On The Eleventh Day of Christmas, Southern Boy Teas Edition!

My Christmas Tea countdowns are about to come to an end!  Tomorrow is the last day.  I’ve enjoyed trying all these new iced teas from Southern Boy Teas.  Some teas I enjoyed more than others, of course, but, I had fun with this countdown!

Strawberry Zabaglione Iced Tea

StrawberryZabaglioneSBTTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black

Where to Buy:  52Teas

Learn more about Southern Boy Teas here.

Taster’s Review:

Yum!  At the start of this countdown, I was hoping that one of the teas featured would be this new iced tea flavor.  The original Strawberry Zabaglione black tea from 52Teas is one of the very best that I’ve tried from 52Teas, so, just like with the Coconut Cream Pie Iced Tea, I had high hopes!

And this is good … although I don’t know if I can say that I like it as well as I liked the aforementioned coconut cream pie iced tea.  I think that the original 52Teas version of this tea was better.  Then again, it’s been a while since I’ve had that tea so I’m basing that opinion solely on my memory.  It was a very memorable tea, though!

This does have a nice strawberry taste that is particularly noteworthy in the aftertaste.  In the aftertaste, there is a flavor that is very much like the taste I’d experience after I’ve eaten a fresh, ripe strawberry.  And this tea does have a nice creamy, custard-like flavor, although I think that this is where this iced tea pales in comparison to the original, because it had a very decadent, sweet, custard-y flavor that was so delightful.  And while this tea does have a certain creaminess to it, it isn’t quite as memorable as the original version.

That said, this is still quite tasty.  The black tea is brisk and invigorating.  The strawberry flavor tastes delicious and true to the fruit.  The custard-like notes are creamy and sweet.  And it’s a very refreshing iced tea … one that I wouldn’t mind having chilling in my refrigerator on a regular basis.

On the Tenth Day of Christmas, Southern Boy Teas Edition!

Wow … it’s day 10.  This countdown is rapidly winding down!  Getting close to the 12th day of Christmas!

Grape Iced Tea

GrapeSBTTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black

Where to Buy:  52Teas

Learn more about Southern Boy Teas here.

Taster’s Review:

Of the different teas that Southern Boy Teas recently introduced, I think that this was the one I was least excited to try.  I’m not real crazy about grape flavored things – I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned that at least once on this blog!  I love grapes, especially the seedless “holiday grapes” that are available this time of year in Whole Foods.  But, I don’t really care for grape flavored things.  I really dislike grape soda, I’m not crazy about grape flavored candies or grape ice pops.  I don’t even really care for grape juice.

So, I guess it goes without saying that the idea of a grape flavored tea isn’t all that exciting to me.  But I have tried a few grape flavored teas in the past few years and I’ve enjoyed those that I’ve tried.  So … there is a glimmer of hope for this tea!

The aroma of the dry leaf is that of grape flavored candies, reminiscent of the grape flavored sugar powder that you might find in the pixie sticks.  Or perhaps grape flavored jolly ranchers.  Neither of which are very appealing to me.

But this tea doesn’t taste as bad as I thought it would, or as bad as I worked myself up to think it would be.  It’s sweet, and it tastes like sweet grape.  But, I think that the addition of the black tea helps even out the flavor so that I don’t just taste grape candy.  I think that this tastes a bit like what a black iced tea might taste like if it were sweetened with the aforementioned grape flavored pixie stick powdered candy.

Not bad … certainly something I’ll enjoy drinking.  But, I don’t think it would be something that I’d add to my must order again list, you know?  I like it, but I don’t love it.

On the Ninth Day of Christmas, Southern Boy Teas Edition!

Day 9, and the second day of the New Year.  I can’t believe that the Christmas vacation is nearly over.  I have enjoyed having my young one around these past couple of weeks … I will miss her when school starts back up.

Vanilla Cola Iced Tea

VanillaColaSBTTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black

Where to Buy:  52Teas

Learn more about Southern Boy Teas here.

Taster’s Review:

This is one I was excited to try.  I have been a big fan of Frank’s cola teas, and some of you may remember that the Southern Boy Teas Lime Cola is one of my FAVORITES from the SBT lineup.

And this one is another winner!  This tastes like a splash of vanilla soda mixed with a glass of black iced tea!  It’s cool and refreshing and very flavorful.  The black tea is brisk and melds well with the flavorings of vanilla and cola.

And as I mentioned before, Frank manages to nail the cola flavored teas.  I’m not sure how he does it, but I can actually taste the “bubbly” carbonation aspect in the tea.  It isn’t actually carbonated (although, I suppose you could brew this strong to make it concentrated and then mix it with club soda or something), but I can taste that uplifting, bubbly taste that you get when you take a sip of cola.

But, what I don’t get here is that overly sweet, sticky coating of the teeth sensation – and that’s a good thing.  That sticky feeling is the reason why I don’t drink soda very often, I just don’t like that icky sweetness that coats the teeth.  So this tea offers all the good taste of a vanilla cola but none of the stuff I don’t care for when it comes to drinking soda.  Plus … it’s got tea!  That’s a win-win in my opinion.

A really good iced tea from Southern Boy Teas.  This is one I’ll probably buy again.

On The Eighth Day of Christmas, Southern Boy Teas Edition!

Day eight.  Happy New Year, everyone!  I hope that last year was a good one for you, and that this one is even better.  May you have delicious tea to drink all year long!

Coconut Cream Pie Iced Tea

coconutcreampieSBTTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black

Where to Buy:  52Teas

Learn more about Southern Boy Teas here.

Taster’s Review:

Another tea that I am very excited to try!  I have, of course, tried the 52Teas version of the Coconut Cream Pie Black Tea and it’s a delicious tea – one of their best!  So my expectations are high with this one!

And SBT did not disappoint!  Oh goodness!  This iced tea flavor is – thus far – my favorite of the newest releases from Southern Boy Teas.  This tastes just as good as the 52Teas version.  Sweet, creamy, and luscious.  Just like a slice of coconut cream pie!

The black tea is not just a background flavor with this tea.  It’s pretty well balanced with the flavoring, so this tastes to me like black tea and coconut cream pie, which is what was intended (at least, I’m assuming that was the intention!)  The black tea is a robust, rich tasting tea.  It’s invigorating, not overly astringent, and not bitter.  Delicious and full-flavored.

The flavoring is sweet and creamy with notes of coconut and vanilla.  I taste notes of buttery sweetness as well, which represents the pie crust.  It’s very smooth and creamy tasting, and it adds just the right amount of sweetness.  Even though this is a rather “dessert-y” flavor, it doesn’t taste cloyingly sweet.

This is a big WIN from Southern Boy Teas!

On The Seventh Day of Christmas, Southern Boy Teas Edition!

We’re already past the halfway mark on this countdown!  Time FLIES!

Cotton Candy Iced Tea

CottonCandyTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black

Where to Buy:  52Teas

Learn more about Southern Boy Teas here.

Taster’s Review:

This is a tea that I’ve previously reviewed, because this is one of the “original” Southern Boy Teas that were made available to the public a couple of years ago.  (I think that Southern Boy Teas started out as a company to provide restaurants with iced tea options for their customers.)

But I’m happy to see this tea in these 12 iced teas of Christmas, because it’s one of my favorites.  It is so delicious.  It is a sweeter tasting tea – so if you’re one that tends to prefer your teas on the plain side, this is definitely not the iced tea to put in your fridge!  But, for the rest of us that love a flavored iced tea – this is one of the best that SBT has to offer!

I’ve been really happy with this countdown thus far.  If for no other reason, it’s encouraging me to keep iced tea in the fridge all the time, and that isn’t something I used to do year ’round.  I’d usually cut off the iced tea brewing around the end of September, when the weather starts to turn cooler.

So yeah … it’s a little weird for me to be drinking iced tea at Christmastime.  This is new to me.  I’ve always been more of the “tea is a hot beverage” sort of girl, but I like having that pitcher of cold refreshment in the chill box waiting for me when I want something to drink with my meals.  I still drink cold drinks in the winter, just not as often.  So, why shouldn’t those cold drinks be iced tea?

Usually, my only cold drink during the winter is water, because I don’t drink soda or juice very often.  Even less than not very often.  Like it’s a rare occurrence for me to drink a soda or juice.   So, I like having the iced tea readily available to enjoy when I want a cold drink.

And this Cotton Candy iced tea is one of the tastiest teas from Southern Boy Teas!