Tea Information:
Leaf Type: Fruit Tisane
Where to Buy: Mahamosa Gourmet Teas, Spices, and Herbs
Tea Description:
Peaches, hibiscus, apple bits, elderberries, and sunflower petals with peach cream flavor.
Time: 10-12 minutes; Temperature: 203-212⁰F: 1-2 level tsp./6 oz serving
Learn more about this tea here.
Taster’s Review:
Peach Melba from Mahamosa Gourmet Teas, Spices, and Herbs is a sweet, tangy, treat.
I want to address the hibiscus in this blend. Its done so well! I am not one to favor hibiscus in any amount. I see no need for it 99% of the time, however in this blend it actually does something good! To begin, it provides the right amount of tart to make this rather sweet tea balanced. Secondly, it does not cover all the other flavors in the tisane.
Often times I think tea companies add hibiscus because it is so inexpensive and helps to expand the blend, however in this case Mahamosa has done right by this blend.
The peach flavor comes through nicely and the creamy flavor is present. The apple flavors taste as if they were fresh apples picked right from the teas in an orchard! The elderberries, which I love, happen to have a very fresh and slightly tart flavor too but that is okay because there is a deep sweetness in this tea that needs a dash of sour, and tart to help it stay down to earth.
If you enjoy this tea hot you simply must try some on ice! It is something I can see myself serving in place of juice this summer and far more healthy!
Peach Melba from Lupicia

Tea Information:
Leaf Type: Rooibos
Where to Buy: Lupicia
Tea Description:
The delicious aroma of peaches and cream brings out the sweetness of the rooibos tea.
Learn more about this tea here.
Taster’s Review:
Peach Melba from Lupicia – WOW! Okay so if you read the blog regularly you may know I do not do reviews on rooibos tea. Okay maybe I have once before, maybe, I don’t recall to be honest, but I really do not care for rooibos at all. However, I have to admit, this rooibos is not only drinkable for me, it is extremely good! The flavor additives in this tea make it so that it blends in perfect harmony with the rooibos. It is peachy, it is creamy, it is sweet, it is like dessert in a cup. It makes me feel happy, soothed, and satisfies any sweet tooth, and I mean that. I know people often say that a tea can satisfy a sweet craving, and really we are just fooling ourselves most of the time. Even after a dessert tea I still want dessert dangit! With this one though, its different. There is something quite magical about this blend.
I got this in my Happy Bag from Lupicia this year. I love the Happy Bags and highly recommend them. Lupicia sells them every year right after midnight on the 1st of January. I got the 60.00 bag this year but next year I will be saving up for the 100.00 bag! Lupicia also offers a 30.00 bag as well.
Now another way you can know just how yummy this rooibos is, is that it is 12:30 am. I am tired, and I really had no intentions of doing a review at this hour. However, when I made this cup I just had to jump on here and do this review because it inspired me! I even rated it 100 on steepster because if a rooibos impresses me it deserves the highest rating possible.
There really isn’t much more I can say about this rooibos from Lupicia other than once again, Lupicia has not disappointed me! Well there was one tea, one time from Lupicia that I did not care for but it was also a rooibos blend. I passed onto one of my SororiTea Sisters because I did not care for it but that was because as usual I can’t tolerate rooibos. Which is only more proof that this one is really darn good!
If you love peaches, and you love cream, and you like rooibos, then get some because this is just the cream of the peach crop here!