Tea Information:
Leaf Type: Oolong, Green
Where to Buy: Della Terra Teas
Tea Description:
Our Peach Oolong combines amazing oolong with a little green tea and peach flavor and peach rose hips. A delicious, light flavor. Flavored Oolong lovers, you will adore this tea!
Ingredients: Oolong tea, green tea, peach flavor and peach rose hips
Learn more about this tea here.
Taster’s Review:
Peach Oolong from Della Terra Teas is a must try if you love peach flavored teas or oolong tea!
I was also surprised by the green tea in this blend and even though there is a strong juicy ripe peach flavor, along with an outstanding oolong flavor, the green tea still manages to shine through!
I love peach flavored teas, and as readers of this blog know, I adore oolong. This Peach Oolong from Della Terra really hits the spot for me! I was lucky that they included a sample in my last order. I will be making an order of this tea as soon as the sample is gone!
Della Terra not only has some of the yummiest tea blends around, but they are amazing in their customer service and always have really great sales! If you do not follow them on Facebook I really suggest that you do. They have regular drawings for free teas, as well as the amazing sales I already mentioned. They are always updated on their Facebook page. You can find them on Facebook here.
If you are not sure what you want to order check out their Try Me Packs.
I have many favorites from Della Terra Teas and have reviewed several here on the blog. I am really glad I got to try this one though. The peachy flavor is fresh and juicy, the oolong flavor offers a good support to all the peachiness, and the green tea has a really yummy butteriness that makes the blend taste a little like a buttery peach cobbler.
This tea verges between a replacement for fruit juice in the morning and a dessert tea after dinner.