Tea Information:
Leaf Type: Black
Where to Buy: Verdant Tea
Tea Description:
Master Han is a remarkably talented crafter of wild picked pu’ers and black teas whose workshop and ancient plot of tea forest is an hour’s walk to the nearest gravel road in a national forest preserve. We were lucky enough to meet him at his first tea conference. Tucked away in a hidden corner behind slick modern displays with uniformed reps from Xiaguan and Menghai, Master Han and his young apprentice seemed apprehensive about the operation. We were on our way to a panel on gongfu brewing when the sheer beauty of a bag of his wild-picked black tea caught us in our tracks.
NOTES: grape, olive oil, linen, scotch, honeycrisp, coconut
Learn more about this tea here.
Taster’s Review:
Master Han’s Wild Picked Yunnan Black from Verdant Tea is a rather light cup, not that it lacks any flavor whatsoever, its just not as in your face with robustness as some teas. Robustness? Well spell check passed it so it must be a word. Regardless, this cup is lightly sweet with a sourgum like flavor, there is also a wild grape flavor coming to the top of the notes. The tea is clear to the bottom of the cup. The color is dark, like black tea should be but it is transparent. There is a slight drying sensation on the tongue while sipping, perhaps this is the linen note mentioned?
The flavor of black olive comes out as the tea cools just slightly and that is the note that lingers most on my palate. It is a lovely savory note to mingle with the sweetness of the tea, balancing it nicely. A lovely yam flavor develops more so as the tea becomes a bit cooler, and I am sure that further steepings will bring about that scotch, and coconut flavor I am looking for. Also I notice as the tea cools more the black olive note becomes more of an olive oil flavor which is interesting.
Verdant once again delivers one of the most unique tea offerings and I am so happy to have sampled some! Learn more about Master Han here.
Anxi Fo Shou Black Tea From Verdant Tea

Tea Information:
Leaf Type: Black
Where to Buy: Verdant Tea
Tea Description:
An experimental hybrid tea with the best of Tieguanyin, Wuyi oolong and malty black tea. . . .
NOTES: chocolate, scotch, caramel, walnut, coconut, jasmine
Fo Shou or “Buddha’s Hand,” is a varietal of tea from Wuyi, traditionally twisted and oxidized into an oolong tea. This revolutionary Fo Shou Black Tea is an experimental crop transplanted in nearby Anxi and fully oxidized as a black tea. The fusion of rocky Wuyi flavor, malty black tea flavor, and hints of Anxi Tieguanyin flavor make this a worthwhile and intriguing creation all of its own.
Learn more about this tea here.
Taster’s Review:
Anxi Fo Shou Black Tea from Verdant Tea is scrumptious! When I was opening the bag I could smell the chocolate notes just jumping out at me. I was surprised to find yet another sealed bag inside the first bag which told me this tea was very heavy with flavor notes considering how strong and wonderful the aroma was through not one but two sealed bags!
Anxi Fo Shou comes in small 5 gram bags – two servings per bag – in order to preserve its freshness. What a wonderful way to package teas! I wish more teas were packaged in this manner.

If you notice the flavor notes listed by Verdant Tea “NOTES: chocolate, scotch, caramel, walnut, coconut, jasmine” I want to note that every single note is easily detectable. Often times I see people mention and have myself experienced the searching for flavor notes mentioned by tea companies, and it can sometimes be disappointing not to be able to pick up on them. Sometimes we question our own ability to detect specific flavor notes, or we doubt the vendor wondering if they are not just trying to make a pretty good tea seem extraordinary. With Anxi Fo Shou, I am able to pick up on each and every element listed. I like that because it is exactly as it is described which adds to my faith in a vendor as well as my faith in my own palate!
The distinct note in the beginning is the chocolate note but caramel peeks through nicely. As the tea cools down some there is a note of a single malt scotch and a light lilting note of coconut! The walnut note lays nicely all over the tongue giving a slight drying sensation like walnut typically does, yet this tea is anything but drying! It is refreshing and juicy!
For me, the jasmine note is the lightest, yet its there in the aroma and comes alive even more the cooler the tea becomes.
There are other notes that I pick up on not mentioned in the notes provided by Verdant such as rock mineral, butter, malt, sweet potato, cream, and earth to name a few! The second steep especially had a more earthy, rock mineral aroma and flavor to it, yet so delightfully sweet!
Yes friends, this is a true winner and if I had any tea funds I would jump right on the Verdant Website and order more RIGHT NOW. I am so excited to have had a chance to get some of this tea and will be cherishing what remains of my stash. Hopefully soon I can order more if there is any left to order!
Get some while it is in stock – you won’t regret it!
An excellent tea FO SHOU!
Pot O’ Gold from 52Teas
Leaf Type: Black
Where to Buy: 52Teas
Tea Description:
My wife wanted to pick out the tea of the week this week. With her Irish-Scottish heritage, it wasn’t enough to choose the tea for the week of St. Patty’s Day without an additional tip of the hat to her Scottish ancestry. For that reason, our tea of the week for the week of St. Patrick’s Day: what else, but a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, a butterSCOTCH flavored black tea.
I realize butterscotch is not as groundbreaking as maple bacon or pancake breakfast, but let me assure you, it IS delicious! Creamy and smooth, and satisfying in that way that only butterscotch can be, but without the guilt. And yes, it is 100% vegan.
Learn more about this tea here.
Taster’s Review:
Oh YUM! Yum YUM yummy YUM yum!
As you probably know, I’m a big fan of 52Teas, so it probably comes as no big surprise to you that I am enjoying this tea. But, as much as I love 52Teas, I will be the first to admit that Frank (chief Zoomdweebie at 52Teas, aka the “Willy Wonka of Teas”) doesn’t always hit it out of the park with every single blend. But, more often than not, I enjoy the blends he creates. Usually, they are a hit, less often they are a miss, but every once in a while, he puts out a blend that knocks my socks off.
This one knocks my socks off.
The flavors and the black tea blend works so well together. The blend of Assam and Nilgiri teas tastes rich and smooth with hints of malt in the background which meld perfectly with the Scotch notes. The overall cup is sweet and buttery rich with hints of caramel. This is a remarkably smooth black tea – no harshness or bitterness at all, and only a trace of astringency toward the tail.
This is AWESOME!