Bohemian Raspberry Green Tea from Culinary Teas

I love the way Bohemian Clothing LOOKS so why not try a Bohemian Tea? Recently was I was seen sipping on Bohemian Raspberry Green Tea from Culinary Teas and it was delightful! Not that the actual sight of me sipping on the tea was delightful…but the Bohemian Raspberry Green Tea itself was delightful! (teahee)

And YES…you can use that TeaSlang/Humor if you want! Nichole (aka CuppaGeek) and I giggle over chat while drinking our tea. Instead of TeeHee it’s TeaHee.

Anyways…on to this review of Bohemian Raspberry Green Tea! Bohemian Raspberry Green Tea features a sencha green tea base with small specs of raspberry pieces. I’m absolutely THRILLED this does NOT have hibiscus in it! Thank you Culinary Teas!

The Sencha was sweet and light. The Raspberry was the PERFECT addition. It was tart, sweet, and tangy but not overly-so. There was a lemon pucker that seemed to linger nicely at the end of the sip, too!

Bohemian Raspberry Green Tea from Culinary Teas was tasty hot or cold. I’m looking forward to cod brewing this later! YUM!

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type: Green Flavored Tea
Where to Buy: Culinary Teas

Our Raspberry Green has a sencha green tea base, which adds sweetness to a wonderful raspberry flavor.  Made with all natural flavorings.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Peanut Butter & Raspberry Jelly Black Tea & a 52Teas Giveaway!

Today I counted up all of the 52Teas that I could readily find in my stash.  It came to over 40 pouches and 6 canisters.  That doesn’t count the three mystery packs I have coming or the next month’s tea I’ll be getting in my subscription box.  In other words, I will admit, I have a 52Teas addiction. But who wouldn’t? Yes, I do have a personal connection with 52Teas but even if I didn’t know the mad tea creator behind all the teas, I would still adore the blends.  Every week you can count on a different unique blend that you can’t get anywhere else.  So yes, I have a problem, but I think its a good one to have!

Peanut Butter & Raspberry Jelly Black Tea is one that I was crazy excited to try out but was lost in my tea stash. When I realized my error, I was quick to rectify it.  I tried this brew hot first but I will say I wasn’t crazy about the results. I didn’t get that rich creamy peanut butter flavor I was hoping for. The jammy raspberry notes came across beautifully and mingled well with the black tea base.  Being a peanut butter freak, I wanted to get those flavors to come through. So I experimented. . .I cold brewed the blend.

Scooped a few spoon fulls into my pitcher and allowed the tea to steep overnight.  Poured myself a tall glass with fresh ice, hoping this was the answer to pulling those peanut butter notes thus ending my quest for a peanut butter tea.  First sip and VIOLA! Creamy peanut butter notes swirling around raspberry jammy fun.  The black tea base is slight and subtle allowing those nutty and berry flavors to really shine.

A really fabulous cold brew and a perfect example of how sometimes certain blends just need a bit of experimenting with.  And now I’m happy to announce our first giveaway since we have revamped and rebranded SororiTea Sisters!  Anne at 52Teas has graciously given us two amazing prizes! A three month subscription to 52Teas (valued at $52-US residents only) and a $25 gift certificate (open to anyone).  Enter below!  Just a small token of gratitude to all of our faithful and new readers who love tea and much as we do.  Thank you for sticking with us over the years and we hope you all are just as excited with the new changes as we are.  Good luck everyone!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type: Black
Where to Buy: 52Teas


I’ll disclose a little secret – this tea made me very nervous.

You see, I’m one of those unusual people that don’t like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I felt very much the oddball growing up – everyone else liked peanut butter and jelly. I like peanut butter. I like jelly. I just don’t like these two together. I like peanut butter and banana sandwiches. I like peanut butter and marshmallow creme sandwiches. I like peanut butter and butter toast. I even like peanut butter sandwiches. Just not jelly. And I like jelly toast and I probably would like a jelly sandwich if I were so inclined to make one although it doesn’t sound like a very satisfying sort of lunch.

So what I’m trying to say is that peanut butter and jelly just isn’t my thing. So when one of my Kickstarter backers who purchased the “Be a 52Teas tea of the week creator” incentive and selected a peanut butter and jelly tea as his tea of the week flavor – I got just a wee bit nervous and I hoped that since it’s a tea maybe, just maybe, I’ll like these flavors together.

And I do! This has a really pleasing raspberry flavor. The peanut butter is a softer note – and really, if I were to eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, I think that’s how I’d make it for myself – light on the peanut butter with a big smear of raspberry jelly! Sweet tart raspberry, a smooth, nutty peanut butter note atop a blend of Nilgiri and Assam teas. Way better than I could imagine peanut butter and jelly tasting!

Taster size is approximately 1/2 ounce.

organic ingredients: black teas, roasted & salted sunflower seeds, freeze-dried raspberries and natural flavors.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

My First Experience with a 52Teas Monthly Box. . .

52teas3_1430856114__73092Tea Information:

Leaf Type:  Variety

Where to Buy: 52Teas

52Teas was named 52Teas because we create a new tea every week:  a new tea, every week, 52 weeks a year.

By subscribing to our Tea of the Week program, you’ll receive a package once a month (at the beginning of the month) that includes all of the teas in our taster size (1/2 ounce pouch) for the following month.

Learn more about subscribing here.

Taster’s Review:

52TeasBoxI’ve reviewed a ton of 52Teas for SororiTea Sisters and CuppaGeek. I love them and highly recommend their teas.  When you purchase from 52Teas, you know you are getting a quality blend that was made with love and care from someone who has a passion for tea and tea blending.

I will admit tho, I have never subscribed to the monthly service. Shame on me! Reason? Well, I am very much against red rooibos. It is one of those ingredients that (for me) once that ingredient is in the blend, it ruins the tea.  No matter what else is in it. There has only been one blend that I have enjoyed red rooibos in.   I also am not the biggest fan of ginger or chai teas so basically what I’m saying is that I’m picking up what I get. I do subscribe to Handmade Tea and Plum Deluxe so I do take a gamble here and there.  After this month’s box that I received.. . . I will more than likely start subscribing.52TeasTeas

Having never rec’d a box from 52Teas before, I wasn’t sure what to expect.  I loved opening the box and seeing a special note or the tea menu, outlining all the tea that was in the box and a little description of each flavor.  This is a great way to learn more about what teas are in your box at a glance.

This box featured five different teas- Blackberry Zomba Green Tea, Raspberry Almond Cookie Honeybush, Rose Mango Daiquiri, Bananas Foster Black Tea, and Coconut Flan Genmaicha.  My tea kettle is just itching to start prepping the water for these mouth watering teas!

RaspberryAlmond2My eyes went instantly to the Blackberry Zomba Green Tea. That sounded like heaven to me.   Green tea, blackberries, and other organic flavors. . .sign me up.  I quickly set the kettle to green tea setting and began the prep to check this tea out.  This tea was amazing! Simply fabulous.  Sweet yet vegetal like green tea with a gorgeous blackberry finish.  Like the description says, simple straight forward tea. And wow, is it ever good.  So good that I instantly emailed Anne and said I needed a larger size.

RaspberryAlmond3The next tea I tried was the Raspberry Almond Cookie Honeybush.  Do yourself a favor. Check this tea out right now! I’m surprised there is even some of this left.  This tea is just dynamite! I had talked to Anne about this tea and she told me it was good. I think she underrated it a bit by saying good. This tea has lovely fruity berry notes of raspberry with a solid nutty finish that gives you that baked cookie feel. Holy tea kettles! This tea is a winner and one that I may need a larger size of as well.

RaspberryAlmondI have yet to try the remaining teas due to a crazy work schedule but I will be fixing that soon.  From the experience I’ve had with these teas so far, this is a winning box.  The teas are fresh and each pops with its own unique character and flavor.  I’m crazy impressed with the presentation and the little menu you get in the monthly box as well.  A simple touch that gives the recipient a warm fuzzy and shows that the ladies behind 52Teas care!

After this experience, I’ll be signing up for sure to start receiving this box myself.  A great way to keep getting these unique and fun teas without worrying about ordering them on time and missing out. I’ve missed out on blends before.  By signing up for this box, you don’t have to worry about that!