fellow tea pal from Steepster and was excited to try it.  Lupicia has some amazing teas.  With a name like Rose Royal, I just knew this had to be amazing.

Steeped this up like a traditional black but made an error.  I left the tea bag in.  This tea turned bitter quickly.  The first few sips were fabulous.  The taste matched the aroma I was loving.  Sweet Berry Wine with a strong black tea base.  Oh so good.  Hit all the right notes.  A flavored tea that isn’t overwhelming.

But then I got distracted with a phone call here and an email there.  When I went back to the tea, it was a bitter sad brew.  I could still smell that amazing aroma but the taste had turned on me.

Even tho my first jaunt with this tea didn’t turn out the way I wanted to, I still loved those first few sips.  This tea will be on my list to pick more up once I sipdown some more teas.  Which this is #14.  Woot Woot!

Awake from Tazo Tea

TazoAwakeTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black

Where to Buy:  Tazo

Tea Description:

A breakfast-style black tea of malty boldness and bright flavor, invigorating any time of day.

The sun peeks over the horizon through the clouds, a star streaks undetected across the sky and the world begins anew. This bold and flavorful blend of black teas will send you down the day’s path wondering where it will take you and if it’s possible to bring along a friend.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

This is another tea from my tea stash that for some reason I seem to have a lot of it.  I think at one time, this was my go to tea in the mornings at work.  I rarely drink it anymore but I’m on my mission to drink up some of this tea I have so here we go!

Awake is one of the better Tazo teas in my opinion.  Just be careful with it.  It turns on you quick and becomes very bitter.

I brewed the tea up like I do my black tea-212F-3 min.  I let this cool off for a few minutes and took my time enjoying the tea.

This may not be the black tea around, but its tasty! I like the bold yet subtle nature of the tea. There is a nice malty feel in each sip and there are no hints of astringency around.  Just smooth rich black tea. Another no mess no fuss tea that is perfect for those busy mornings or when you just need to do a grab and go kinda tea.  What is also great is that most grocery stores carry this tea so it is easily accessible.

I’ll be happy when I can proudly say “SIPDOWN” (when all the teabags are gone).  But this isn’t such a bad tea to drink this afternoon. It is definitely giving me a bit of a pep in my step for the afternoon.

Raspberry Rose Hibiscus from The Republic of Tea

RaspberryRoseHibiscusTea Information:

Leaf Type: Herbal

Where to Buy:  The Republic of Tea

Tea Description:

Herb Tea for Sweethearts – Every day should be a celebration of love. Raise a cup of this romantic blend with a base of flavorful, healthy Nigerian hibiscus. Sweet, ripe raspberries and delicate rose petals add fruity and floral notes. Enjoy this caffeine-free blend with the ones you cherish.

Raspberry Rose Hibiscus is a limited-edition, seasonal blend. When it’s gone, it’s gone.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

Oh my! Can you say raspberry candy aroma?!? I think you can.

This tea bag smells just like raspberry candy.  Incredibly fruity and very sweet smelling. This is another tea bag that I found in a box that I have sorely neglected.  I thought I’d try this one as a nice after lunch sort of treat.  Typically right after lunch, I crave something sweet.  I’m hoping this herbal will do the trick!

I threw this tea bag in a cuppa water that was boiling for about 5 minutes.  Since there is hibiscus in this, I didn’t want to let it steep for too long.  First sip and I really am not getting any true flavors except just for a hot beverage.  So I decided to let this steep just a bit longer.

Took another sip and while this smells so sweet and candy like, the flavor is more mild and subtle.  The raspberry and rose are gentle but bring a nice quiet flavor.  There is a sweetness there but I can’t really put my finger on what is bringing the sweetness out. I see that in the ingredients listed there is vanilla, but I don’t think that is it.

I’m quite surprised with this tea.  With the fragrance that is coming from my tea cup, you’d think I was drinking the sweetest sugary raspberry tea that there ever was.  Instead I am greeted with this relaxed slightly raspberry slightly floral herbal tea.  I can barely even taste the hibiscus.  This might be one I need to experiment and play with more.  Maybe even try this one as a cold brew or iced tea.  I’m quite content with this one.

Usually I feel that The Republic of Tea has either hit or miss teas. . This one just might be a hit.

Alps Breeze from Lipton

LiptonLogoTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Herbal

Where to Buy: Lipton

Tea Description:

Don’t see this one listed on the website anymore but I did find a Steepster review page. This looks to be an older tea or one that is available only overseas.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

Still on my journey to drink down some of my tea cupboard when I came across this delight. Yes.  Another tea bag.  And to my surprise, I’m drinking Lipton.  I can’t remember the last time I drank Lipton so I’m curious to see what I think.

Lipton seems to be one of the tea companies a lot of newbie tea drinkers tend to stray towards.  I think its more of a convenience factor.  You can find Lipton teas pretty much at every grocery store around.  This particular tea is a mint and eucalyptus herbal tea.  I couldn’t find it on their website but I did find a Steepster entry for this blend.

Brewed this like I would any herbal- 5 min with 212F for the water temperature.  I took a sip and felt that the flavor wasn’t as strong as it should be so I let the tea bag stay in the water for a few more minutes.

Took another sip and I can’t say that I don’t like this but I can’t say that I like it either.  This is one of those teas that you like just about everything in the flavor profile except for one ingredient.  In this one, I think it might be the eucalyptus.  I’ve had eucalyptus in tea before and liked it but maybe mixed with mint, this one has a weird one off flavor.  Or maybe this is just an older tea.

I have a few more tea bags of this one so I’m going to try a cold brew to see if the weird flavor mellows out a bit.  Regardless, it was still a fun tea to try!