I have made a vow to drink more caffeine free teas and herbal tisane offerings in the past year. I’d like to boast and brag and say that is the main reason for me sampling and reviewing Namaste from Simpson and Vail but I wouldn’t be telling you the whole truth. I have been battling some skin irritations – as well as – some aches and pains so I thought I would buff up my herbals more for that reason, too!
I won’t blab anymore about my aging and ailments. Instead, I will proceed with describing this herbal tisane. Namaste from Simpson and Vail is an offering in their Yoga or Yogi or Yogic Tea line.
Ingredients include Birch Bark, Chamomile Flowers, Jasmine Blossoms, Wild Cherry Bark, Vanilla Beans, Organic Damiana Leaf, Organic Oatstraw, Rose Petals, Honeysuckle & Lavender Blossoms.
The flavor of this tisane was pretty tasty. I was pre-judging it and shame on me. I was afraid the Jasmine and Chamomile were going to be the flavors that overpowered the others and they were not. Everything in the loose mix worked well with each other. It was calming and comforting. I’m glad I finally tried this tisane. One of these days I will learn to not wait so long to try an herbal (or at least not have to have a reason to try it).
I think I will pour myself another cup! Cheers!
Want to Know More About This Tea?
Leaf Type: Herbal
Where to Buy: Simpson and Vail
Namaste is a greeting or parting phrase as well as a gesture.
In Sanskrit, Namaste means, “the light in me bows to the light in you” or “I bow to light that exists in me and you and to all that is sacred in life”. When spoken to another person, it is usually accompanied by the gesture of the hands at the heart center in prayer position and a slight bow of the head and shoulders. This can also be performed wordlessly and still carry the same beautiful intention.
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Snooze (Sleepy Tea)/Teapigs
Just the Facts
*Tea Type: Tisane / Herbal
*Region: Not Specified
*Caffeine Level: None
*Ingredients: sweet apple, light lavender, and chamomile.
*Description: apple sweetened tea with a flowery hint.
*Appearance: small dried chamomile and lavender buds with bits of dried apple.
*Brewing Instructions: Temp of 212*F or 100*C. Brew 3-5 minutes.
*Multiple Infusions: No
*Aroma: apples with herbs.
*Color: light champagne
*Tasting Notes: apples, lavender and chamomile.
*Availability: In stock / Sold in Temples (sachets)
The Review
I often find myself drinking herbal tea when I want to remedy an aspect of my life or health. It’s not uncommon for me to pull out a ginger or peppermint tea when a digestive ailment plagues me, and chamomile or lavender to calm. Lately, I have had difficulty regulating my sleep cycle so I was eager to try Snooze Tea by Teapigs. Before I had released the temple, the term used to describe their pyramid shaped tea bags, I had heaped upon it my desperate desire for immediate and a deep recuperative sleep. I know, I imposed sleeping pill expectations that no tea could live up to. However, what I did find was a calming chameleon in a sachet. I use the term chameleon to describe teas with tasting notes that change when a different sweetener or steeping applications is introduced.
I was unable to find the amount of water to be used for their single serve tea temples on the website or packaging. I tend to like a stronger tea which prompted me to use 6 ounces of water heated to 212F or 100C, and the steep time of 5 minutes. The color was that of light champagne and the aroma reminiscent of a farmers market in the south of France. Sweet earthy apples, warm chamomile, and heady lavender wafted from the cup. I pictured myself riding a 1950’s lavender-blue cruiser style bicycle with a wicker basket on the front packed with cheese, bread, and produce. I giggled when I pictured myself falling off the bicycle because I haven’t ridden in over 25 years; so much for that daydream and the now crushed wicker basket.
I parted the brewed tea into three 2 ounce portions and commenced with my tasting. The plain brew had a heavy herbal taste to it that left a minty-medicinal finish; odd, given that I didn’t remember mint being listed amongst the ingredients. The portion sweetened with white sugar had a pronounced pleasant floral aroma and finish. Finally, the remaining portion sweetened with clover honey brought forth an apple crispness and finish. I found both sweetened versions incredibly enjoyable.
While they did not induce sleep, they did calm my mind and spirit. I would not recommend these teas be paired with strong dishes, but they would compliment light fare such as cheese and crackers. Really, any foods where you want to add an apple or herbaceous note. Better yet, drink it alone or try it as a refreshing iced tea on those hot summer days when you want something light but thirst-quenching.
Want to Know More About This Tea?
Leaf Type: Herbal
Where to Buy: Teapigs
Fancy. Sweet apple, light lavender and a flowery hint.
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Stress Less/Lipton. . . .
It’s been ‘forever and a day’ since I have tried a new-to-me-tea from Lipton, to be honest. But since I’m looking to try more herbal tisanes I figured WHY NOT.
Stress Less from Lipton was one of these herbals I have tried as of late. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised at the flavor. It all seemed to mesh well and nothing was too overpowering.
This offering had Cinnamon, Chamomile, and Lavender in it. In the past I have been know to avoid herbals with a Chamomile base. The more I drink the more I seem to open my mind with that specific ingredient. I tend to lean towards those that pair with mint or chai type spices, hence, the cinnamon in this one.
I can see how this one could help mellow you out. Those 3 ingredients have a long history of that. But for me, the mellow flavors that meshed so well, is what convinced me to give this another sip next time I come across it.
Want to Know More About This Tea?
Leaf Type: Herbal
Where to Buy: Lipton
Relax, rewind, then press play again with Lipton Stress Less Caffeine-Free Herbal Supplement, containing cinnamon, chamomile, and lavender. Stress Less is a comforting, cozy herbal infusion to help you unwind*. Carefully selected botanicals are blended with lavender essential oil that make every cup delicious. Enjoy a daily cup or two of Lipton Stress Less to supplement your varied, balanced diet. For the perfect cup, brew tea bag 4-6 minutes in freshly boiled water. Wellbeing by Lipton. Feel Happy & Healthy. *This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Chamomile Blend Organic Fair Trade Tea/Storehouse Tea. . . .
I love to reach for a straight chamomile tisane or chamomile blend when I need to relax, so I was happy to try out this sample. The dry leaf smells like floral chamomile and mint.
The brewed tea smells of apple-like chamomile (losing some of that floral quality but gaining sweetness) and a touch of mint. The flavor itself is a solid chamomile tea that’s on the naturally sweeter side, though I’m not getting much of the “blend” part of it except for some gentle mint in the aftertaste.
Looking at the ingredients, there’s also lemon myrtle, lemongrass, and lavender in here, but I’d be lying if I said that I tasted any of that. I’m not missing it either, though. This hits the spot as a relaxing chamomile-forward tisane, which is exactly what I wanted it to be.
Want to Know More About This Tea?
Leaf Type: Herbal
Where to Buy: Storehouse Tea
Organic Chamomile with lemon myrtle, spearmint and lavender is a sweet, tranquil, 100% Organic, caffeine-free tea. Perfect for countering PMS, easing stress, relieving headaches or enhancing a peaceful night’s sleep.
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Sleep from We Are Tea. . . .
Oh, my aching back! I have a severe case of text neck that has traveled down my shoulder and upper back and sleeping has been a bit rough lately. A friend told me that tulsi is the best pain-in-the-neck reliever and I would love to get a good night’s sleep, so let’s see if it gives some relief.
When I mix my own tulsi blend I usually just put tulsi and lavender. This blend also has chamomile and rose. It looks beautiful in the sachet and is clearly nice big pieces and not dust. You can tell it is fresh by the lovely colors of the ingredients – no oasty gray here. And the sachet is made of cornstarch! No nylon in this baby, so I can toss the whole thing in my compost tomorrow – after I resteep it, of course!
After three minutes of steeping, I am ready to be enticed away to la-la land. The tea tastes and smells primarily of tulsi to me even though that is the last ingredient listed. Secondly, I taste chamomile and then the lavender and rose equally and subtly. It is a little bit savory and a whole lot relaxing. There is a lingering herbal aftertaste and it isn’t really floral, but still savory.
I could swear I feel my jaw unclenching, and I didn’t even realize it was clenched…
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Herbal
Where to Buy: We Are Tea
There aren’t many things that a good night’s sleep can’t fix, so we created this ultimate night time blend to help you along the way. Settle your mind, sink into your pillow and let this caffeine free tea melt the pressure away. No sheep counting required!