Where To Buy: Tea Oh
Product Description:
A flirty combination of pomegranate and vanilla.
Tasters Review:
Tea Oh is a fairly new Tea Company/Place you can buy tea online and is based out of Canada and I think they are just great!
Their Pomtini is a flavored black tea and is mostly Pomegranate flavored with a hint of vanilla on top of black tea. It’s very fruity, a tad bitter – but in a good and sassy way! These were my findings on my very first attempt with this tea.
The 2nd attempt with this tea I was getting more of an apple taste than Pom and Vanilla but it sure is tasty regardless!
This tea is not run-of-the-mill! The flavoring is a creative – well thought of combo and I think this is nice hot and cold/iced!
Pomegranate Green Tea from The Tea Nation
Leaf Type: Green
Where to Buy: The Tea Nation
Company Description:
Pomegranate is a fruit-bearing deciduous shrub or small tree. It is native to the Middle East and Northern India, although it has been cultivated and naturalized throughout the Mediterranean and the Caucasus since ancient times. Pomegranate has a high level of potassium and antioxidants. The most abundant are hydrolyzable tannins called punicalagins which have free-radical scavenging properties. We have flavored our Pure Ceylon high grown teas with the most pleasant pomegranate flavor so that you can enjoy it any time of the day. This tea is particularly good after dinner.
Taster’s Review:
Whenever I encounter tea in a tea bag, I am initially skeptical. It is kind of a “knee-jerk” reaction, I guess, but the truth is that over the past couple of years that I’ve been writing tea reviews, I’ve come across quite a few bagged teas that were quite good.
So, I was initially skeptical when I received this bagged tea from The Tea Nation. I shouldn’t have been, though, because this tea is delicious.
It has an unusually intense flavor. I say “unusually” because, generally, green tea is quite delicate in flavor, but this has a bright, vibrant flavor. The pomegranate is sweet with a very light tartness to it. The green tea has a light, buttery quality.
It is a very tasty brew; however, you should be warned that this tea is quite sweet. For those of you who might automatically add sweetener to your tea, taste this one first before you sweeten so that you don’t accidentally overdo it! I found it to be very satisfying without adding sweetener.
This is my first tasting of a tea from The Tea Nation, and I’m quite impressed by it! It encourages me to seek out other teas from them and give them a try.
Burgundy Blast from Simpson & Vail
Leaf Type: Herbal
Where to Buy: Simpson & Vail
Company Description:
This refreshing blend brews to a bright cherry red color with a sweet, tart taste. Comprised of hibiscus flowers, mango, papaya, lemongrass, safflower, mallow blossoms and acai and pomegranate flavors, this tea is fabulous both hot and iced.
Taster’s Review:
I’ll be honest, this tea scared me a little bit… a quick look at the ingredients made me think that this would be just a little too sour for my taste buds. So I put off trying it until now…
Yes, it IS a bit tart … BUT… it is also very tasty! It has enough sweet fruit flavor to it that it smooths out the tart edge just enough so that it’s agreeable.
The key, I think, is to not allow it to steep too long. I steeped it for just 5 minutes. This is enough time to extract flavor from the herbs and fruit without allowing the hibiscus to offset the delicate balance of this cup. Another important factor is that I served it iced. The chill allows the flavors to mellow out without dulling them too much. When it is hot, the flavor is much more potent.
But… let’s get on to how this tastes, because it is really quite tasty. I can taste mango and papaya, pomegranate and açaí. The lemongrass offers just a hint lemony taste, and it is just the right touch to the sweet-tart blend of fruits.
The hibiscus offers some body to this blend – but because I only steeped it for 5 minutes, it isn’t a thick, syrupy consistency. It is also not overwhelmingly sour. It offers just the right level of tart to create a very delicate balance between tart and sweet.
Simpson & Vail has a very intriguing recipe for this tea – Burgundy Blast Fizzy Drink – which can be found here. It looks absolutely delicious!
I enjoyed this tea very much and it was just the right tea for today, because even though the calendar says it’s autumn, the weather is very summer-like. It was HOT today! Drinking this as an iced tea was very refreshing!
Pear & Pomegranate from Townshend’s Tea Co.
Leaf Type: Black
Where to Buy: Townshend’s Tea Co.
Company Description:
A strong China black tea with natural fruit flavors and scents. The pomegranate delivers a tart but fresh taste while the pear contributes a sweet, light flavor. One of our most popular teas, hot and iced.
Taster’s Review:
I am very surprised by the flavor of this tea! Yes, I am pleasantly surprised, indeed.
First of all, I didn’t expect to taste the pear in this blend. Pear being such a subtle fruit, I figured surely the flavor would get lost in the flavor of black tea. And if, by some chance, the flavor survived the black tea, I was certain that the pomegranate would dominate the pear. But it doesn’t.
There is such a lovely balance of flavors in this cup!
The pear is succulent and sweet – and it tastes like I’ve just bitten into a fresh, ripe pear: smooth and delicious. And the pomegranate is tangy, but that tartness does not overwhelm the sweet flavor of the pear – instead it cuts through some of the sweetness just enough to make its presence known, and then there is a little tart-y “twinge” that lingers on the palate in the finish, almost as if I had just popped a plump pomegranate aril with my tongue and let the juice wash over my palate.
The black tea is brisk yet not overly aggressive in this blend. It has a place and a presence in this tea, but, it doesn’t overwhelm the flavor of the delicate pear or the tart pomegranate. Each flavor is in perfect harmony in this delightful, delicious blend.