Wow, already halfway through this sampler box! It seems weird to me that Christmas is less than a week away. Time flies. This is going to be a very strange holiday for me. Without going into details and making this a sappy, sordid story, I will just say that it is going to be different, and I’m glad that I have tea and the fun of this sampler box to make things a little easier.
So… for the sixth day of Christmas, 52Teas sent me this tea:
I was one of the “lucky” customers that managed to get a pouch of the very first batch of this that Frank blended. His later batches were not mixed with mini-marshmallows and instead have marshmallow root. In addition, his later batches (including this one) did not include Uji-Genmaicha (Genmaicha with Matcha).
And that certainly does make a difference from the Marshmallow Treat tea that I reviewed back in June. The green tea flavor is softer, as is the marshmallow flavor. I find that as the tea cools slightly (still hot, just not fresh from the teapot hot), the marshmallow flavor develops a bit, and as I continue to sip, it develops even more. But, it doesn’t ever really become quite as memorable as that first batch was for me. The overall cup is lighter in flavor, and I think that this has just as much to do with the lack of Matcha as it does the lack of real marshmallows, if not more.
That being said, this is still really good.
Roasted Kukicha from New Mexico Tea Co.
Leaf Type: Green
Where to Buy: New Mexico Tea Co.
Product Description:
Kukicha, or twig tea, is a Japanese blend of green tea made of stems, stalks, and twigs, and has a nutty, slightly creamy flavor.
Uniquely flavorful, kukicha is also one of the preferred teas of the macrobiotic diet. Kukicha can also be added to juice to make a children’s drink. Kukicha is a powerful antioxidant and is very low in caffeine, in fact the lowest in caffeine of all traditional teas.
Taster’s Review:
This is the last of the three teas that were included in November Steepster Select box. As I mentioned before, the theme for this month was “Migration” and this tea represents the “scattered branches” left by the migrating birds. Very clever, Steepster. I find this month’s theme to be almost as enjoyable as the tea.
But that’s not said to take anything away from this month’s tea selections, which have all been extraordinarily good. The Diyi Cornfields Shu from Verdant Tea was one of the most unusual and delicious Pu-erh teas I’ve ever tasted. The Bai Mu Dan from Canton Tea proved to be one of the very best white teas and changed my beliefs about Bai Mu Dan! And this Roasted Kukicha is also quite exceptional.
The aroma of the dry leaf is a very strong roasted flavor. It’s really quite delightful and toasty. The fragrance of the brewed tea is quite subdued in comparison. The flavor is a much lighter roasty-toasty kind of flavor than the aroma of the dry leaf would lead me to think.
There is an amazing sweetness to this Kukicha that tastes a bit honeyed as well as caramel-like. It has that sweet, cozy kind of taste that I have come to expect from a Kukicha. The lighter roasted notes allow for some of the nuances of this Kukicha to shine through. It has a beautiful creamy undertone, and a delicious nutty finish. The aftertaste is sweet with the barest hint of smoke that softly lingers.
A very lovely Kukicha. Calm, relaxing and delicious.
Taiwan Wuyi Oolong Year 2006 from Life in Teacup
Leaf Type: Oolong
Where to Buy: Life in Teacup
Product Description:
Production Year: 2006
Production Season: Spring
Production Region: Nantou County, Taiwan
Style: Traditional heavy roast
Taster’s Review:
The aroma of the dry leaf is very heavily roasted with charcoal-ish undertones. The liquor is significantly softer in fragrance. Those notes are still there, they are just much more delicate.
The flavor is remarkably gentle compared to the strong scent of the dry leaf. There is very pleasing roasty-toasty flavor to this tea, and a sweetness that ties into that toasted flavor.
The mouthfeel is quite soft and smooth, I would compare it to what liquid silk might feel like on the palate. The mouthfeel does not linger, however, because there is a light astringency that cleanses the palate, leaving only a sweet roasted flavor that lingers in the aftertaste.
I would describe the overall cup as a masculine one. There is a woody undertone, giving this a very outdoorsy, rustic kind of appeal. With Father’s Day just around the corner, this would be an excellent gift for the tea-drinking man in your life!
Formosa Mingjian Green Tea from auraTeas
Leaf Type: Green
Where to Buy: auraTeas
Product Description:
Origin: Mingjian, Nantou,Taiwan 名間.南投.台灣
Style: None oxidized, light roasted, medium bodied, light floral aroma
Loose leaf style: Half ball
Loose leaf color: Dark green
Wet leaf style: Dark green
tea color: Golden greenThis half ball shaped Formosa Mingjian Green Tea looks like Dongding Oolong, while maintains its none-fermented characteristics. It is lightly roasted (fired) to produce the distinct floral aroma. The tea is golden green in color, smooth and slightly sweet in taste. This is a great try as roasted Green Tea.
Taster’s Review:
When I first saw the dry leaf of this tea, I thought it was an Oolong. It definitely looks like a greener Oolong with its tightly wound leaves.
The flavor is very much like a fine quality green tea, though. Lightly vegetative and beautifully mellow, with hints of flower and fruit weaving in and out of the sip. The light roasting of this tea adds definition to these qualities. I love the delicate sweetness to this cup. It is a soft, light-bodied tea that is very refreshing.
Toward the end of the sip, I notice a slightly tangy, citrus-y characteristic that finishes sweet. There is very little astringency to this tea, and no bitterness (but don’t steep it at too high a temperature). It makes a great afternoon pick-me-up. A beautiful tea, indeed!
Roasted Almond from Caraway Tea
Leaf Type: Fruit/Herbal (and Nut!) Tisane
Where to Buy: Caraway Tea
Product Description:
This festive fruit tisane is great all year round. It smells like christmas, but tastes like summer. Sweet roasted, caramelized almonds, apples, and beetroot sprinkled with cinnamon make this a favorite.
Taster’s Review:
This is so yummy! No wonder it’s Caraway Tea’s #1 seller!
The aroma is warm with sweet cinnamon and toasted nuts. I can also smell hints of apple in the background … you know, I have to disagree a little bit with the above description, because this smells more autumnal to me. I can certainly understand where the “Christmas” comparison comes from, but for me, this is autumn. If I close my eyes and take a big whiff, I can even “see” the beautiful fall leaves on the trees.
This is a light-to-medium bodied tisane that is beautifully sweet. It tastes like a cross between lightly spiced apple cider and freshly roasted almonds that have been sprinkled lightly with cinnamon and sugar. And… no, I didn’t add any sweetener to this, that sugar sweetness comes naturally from the beetroot (which also provides a pretty, pinkish color to the cup).
While I am sure that this makes a very tasty iced tea, the autumnal feel of it demands that it be served hot. It is so cozy and delightfully comforting. A delightful dessert substitution that is naturally caffeine-free so it can be enjoyed any time of day. Kids will love this one too!