You’ve eaten a ton of pizza and now you’re dragging. Grab some peppermint tea to put some pep back into your step. Granted this varies depending on the pizza you consume.
While I generally do not pick a peppermint tea I thought tonight was a good night to give it a go. This is a lovely one as far as peppermint goes. Though I still find the spearmint to be just a bit too much.
I love mint but I prefer regular mint to spearmint. The dry and wet aromas are pleasant. My lungs feel a bit cleansed. My tongue definitely does as well.
Want to Know More About This Tea?
Leaf Type: Herbal
Where to Buy: Brooke Birch Tea Shoppe
A after dinner mint tea at its finest. Great for the digestion system but lovely anytime. Makes a great dessert tea.
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Chamomile Blend Organic Fair Trade Tea/Storehouse Tea. . . .
I love to reach for a straight chamomile tisane or chamomile blend when I need to relax, so I was happy to try out this sample. The dry leaf smells like floral chamomile and mint.
The brewed tea smells of apple-like chamomile (losing some of that floral quality but gaining sweetness) and a touch of mint. The flavor itself is a solid chamomile tea that’s on the naturally sweeter side, though I’m not getting much of the “blend” part of it except for some gentle mint in the aftertaste.
Looking at the ingredients, there’s also lemon myrtle, lemongrass, and lavender in here, but I’d be lying if I said that I tasted any of that. I’m not missing it either, though. This hits the spot as a relaxing chamomile-forward tisane, which is exactly what I wanted it to be.
Want to Know More About This Tea?
Leaf Type: Herbal
Where to Buy: Storehouse Tea
Organic Chamomile with lemon myrtle, spearmint and lavender is a sweet, tranquil, 100% Organic, caffeine-free tea. Perfect for countering PMS, easing stress, relieving headaches or enhancing a peaceful night’s sleep.
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Antivirus from TeaTaxi. . . . .
One thing I never realized until I started drinking tea is that when I get sick, my tastebuds stop working. Sometimes when I’m sick, my food still tastes the same but with tea there is almost a void in my tastebuds. It is like some of my tastebuds work and some are muted so everything is just off and it is all too clear that something is missing. It’s at these times I either try to drink teas I didn’t really love to being with or sick teas such as this Antivirus tea by TeaTaxi.
Made with peppermint, spearmint, rosehips, almonds, apples, ginger, rose, sunflower, calendula, osmanthus, hibiscus, and natural flavors, this is not something I would ever care to drink under normal circumstances. However, the collection of ingredients is tolerable and even nice when sick.
I brewed this both hot and iced, steeping both for 7 minutes in 200F degree water. Then I got suckered into going grocery shopping with my mother so both teas were left on the counter in their respective thermoses for a couple hours.
Starting with the iced tea, I am getting mint…mint and maybe ginger. That void is still present so the flavors are all lost for the most part but the tea feels good on my throat as I sip. Hot (well…warm), this tea has a lot more mint flavor. While the iced tea was more smooth and peppermint-like, hot it is more medicinal/spearmint tasting. Ginger is also more noticeable in the hot tea but as a soothing ginger tingle at the back of my throat. Other than that, everything else is M.I.A.
I don’t mind the lack of flavor because the tea is doing what I want and that’s soothing my sore throat and cough and hydrating me when I am not feeling 100%, especially the hot tea. If I am being honest, my preferred cold tea is probably Cold 911 by DAVIDsTEA but this is not a bad alternative.
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Herbal Tisane
Where to Buy: Tea Taxi
An infusion of peppermint, spearmint, apples and ginger to help you make it through the winter. It’ll warm you from the inside out.
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Cucumber Mint Limeade White Tea from 52Teas. . . .
White teas and I have been best friends as of late. And this tea is the reason why.
I love the fresh flavors that a lime can bring to a beverage or really food in general. Add in the refreshing flavors of mint, crisp notes of cucumber, and soft subtle floral base of a white tea, and you have yourself a tea to remember.
Because this is a white flavored tea, I prepped this tea up at 170F and allowed to steep for about 4 minutes. After that, I allowed the tea to cool for a few minutes, allowing the flavors to settle in. The first flavor you really get from this tea is the spearmint. Refreshing and cooling. A lovely burst of minty freshness without being too overpowering.
After the initial mint blast, the other flavors start to take shape. I can’t say that I can pinpoint the cucumber but I can pick up the limeade and base white tea flavors and that combination is insanely delicious. Such a bright and vibrant blend of flavors. Almost like a mug of sunshine waiting for you to indulge in. I personally can’t get enough of the lime and spearmint flavor combo with a white tea twist added in for good measure.
This tea is hands down one of the best takes on a limeade tea that I’ve had. And I’ve tried several. This is one of those teas that I have literally emailed 52Teas to ask how much inventory do they have left so I can gobble up the remaining pouches. Luckily for me, 52Teas was able to come up with a few more pouches for me to enjoy but I will sadly be finished with those shortly.
Because that is the heart breaker of it all with falling in love with a tea from 52Teas. I fell in love with this tea from the first to final sip of each cuppa. And sadly, unless I beg our friend Anne to re blend the tea or she happens to re blend the tea, this tea will always be in my heart but that will be it.
Let’s cross our fingers for a reblend because this is just the sort of tea that will help with those winter time blues!
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: White
Where to Buy: 52Teas
This tea is no longer available but click below for teas that are.
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Mint for you from Aka Tea
Tea Information:
Leaf Type: Herbal
Where to Buy: Aka Tea
Tea Description:
This tea is “mint” for you and me. Just sit back and enjoy life. Lighten the mood with the cooling breath of mint. Take a sip and imagine yourself breathing in a fresh spring breeze. Mint for You- A wonderful ratio blend between Peppermint and Spearmint.
Learn more about this tea here.
Taster’s Review:
I love finding new tea companies that have blends that are catchy and delicious. Since stumbling upon Aka Teas website, I have been in heaven diving into their tea line up. I’ve tried their Caramel Apple Green Tea and that was incredible. Tasted just like one of those Caramel Apple Pops I had when I was a teenager.
Mint for You is another fantastic quality tea that I’m just going crazy over. Fresh peppermint and spearmint. A great tea to enjoy hot or as an iced tea. I am enjoying this one as an iced tea. The adjective that keeps coming up in my head to describe this blend is fresh. Like the you just cut this from your herb garden kind of fresh.
What I love to do is take herbal mint teas and mix them up with teas in my stash that I may not quite enjoy. For instance, I had an black flavored strawberry tea that wasn’t something I really enjoyed on its own. Too astringent. I threw some of this herbal mint blend in and I have a fantastic Strawberry Mint tea.
Super happy with this versatile blend and can’t wait to experiment more with it!