Leaf Type: White
Where to Buy: Red Leaf Tea
Tea Description:
We are proud to introduce our newest wine infused tea, the Pink Sonoma!
Thoroughly saturated with the flavor of a light cabernet, Pink Sonoma is based on the sweetness of a strong white tea. We have given this base a powerful floral aroma and body by adding a good measure of rose petals, as well as a light touch of jasmine. Try steeping Pink Sonoma in boiling water for a little over two minutes, at a ration of one teaspoon tea leaf each five ounces of water.
Learn more about this tea here.
Taster’s Review:
I know I’ve said on many occasions that I’m not a big wine drinker. My husband has been trying a few wines lately and has been enjoying them, and is trying to get me back in to wine (I used to drink them more some years ago, but now I prefer my tea, thank you very much!) But I must say that if I were given a glass of wine and I took a sip and it tasted like this, I’d happily finish the glass and might even consider another.
This is a beautifully floral tasting tea – I like that it’s floral but it isn’t overdone. Notes of rose with hints of jasmine add a lovely sweetness to the cup without tasting perfume-y or soapy. These floral notes accent the wine notes as well as the flavor of the white tea.
The wine is pleasant, with fruit tones – a soft grape, maybe a hint of apple in there. Crisp and enjoyable, a flavor that seems to glide over the palate easily.
The white tea is not overpowered by these flavors, either. It is a soft taste, not vegetative, exactly, and not of hay or other notes that I often taste with white tea … it just tastes of white tea – soft and delicate.
Served hot, this tea has an agreeable flavor, but I think I prefer it iced. Even though the weather is such that I seldom enjoy iced tea right now, after trying this one hot, I decided I’d let it cool and try it iced. And I must say, this is so much more refreshing chilled. The fruit notes really pop, and the overall cup is very sweet and flavorful … this is one I might stock up on when the warm weather returns!
Pink Earl Grey Green Tea from Fusion Teas
Leaf Type: Green
Where to Buy: Fusion Teas
Tea Description:
The classic idea of bergamot turned into a very enthralling new blend on this green tea base. Invite your sweetheart to this pink version of the traditional English Tea Time and the wonderfully fruity and sweet rhubarb flavor will put your two hearts in tune!
Learn more about this tea here.
Taster’s Review:
I do love Earl Grey, however, I tend to be less excited about green Earl Grey (and other types of tea other than black tea flavored with bergamot) because I am of the opinion that bergamot pairs better with black tea. And while this Pink Earl Grey Green Tea from Fusion Teas did not change that opinion … I am still finding this to be really quite enjoyable.
I think what makes it enjoyable for me are the characteristics that are present other than the bergamot notes. Oh, the bergamot notes are still there, certainly, and they provide a pleasantly crisp, tangy flavor, but, I think that it’s the rose and the rhubarb (yes, that’s what I said: rhubarb) that makes this tea stand out.
The green tea offers a lightly sweet, smooth base for the flavors, and the bergamot is not overpowering. It doesn’t come off soapy or perfume-y, it’s actually quite mild as far as Earl Grey teas go. There’s just enough bergamot to give it that distinctive citrus-y flavor without coming off as artificial.
The rhubarb … well, I have a confession. I’m not all that familiar with the flavor of rhubarb. I have had a few teas with rhubarb in it, and I may have had a dish or two that has had rhubarb in it. And quite recently, my husband and I selected a rhubarb soda when we were at our local “natural food” market. When we go there, we like to choose one of those fancy sodas. You know what I’m talking about, right? The sodas that cost like six bucks for a four pack … but in the refrigerated drink section, they usually sell those sodas individually so that you can buy one bottle and not go too broke. Anyway, we chose a rhubarb soda, and it took about a half a sip for me to realize that I did NOT like it and wasn’t going to give it a second chance either. My husband did give it a second chance, and his second sip wasn’t any better than the first.
But that experience hasn’t soured me on rhubarb, but it did sour me on that particular brand of sodas. But … I digress.
Let’s get back to the tea, shall we? The rhubarb here gives the cup a very interesting … strawberry-ish taste. Quite unexpected. Is rhubarb supposed to taste like strawberry?
And then there is the rose. The rose is so nice in this, offering a sweet, floral taste … but again, it doesn’t go overboard. Like a little kiss of rose (Kiss from a Rose?) Or perhaps two kisses. Just enough to give it a very enjoyable rose essence without tasting too rosy.
I love the way the components of this tea come together. The green tea … light and sweet. The rose … sweet and floral. The bergamot … an undertone of bright citrus-y flavor. The rhubarb … strawberry-ish.
Yep … another winner from Fusion Teas. I’m not surprised… they always seem to impress me!
French Blend from New Mexico Tea Company
Leaf Type: Black & Green Tea Blend
Where to Buy: New Mexico Tea Company
Tea Description:
This French blend has a bright coppery colour, and Ooh-la-la floral notes from ‘crème de la vanille’, Jasmine and Lavender deliciously blended with flavorful Ceylons, pungent Assams and malty Kenyas. Truly a unique and wonderful tea.
Learn more about this tea here.
Taster’s Review:
As I mentioned in one of my reviews for the 12 Days of Christmas countdown with Della Terra Teas, I also hosted a swap on Steepster using the 12 Days of Christmas theme. Basically, participants were to select a tea that would seem inspired by the lyrics of the song, The 12 Days of Christmas. I got Day 3: Three French Hens, and this is one of three teas that I selected to send out to the participants of this swap. (The participants didn’t have to send more than one tea, I chose three teas for a couple of reasons, 1) I couldn’t narrow down my choices to just one, and 2) since I had day three, I thought three teas just seemed to work within that theme … I sent them three “French” teas.)
And as I mentioned above, this is one of the three teas I selected. I chose this tea for a couple of reasons, first, the tea had a blended base of green and black teas, and since the other two teas I was selecting both had black tea bases, I thought the green tea would offer a bit of variation from the others. Second, I wanted a blend with lavender in it, and this tea has it. Third, I like the fact that there are other floral notes to this tea – specifically, jasmine and rose.
I am really happy with this choice. Since it was both a black and a green tea, I chose a lower water temperature (180°F) and steeped it for three minutes. The first couple of sips were rather astringent, but after allowing the cup to cool a couple of minutes, I found that the astringency waned. There is still some dry astringency to this, but it is actually quite nice, as it seems to cleanse the palate a bit.
This is a beautifully floral tea. It is exotically sweet with the notes of jasmine, rose and lavender, and there is a underlying creaminess to it too thanks to the vanilla tones. The base of black and green teas seems to be a goo choice for this blend, the black tea offers a bit of earthiness and a pleasantly rich flavor with hints of malt and even the faintest wine-like quality, while the green tea lightens the cup a bit so that the black tea doesn’t taste too heavy nor does it overwhelm the flavors of the flowers … or the vanilla for that matter.
A very enjoyable cup. I like the way everything is balanced. I can taste each element of this tea: I taste the black and the green tea, and that doesn’t always happen with blended teas such as this; I taste the vanilla, the jasmine, the rose, and of course, the lavender. These floral elements meld together so nicely, they don’t seem to compete with one another, instead, they work together to create a very luxurious tasting cup … like something you might sip at a French cafe while taking in the scenery.
Gui Fei Cha from Stone Leaf Teahouse

Tea Information:
Leaf Type: Oolong
Where to Buy: Stone Leaf Teahouse
Tea Description:
Taiwan, Summer 2012
Medium Roast
A medium bodied, roasted oolong from the famous mountains of San Lin Ci, near the traditional tea producing region of Lugu. This is a unique and hard to find variety of rolled Dong Feng Mei Ren, or Eastern Beauty. Yields a slightly earthy, sweet, and savory rose aroma with a smooth woody-bamboo body and a delightful lingering honey aftertaste. Energizing and strong with a bit of a bite.
Learn more about this tea here.
Taster’s Review:
Gui Fei Cha from Stone Leaf Teahouse is a more earthy tea but the honey note is one of the first things I tasted and the note that tends to linger along with the rose. I do pick up on the floral aspect of this tea and it is reminiscent of rose but I would not really consider this a floral tea. This may sound strange to some, but the taste of the rose in this tea is more like the way a fresh rose scent lingers in the nostrils. It is clean, crisp, refreshing, but subtle. There is a very green leafy aspect to the rose note, but then rose has always been one of those aromas that is quite clean and refreshing so it comes over very well in the flavor note here. So okay I am one of those people who will try eating their tea leaves, and I am no different when it comes to flowers. I tend to want to taste them. Before you think I am a total freak consider please that I am very much into natural medicine, herbs, and natural perfumery, therefore really being one with the herbs, flowers, and plants I use is essential. Regardless, and aside from all my weirdisms, this tea is quite lovely in its floral nature, however I don’t want anyone to pass this tea up for its floral nature if you are not inclined to enjoy a floral tea – as there is so much more to this tea than its rose accent.
Gui Fei Cha has a wonderful note of bamboo, tropical rain soaked trees and plants, notes of honey and a slight spice note. And as for that bite as mentioned in the description, think of it like an astringency type of bite. Not bitter, but just this kick at the end of the sip.
The mouthfeel is on the heavier side but the finish of this tea on the palate is bright and cherry. It is truly a tea you can’t be in a crabby mood while sipping as it will lift you right up out of your funk and place you on a fluffy cloud and leave you floating gleefully. So if you are in a crabby mood and want to stay there – don’t sip this tea!
With each sip I feel a little smile creeping over my face and by the time I am tasting the lingering notes that are left behind the sip, I am beaming.
Now there is a darker side to this tea interestingly enough … some of these heavier notes of wood, of spice, the savory notes of fresh herbs from the garden, they tend to be very calming and grounding. So the after effect is a tea that brings you up and makes you feel joyful but keeps your core essence firm and secure. This could make it a very nice meditative tea perhaps, or a tea for those days you need a little boost of confidence, say before a presentation, or before a big date night because the tea is a little bit of mystery, a little bit of romance, and a little bit of strength and confidence all rolled into one.
Of course I always try to assign personalities to teas but that is how I feel about this one from Stone Leaf Teahouse and again, as always, they have a winner in this tea!
Red Sunset from Red Leaf Tea
Tea Information:
Leaf Type: Black
Where to Buy: Red Leaf Tea
Tea Description:
For those looking for a delicious pick me up during their day, the Red Sunset tea blend is the ideal choice! This rare tea from Europe starts with a premium loose leaf black tea that is bold and loaded with flavor. The sweet taste and floral undertones to this blend are provided by the addition of rose petals, safflower, and natural fruit flavors. The natural sweet flavor combined with a bold taste of black tea makes Red Sunset an excellent choice for the coffee or soda drinker looking for a healthier alternative that still contains caffeine.
Learn more about this tea here.
Taster’s Review:
This tea is quite unexpected, in the very best way!
When I first opened the package, I couldn’t help but notice the aroma. This is extraordinarily fragrant! Almost overwhelmingly so … to the point that I found myself a bit worried as I brewed it, because I feared that it would come off as a cup of perfume rather than a cup of tea!
That’s not to say that I dislike the fragrance – it’s actually quite lovely. It is very strongly ROSE but with the fruit essence in there too, it smells not so much like a Rose Congou or other rose teas that I’ve tried … instead, it smells like a fruit salad that has been doused with rose water. It’s really quite a beautiful scent, although it is very strong … almost to the point of being an olfactory nerve assault.
And while I did worry that this would taste a bit too much like perfume, it doesn’t – not at all! The rose flavor is definitely there, but when combined with the luscious flavor of fruit and the black tea, it creates a very pleasing flavor that offers a delicious balance of fruit and flower.
Red Leaf Tea does not elaborate on the fruit flavor that is used in this blend, and because of the strong essence of rose it is difficult to discern exactly what fruit flavor I’m tasting … one minute, it tastes a bit like peach, and then another minute, I could swear I’m tasting a sweet citrus. It sometimes tastes a bit like mango, too. It’s a difficult fruit note to pin-point, but I kind of like the mystery of it, because it allows my palate to explore a lot of different possibilities.
A really tasty surprise, this Red Sunset Tea! I’ve enjoyed it immensely!