Smooth Strawberry Dream from Tea Gschwender. . . .

This honeybush blend has caramel and strawberry in it. Can you say “nom nom nom”? Try it. Say “nom nom nom.” I will not continue this review until you do.

Okay, I’m now going to assume you’ve done it. I trust you.

This is a vibrant, creamy confection that tastes like frozen yogurt. Like a “strawberry cheesecake” flavored frozen yogurt. The effect is doubled if you ice your cup.

This blend tastes like it should be loaded with calories, but I don’t think tea comes with calories.* So you have a great dessert substitute right here. If you don’t think about it too hard, you’ll feel the same joy.

*Listen, Weight Watchers says tea is free unless you add other stuff to it. Oprah would not lie to us. She loves us all.

I’m probably going to buy a vat of this and drink it iced whenever I want to throw junk food down my gullet. I don’t know how successful it’ll be, but I need to try.

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Honeybush
Where to Buy: Tea Gschwender

Discover new depths of sweetness. Caramel and strawberry swirl effortlessly with South African honeybush for a guilt and caffeine free dessert blend.

Ingredients: Honeybush tea from Africa, caramel bits, flavor, strawberry pieces and strawberry leaves.

*Contains lactose.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Strawberry TranquiliTEA from Cup of Love. . . . .

Strawberry TranquiliTEA is another lovely offering from Cup of Love. It contains green tea, REAL strawberries, and papaya pieces. 3 simple ingredients that really PROVE that LESS is MORE!

The green tea that is used is a light and smooth sencha. The strawberries I wouldn’t be surprised if Stavros at Cup of Love dried them himself! (I know he did with the watermelon in another of his flavors and it was AWESOME) And the Papaya chunks are plump and powerful. BOTH fruits present are deliciously mouthwatering!

It’s fragrant to the nose, juicy-sweet on the tongue, and comforting, relaxation, and shines a lingering JOY on my day!

This is as close to sunshine in a cup as you can get and I have to say I’m quite the fan! This is tasty hot, warm, cold, iced!

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Green Tea
Where to Buy: Cup of Love

Pure liquid relaxation!  A rich, elegant aroma and flavor that is both satisfying and enticing.  Distilled from the finest Sencha Green Tea and perfectly blended with mouthwatering strawberries and papaya, this lovely blend will transport  you to a place of sheer joy; peace and happiness.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Love Tea #7: The Fifty Shades of Grey of Teas from DAVIDsTea. . . . .

Dear David’s Tea,

What happened to Love Teas 1-6? Did you kill them, David? If so, how? If not, where are they? Are they okay? Can I check in on them?

But, David, between you and me, I’m glad they’re out of the picture.

Because this #7 is a delight. It’s like Valentine’s Day in a tea. Chocolate. Strawberries. Roses. You hit all the high points, plus it genuinely tastes good.

Did you see this in my wish list, David, and magic it into my Sororitea Sisters care package? Are you stalking me in addition to murdering your previous teas?

I’m cool with it, David. If you keep making luscious, rich teas like this that are totally not a ‘zert (but secretly are), I will forgive you. For the stalking. And the murder. I know you will deny both. But shhhhh. We live in the era of 50 Shades of Grey. Vaguely terrifying men like you, David, are very fashionable at the moment.

Oh, and David? Would it be weird if I asked you to tell my husband I want a tin of this ?

That’s definitely weird. Forget I asked.

Love, Super Starling!

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Black Tea
Where to Buy:  DAVIDsTea

A romantic blend of black tea, chocolate, strawberries and rose petals.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Berry Romantic from DAVIDs Tea. . . . .

They say to never judge a book by its cover. I know this– really, I do. But you guys. This tea is SO PRETTY. It might’ve tasted like swamp muck and I would’ve been too distracted by the big, beautiful flower buds and petals, strawberry pieces, and fairy-like flowery-somethings filling up my cup to actually notice.

Luckily, that’s not the case.

This tea delivers just as much on the palate as it does on the eyes, with creamy strawberry notes atop delicate, floral oolong leaves. With a little honey, it’s perfectly sweet– but even without, it’s a beautiful mix of creamy, fruity and just a touch floral. On a second steep, I lost a bit of the berry, with mostly that creamy floral oolong remaining, but I’m not complaining.

This tea is the perfect cup to sip in these late-winter-early-spring-but-not-quite-oh-here’s-some-more-snow-for-you days that us northerners are still plodding through. A book I’ll happily claim to live up to its cover!

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Oolong
Where to Buy:  DAVIDs Tea

A romantic strawberries-and-cream tea, strewn with pretty flower petals.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Alpine Strawberry from Mountain Witch Tea Company. . . . .

Around this time every year, I get a craving for berries. Fresh, bright, juicy and sweet– I don’t know if it’s subliminal marketing towards pinks and reds from all the Valentine’s Day goodness floating around in the month of February or the sheer ferocity of Midwestern cabin fever (let me eat a plant that doesn’t taste like water just once, PLEASE), but the craving just keeps getting stronger and stronger. So when I noticed this tea sitting in my stash, I was almost surprised that something promising bright, juicy berry flavors had even lasted this long into the winter!

The dry leaf is pretty innocuous, mostly homogenous leaves with a fairly traditional black tea scent. When brewed, it’s a nice dark and roasty golden that takes nicely to honey. I can’t say that I’m picking out too much of the vibrancy of fruit flavors that I was hoping for, but rather a more mellow, subdued freshness to balance the black that is pretty pleasant. Maybe my desire for magical flavors to transport me right back to summer had my hopes a little too high, but for a flavored black, it’s got some interesting notes with light and fresh notes coming out as I sip further. A lovely one to sip as we count down the days until spring (41, but who’s counting?!) (Me. I’m totally counting.)!

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Black Tea
Where to Buy:  Mountain Witch Tea Company

It’s so hard to find strawberry tea! So we made our own. Our Alpine Strawberry tea is a sweet, tart delight made with black tea, strawberry leaves and our special Alpine strawberry flavor. Great hot or iced.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!