Japanese Organic Green Tea Powder Packets from Shi Zen


Tea Information:

Leaf Type:  Green

Where to Buy:  Shi Zen

Tea Description:

Our organic green tea (sencha) is grown on family farms located in small villages in the foothills of Mount Fuji where farmers pride in their commitment to only harvest crops grown in the way Mother Nature intended. Due to its high elevation, this remote Isagawa-Izumidaira and Kawane region of Shizuoka Prefecture enjoys the perfect combination of clean air, pure water, and fertile soil only found in this area of Japan, which allows for pesticide-free farming. 

In fact, to preserve this way of farming they’ve maintained for centuries, these villages have adopted a strict policy and guidelines on organic farming, and not only tea farmers but also fruit and vegetable farmer’s of this region strive to provide the safest and best quality pesticide-free produce to their customers.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

Cool “iced tea” refreshment doesn’t get any easier than these Japanese Organic Green Tea Powder Packets from Shi Zen!  Seriously … all you have to do is take a smaller water bottle (500ml size) full of freshly filtered water – or if you’re on the go and you’re buying one of the bottles from the convenience store, that works too! – open the bottle, pour in the fine, powdered green tea from two of the little pixie style packets and then screw the cap on tight and give it a really good shake!

That’s it!  No measuring and no special tools required for preparation.  All you need is a small water bottle full of water and two of these packets.  (For 8 ounces, just use 1 packet of the green tea powder!)  These are great for on the go, and it’s not only tasty but it’s also much healthier than any of those sugar-laden soft drinks that you might reach for when the weather turns warm and you need re-hydration.

greenteapowderThe powdered green tea becomes instantly incorporated (there was no sediment at the bottom, and you don’t have to keep shaking the bottle to make sure it stays mixed!) and the flavor is delightful.  There’s no sugar added to this and no artificial flavors, so you’re getting pure, green, Japanese Sencha tea and all the benefits of the whole leaf!

The taste is sweet, vegetative and slightly buttery.  It tastes light and crisp.  This is not Matcha – although it might look like it (and I did categorize it as Matcha because it is a powdered tea leaf), and it doesn’t have that characteristic thick, creamy texture that I’d often associate with Matcha.  This tastes and feels lighter … fresher!  It’s really refreshing and it is very invigorating too!  It’s a great way to “recharge” at mid-day when you’re starting to feel a little tuckered out … and because I prepared it in cold water … it’s really easy to chug down to quench the thirst.

This is my first experience with a tea from Shi Zen … and it’s a good one.  I’m looking forward to trying some of their other teas!

White Chocolate Flavored Matcha from Red Leaf Tea


Tea Information:

Leaf Type:  White

Where to Buy:  Red Leaf Tea

Tea Description:

For those who are looking for a delectable chocolate derivative that will still deliver on the well loved chocolate appeal, White chocolate Matcha makes the perfect choice. This light colored delectable Matcha treat is perfect for those with intolerance for its darker chocolate counterpart. It however, does not disappoint in the bonafide chocolate taste that is appetizing and scrumptious. The pleasantly colored White chocolate Matcha is perfect for adults and children alike.

Learn more about this flavored Matcha here.

Taster’s Review:

I’m not always crazy about white chocolate, and if given a choice, I’d choose dark chocolate or milk chocolate over white chocolate every time.  However, I did think that this flavor would offer some good “blending” options, and that’s why I ultimately decided to order this White Chocolate Flavored Matcha from Red Leaf Tea.

Since I’ve got quite a few Matcha selections in my tea stash, I figured the flavor of white chocolate would meld nicely with a lot of the fruit flavored matcha teas that I have … and it would also make a very nice addition to my fruit smoothies!

But you know what?  It’s actually quite nice on it’s own too.  For the purposes of this review, I prepared a latte, using a 1:1 ratio of hot water and steamed milk, and then using my hand-held frother, I whisked the sifted, powdered green tea into the water and milk combination.  The result is a tasty bowl of Matcha Latte that disappeared in no time flat!   (By the way, Red Leaf Tea pre-sifts their Matcha for you when you order it!  One less step when you prepare the Matcha – which is kind of nice if you’re adding the powdered green tea directly to a water bottle for Matcha on the go!)

The white chocolate flavor is a good combination with the flavor of this Classic Grade Matcha, which has a natural “chocolate-y” undertone to it – it seems to bring out those chocolate notes.  I like that I’m not tasting an “artificial” or chemical note to this Matcha.  As I’ve mentioned in some of the other flavored Matcha reviews that I’ve written for Red Leaf Tea, sometimes there is a chemical-y taste that comes with the flavored Matcha.  Some of the flavors work better than others.  The white chocolate flavor works very well!

The Matcha doesn’t taste remarkably “vegetative” – it tastes sweet and creamy.  There are hints of grassy notes to this.  There are also buttery notes, and a very tasty white chocolate note that seems to be enhanced with the natural chocolate tones of the Matcha.  I chose the distinctive level of flavoring for this blend, and it provides a nice taste.

This is one that I’m going to really enjoy experimenting with and seeing what kinds of flavor combinations I can come up with!  And it tastes amazing in smoothies!

Earl Grey Matcha (Black Tea) from Red Leaf Tea


Tea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black (Matcha)

Where to Buy:  Red Leaf Tea

Tea Description:

Earl Grey Matcha is distinctive in its special combination of a hint of citrus fruitiness and smoky essence. This exceptional flavor is ideal for the well developed and adventurous palate that seeks a combination of variety and spice in any refreshment. This special flavor is ideal for many special occasions where people can treat themselves to a new fresh taste that is still uncommon yet unforgettable to the palate. Earl Grey Matcha stands in a special class of its own because of its essence of refinement.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

As one who enjoys both Earl Grey and Matcha … this was a powdered tea that I just had to try.  I opted for the black powdered tea leaf with this Earl Grey Matcha blend from Red Leaf Tea rather than the green tea, because even though I’ve enjoyed the various twists on the classic Grey that I’ve tasted – including the green tea Earl Grey blends  that I’ve tried – I still prefer the flavor of the black tea with the bergamot.

I also chose the distinctive level of flavoring for this blend, and I am kind of wishing that I would have gone with the delicate level for this one.  I mean, I like bergamot, I like it a lot!  But the aroma – whew!  I think that it goes just a tad TOO bergamot-y here with the distinctive level of flavoring.  This is STRONG … and I think it’s too strong, veering on the side of perfume-y soap.

But since I hadn’t yet tasted it, only smelled it, I hoped for the best – crossing my fingers that the strong aroma did not translate to a soapy tasting black matcha drink.  Unfortunately, all the hoping in the world didn’t help.  Even the stronger flavor of the black tea powder versus the softer flavor of the green tea powder … the bergamot is just too … soap-like in this.

However, not willing to give up yet, I decided to try this as a latte and see if the milk would help mute the flavors out a wee bit!  Success!  This is good as a latte – in fact, it’s the only way I can really drink it!  It’s especially good with vanilla flavored almond milk!  (It’s also good when blended into a glass of honey flavored, Greek Kefir!)

I really don’t know that there will be a “next time” for me in buying this Earl Grey Matcha – but if I were to buy it again, I would be mindful to choose the delicate level of flavoring.  This DOES have promise, but the distinctive level of flavoring – which has been so reliable for me with most of the flavored matcha teas that I’ve purchased in the past from Red Leaf Tea has let me down today.  That said, I’ve had enough tasty Red Leaf Tea Matcha offerings that I won’t let one bad one spoil it for me.  Time to move on to another!

Passion Fruit Flavored Matcha from Red Leaf Tea

Passion-Fruit-MatchaTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Green (Matcha)

Where to Buy:  Red Leaf Tea

Tea Description:

Passion Fruit lends its heightened sweet flavor to the light velvety matcha to create an exquisite tasting Passion Fruit matcha drink that is loved by both adults and children alike. This light and invigorating drink can be taken as an appetizer before breakfast, a rejuvenating mid-morning drink or a mid-afternoon revitalizer. It fruity goodness is ideal for young energetic children who need to explore the great tasting flavors of many herbal teas.

Learn more about this flavored Matcha here.

Taster’s Review:

I know that I’ve gushed on about the many flavors of Matcha from Red Leaf Tea before, but, I really love that I can STILL go to the Matcha pages on  the Red Leaf Tea website and still find flavors that I still haven’t yet tried!  Their number of selections just can’t be beat!  There’s a flavor there for everyone!

And I really like this Passion Fruit Flavored Matcha from Red Leaf Tea!  It’s really delightful!  Sweet and fruity, but with just enough of a tart flavor to keep it from tasting too sweet.  It doesn’t taste like candied fruit or an overly sweet concoction … it tastes like true passion fruit flavor mixed with creamy, smooth Matcha goodness!

For this flavored Matcha blend, I went with my “usual” specifications – the classic grade of powdered green tea, flavored with a distinct level of Passion Fruit flavoring.  And this is just right.  The passion fruit flavor is strong and distinct, but, not overpowering.  The Matcha has a creamy, vegetative taste to it, with very subtle hints of butter.  The aftertaste is sweet and fruity.

The passion fruit notes are sweet and juicy tasting, but I like that they don’t taste TOO  sweet.  There are some really invigorating tart notes to this bowl of Matcha.  I’m not puckering as I sip this or anything, but, I find that the tart notes really perk up the overall flavor.  It sort of energizes the flavor – brightens it!

The Matcha is very smooth, and it froths up nicely.  I like that now that I’m nearly finished with this chawan of Matcha, that I still have some froth in the bowl.  I also like that the powdered green tea stays incorporated in the hot water.  It hasn’t settled into a pile of sediment at the bottom of the bowl.  The last sip is just as smooth and creamy and delicious as the first sip was!

I enjoy this served hot as well as cold.  For a quick and easy refreshment, try scooping some of the powder into a water bottle filled with cold, filtered water, and give it a vigorous shaking to thoroughly integrate the Matcha into the water – and drink!  It’s a delicious way to enjoy Matcha and quench your thirst too.  This is also a great Matcha to try as a latte – just prepare the Matcha as you normally would, but with about half the amount of hot water, and then warm some milk and replace the other half of the water with the steamed milk!  The creamy notes and texture of the milk really taste amazing with the passion fruit!

Kiwi Flavored Matcha from Red Leaf Tea


Tea Information:

Leaf Type:  Green (Matcha)

Where to Buy:  Red Leaf Tea

Tea Description:

Kiwi Matcha’s rich acidic undertones make it a delectable delight when added to many foods and drinks around the home. Its sweet and tart taste make it a great food or drink enhancer because it enlivens the taste buds and makes partaking of the food much more enjoyable. It is an excellent flavor when making culinary delights exciting and more delectable. Its lingering flavor makes many foods and drinks very delicious and appealing.

Learn more about this Matcha here.

Taster’s Review:

This is pretty tasty, although, I must admit that I’m just a tad underwhelmed by it.  I was hoping for more of a true to the fruit flavor with this Kiwi Flavored Matcha from Red Leaf Tea, but, it tastes a bit more like candy.  It still tastes kiwi-like but it’s more like an artificial kiwi flavor than a authentic fruit-like taste.

That’s not to say it tastes bad … it’s certainly enjoyable.  But, it tastes more like it was flavored with kiwi flavored candy … rather than kiwi fruit, if that makes sense.

The fresh, “green” taste of the Matcha lends some balance to this bowl of traditionally prepared Matcha, though.  It has a bittersweet, slightly vegetative, slightly buttery taste.  The texture is smooth and creamy and I’m glad to report that it is not gritty.  (Yay!) It even stayed mixed all the way to the bottom of the bowl.

The kiwi has a sweet, fruity taste, but as I mentioned before, it is not a true fruit kind of taste … more like a fruity candy taste.  It definitely does taste of kiwi, though.  And there is a trace of “chemical-y” taste to this as well, but, I didn’t find it to be a powerful or overwhelming flavor, and after the first couple of sips, the artificial-y/chemical-y taste began to subside.

I prepared this traditionally, as I said, but I used slightly cooler water than I normally would, because it’s warmer out these days, and I wanted a cooler drink.  While it terribly hot, it was warm and I enjoyed it that way.  It’s also quite good when added to smoothies!

My specifications for this Matcha were my “usual” – the classic grade of green Matcha, flavored with a distinctive level of kiwi flavoring.  This time around, I think that the kiwi slightly overpowered the flavor of the green tea, so you might want to go with the delicate flavoring with this particular flavor.  Or … perhaps try a higher grade of Matcha (which is what I’d recommend!)

Good … but, not my favorite flavoring for the Matcha from Red Leaf Tea … but I’m still really glad I had the opportunity to try it, and don’t regret ordering it because I do love the flavor it adds to my smoothies, especially since I do enjoy kiwi fruit but it’s not a fruit I typically keep on hand.  A teaspoon and a half of this Kiwi Flavored Matcha gives my smoothies a nice hint of kiwi!