Tea Information:
Leaf Type: Black
Where to Buy: Della Terra Teas
Tea Description:
Top o’ the mornin’ to ya! It’s almost St. Patrick’s Day! Celebrate with our take on a delicious St. Pats Tea! Shamrocks for luck, and shenanigans for being an ornary little Leprechaun. Have fun! We have blended delicious, creamy vanilla mint with dark chocolate. An absolute treat.
Ingredients: Black tea, chocolate flavoring and bits, vanilla bits and flavoring, mint leaf and shamrock sprinkles
Learn more about this tea here.
Taster’s Review:
Gad if only I had not just eaten two HUGE jalapenos with peanut butter! I could surely enjoy Shamrocks and Shenanigans from Della Terra Teas even more! However knowing that I did just eat those devil jalapenos and knowing I can still taste this delicious tea – you know it must be really very good!
This is a seasonal blend from Della Terra Teas so get it while you can! I know I sure miss my all time favorite seasonal blend from them – Eight Candles! I hope it will be back next year! Regardless this is a good one! It has a lovely vanilla backdrop to a minty and yet chocolatey yummness!
Love the cute little green shamrock sprinkles!
I realize this review will post after St. Patties Day but you may want to go check because Della Terra Teas always has amazing sales and since the holiday is now passed it very well could be discounted!
As I sip on this tea longer the burn from the jalapenos is subsiding and I am tasting more of the chocolate note, where before I was picking up more on the vanilla. This is a mild flavored tea which is comforting and sweet, but not overly so. I really like the chocolate note as it tastes very natural due to the use of cocoa nibs.
This tea is really making me want to give Della Terra’s Swiss Mountain a try! I can’t recall if I have tried it before. Its another chocolate mint tea – without vanilla from Della Terra. You can find that one here.
The mint in this tea is light but notable and a real tummy saver as well. I am sure I will be appreciating that later today!
So points for a good chocolate note, points for a lovely vanilla note, points for it not being overdone on the mint, and points for a good base that I can taste but allows the flavors to do their work since the flavors are somewhat relaxed and mellow.
This isn’t an end all be all in your face flavored tea that says POW but it is a very enjoyable cup when you want mint, vanilla, and chocolate, without feeling your having a typical dessert tea. It is more like an after dinner tea.