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Put on music with erhu in it.
Deeply inhale. Exhale. Fruits. Strawberry. Peach. Do it again. Pineapple and mango.
Drink in a double-walled glass cup in order to fully enjoy the gorgeousness of this tea. Though don’t try to sip it grandpa style. The rose petals will try to choke you.
Tiny pink ninjas they are. This tea is better brewed cold. The fruity flavors come out better without the astringency taking over.
Personally, I wasn’t really a fan of it when it hot because I thought it was a bit too tannic, even with the fruity flavor.
Want to Know More About This Tea?
Leaf Type: Green
Where to Buy: Teakruthi
Light, almost golden, yellow when perfectly brewed, this distinctive green tea begins its journey growing on the picturesque Radella Estate. Like only the finest Ceylon gems can do, this tea sparkles brilliantly, bewitching your taste buds with its flavour. To this unique, high grown green tea base we have added the makings of a tropical vacation. Tangy pineapple and tropical fruits including strawberry, mango, and peach compliment the Green tea base, teasing out its hidden flavours. Each sip is a moment of pure ecstasy, transporting you from your daily life to a world of the seaside relaxation that you truly deserve.
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Peach & Apricot Green Tea/Joseph’s Tea -CuppaGeek-
These are incredibly busy days for me and my family. Besides a family situations we have going on, my 9-5 job is in the political arena so I’m pretty much working from the minute I wake up until the minute I’m heading to bed with emails still coming in. I do very much love my job but because of the craziness. . . .my tea drinking has fallen to the way side a bit and I’m missing my tea time so very much.
So after lunch the other day, I made it a priority to enjoy tea time (with snacks even) and grabbed a tea we recently relieved from Joseph’s Tea- Peach & Apricot Green Tea. This particular tea was in a tea bag so I knew that even if I had to quickly start working again, I would be able to easily keep drinking this delight.
Brewed with water at 170F and allowed to steep right around 3 minutes, this tea was a delightful surprise. Really sweet peachy notes with a subtle smoky flavor. I don’t get the apricot notes as much as I get the peachy notes, but I’ll be honest, I’m ok with that because of how lovely the peach flavor was.
This tea was really simple yet really lovely tea to enjoy and enjoy I did. This tea was my companion all afternoon. I found myself really digging the contrast of the sweet peach notes with the gunpowder green tea.
I did try for a few more resteeps and I was again pleasantly surprised. I can see this tea being a dynamite iced tea and something I will be trying in the future.
Want to Know More About This Tea?
Leaf Type: Green
Where to Buy: Joseph’s Tea
Temple of heaven Gunpowder green tea with peach and Apricot flavoring. One of our best sellers!
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
**gifted for review**
Peach and Apricot Green Tea from Long Dog Tea Co. . . .
Peaches and apricots just scream all things happy and bright so when I was having a particularly low day the other day, this was the tea I grabbed for. And I’m so happy I did.
Peach and Apricot Green Tea is a lovely tea blend of gunpowder green tea, peach, and apricot flavorings. First of all, this tea had me at gunpowder but with the promise of peaches and apricots, this tea was giving me those tea tingles. You know. Those tingles you get when you try a tea for the first time and you know its going to be love.
Brewed up with green tea parameters and allowed to steep for 3 minutes and cooled for another two. Fresh fruity notes were already in the air and I couldn’t wait to see if what I was smelling would translate into the same flavor.
First sip in, you are greeted with this gorgeous lovely peach and subtle apricot flavor followed up with a sturdy familiar gunpowder green tea flavor. Not so much the smoky tones of gunpowder tea but more or less just a there is a green tea flavor here and not in the vegetal way. Quite simply, this tea is delicious and provides a perfect contrast without being overpower by fruity notes or the natural green tea flavor. I’m quite in love and enamored over this tea.
With the little sample I had, I was able to pull out a few infusions and was delighted.
This tea would be a perfect companion for any season and I can’t wait to gobble up more so I can enjoy a lighter tea with the onset of fall chais coming our way. If you aren’t familiar with Long Dog Tea Co., check them out! Their logo alone makes me smile.
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Green
Where to Buy: Long Dog Tea Co.
Sweet flavor of ripe summer peaches and apricots with the smooth refreshing taste of green tea.
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Spritz of Glitz from Tea and Tins. . .
What attracted me to this tea was the little silver candies. I’m sucker for sprinkles!
This was a very striking blend with the silver gleaming against the dark green tea leaves. While the name of the blend is ‘pear,’ the dry blend and wet leaves had more of a peach aroma to me. If you are familiar with Sour Peaches, it smelt like that!
However, when I went in to sip the liquor, I got a whiff of pear. There was a rich pear flavour from the liquor as well. Since the blend leaned towards sweet, it reminded me of pear candy instead of freshly picked pears. I kept getting a mixture of pear and peaches in my mouth.
This yellow liquor tea is for pear (and peach) lovers!
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Green
Where to Buy: Tea and Tins
Ingredients: green tea, succulent peach and fresh pear with a glitzy spritz of sparkling sugars!
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Peach Iced Green Tea from LeCharm. . . . . .
It’s rare if I purchase a bottled iced GREEN tea in a store. Usually because I find most of them have added and unnecessary ingredients in them and/or sweeteners. Many of you know that I drink my teas straight-up with nothing added. So when I try a tea that is something other than “unsweetened” it just tastes so ‘OFF’ to me.
When I saw this Peach ICED Green Tea product from LeCharm arrive I was a little nervous. I was assuming it would have those ‘things’ I dread in bottled and store bought teas. But you know what they say about ASSUMING things, right?
Plain and simple this product has a goal of providing you with a brewed iced tea taste in 3 seconds or less. All I did was mix with about 8 ounces of cold water. Altho you can mix with Hot/Cold/Iced Water and can try it with 6 to 10 ounces of water. They suggest you shake well if mixing with Cold/Iced water. And remind you mixing with less water if a stronger taste preferred.
I thought I would go middle of the road with this first attempt and I have to say I was blown away with how natural it tasted! It tasted like a medium-strong green tea with a little bit of peach in there! SUCCESS!
Ingredients include 100% natural Green tea and peach extract. That’s it! It’s Calorie Free, Residue Free, and Sugar Free! No Additives, artificial flavors, or preservatives. Just open the bag, pour in cold or hot water, and enjoy your tea.
How EASY is that? EASY…I tell ya! It’s super convenient and DARN TASTY, too!
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Green
Where to Buy: LeCharm
Ingredient: 100% natural Green tea and peach extract
Calorie Free* Residue Free* Sugar Free*
No Additives, artificial flavors, or preservatives.
Open the bag, pour in cold or hot water, enjoy your tea.
Exquisite taste and perfectly blended with few ice cubes, cool chilled and will be extremely delicious.
- Rich Source of Antioxidant and Fiber
- Cooling& Refreshing
- Toxin Cleanser
- Weight Control
The iced peach green tea contains polyphenols, caffeine, theanine and other active ingredients with antioxidant, providing healthcare to our body, such as anti-aging, aiding weight loss, promoting beauty, and preventing cardiovascular and other health effects.