Sun & Cloud Mist from 52Teas. . . .

I’ve had about three travel containers of this iced by the time I got around to writing this. One arts festival, one movie, and one lunch. And I’ve enjoyed all three!

This tea, though not currently available, is one to keep an eye out for, since it appears to come and go from 52Teas’ site occasionally. It’s a green tea that tastes like sugary lemon.

You know how you go to arts festivals or carnivals and get thirsty? So you pay $6 for a big plastic cup of handmade lemonade? They grind up the lemons in front of you then unapologetically throw huge spoonfuls of sugar in there before handing it to you? And you’re like “HERE COMES THE DIABETES AND I DON’T EVEN CARE”?

This tastes just like that! Minus the health consequences.

In fact, this might even be a little bit GOOD for you, since it contains green tea. I could go on at length about the alleged benefits of green tea, but you’ve probably already seen Dr Oz (or perhaps even reputable medical professionals) talk about it.

Green tea is ESPECIALLY healthy when juxtaposed against soda, the vice I am continually trying to quit. (Fun activity suggestion: go back through my posts and try to figure out the percentage of them that I mention soda.)

So thanks, 52Teas, for giving me this sample! It’s saved my teeth and innards from at least three bouts with the fizzy stuff. And I have enough left in the bag for a few more rounds! Time to take this tea on more travels!

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type: Green
Where to Buy:  52Teas

This tea is no longer available but click below for teas that are.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Ginger Ninja from BlendBee. . . .

Let me take you on a little adventuring in brewing this tea, friends. Imagine: a normal office environment. One woman… her desk, full of tea. Her morning: slow and in need of a pick-me-up. Everyone else around her: hacking up a lung from the winter-sick that sets in every year around this time. She’s desiring something that feels a little medicinal, but also tastes good (obviously). Skeptically, she picks up this tea from her stash– “Ooh, ginger!” she thinks. “Oh… green tea?” This isn’t looking good for one such green tea skeptic.

Regardless, she pours some hot water from the tap, giving it a second to cool down, and hesitantly scoops the dry leaf into her cup. Two and half minutes later…

She takes a whiff. “Ooh, grassy– not my favorite,” she ponders. But she persists. A quick sip– “where’d that grassiness go?” she wonders. It’s gone! It’s replaced with spicy, warming, peppery ginger, a light hint of floral and her favorite: sweet and mellow licorice root. Sure, there’s a hint of green-ery (if you will) in the background. But it’s not overwhelmingly herbaceous, as her first sip would’ve had you believing. It’s sweet and warm and unusual, and surprisingly addictive– within a few minutes, she’s downed the whole cup. Who’s a green tea skeptic? Not her, anymore. Another cup? Don’t mind if she does…

And scene.

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Green
Where to Buy:  BlendBee

You start off with nice and sweet Green Tea, Rose Hips, Licorice Root, Orange Peel and Stevia Leaf. Then your taste buds go for a spin with Ginger and Black Pepper. You’re welcome.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

52 Teas- Cookies for Santa Black Tea. . Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays!

On the 12th Day of Christmas, 52 Teas gave to me…Cookies for Santa Black Tea!! Its Christmas morning and I couldn’t be more festive today. We are making French Toast in my house since it’s our favorite breakfast, the baby is unwrapping her presents (more like ripping the wrapping paper all over the place haha), and I am really enjoying this yummy tea! The dry leaf smells like ginger and spices. I can see pieces of candied ginger and nutmeg.

I brewed up my cup and took a seat, breathing in the spices. This one is like aromatherapy! So relaxing to just sit and breathe it in. It tastes lightly spiced and like those crunchy gingersnap cookies. I used to love those cookies when I was younger. I did not add any agave or sweetener to this, although I think it would taste nice with a dash of milk. However, it is just as good plain and I am enjoying tasting all the components without anything muddying it up. I think that Santa would very much enjoy this cup of tea!

I hope that you all have the best Christmas day while indulging in these lovely teas. To keep the festivities going, I’ll probably be brewing up the rest of some of my tasters (maple marshmallow Genmaicha, anyone??) for the rest of the day and enjoying the Christmas spirit that has filled our home. Merry Christmas, everybody and I wish you all the joys and happiness in the New Year!

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Black
Where to Buy:  52Teas

This tea is not available but click below for teas that are.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Day 11: Maple Marshmallow Treat Genmaicha . . .Counting Down to Christmas with 52Teas!

On the 11th Day of Christmas 52 Teas gave to me…..Maple Marshmallow Treat Genmaicha Green Tea!!! (cue my happy dance) Just like the original Marshmallow Treat Genmaich Green Tea, this version is very near and dear to my heart. I believe it was a part of my first order from 52 Teas along with the original Marshmallow Treat that I previously said was actually the tea that led me to discover 52 Teas altogether!

A few days ago when I reviewed the Banana Marshmallow Treat Genmaicha that was a part of this box, I thought that it was absolutely fantastic….but I had forgotten about this maple version. After making a cup of the maple marshmallow one I am now super conflicted as to which I like better. First off, as soon as you open the pouch the smell is all maple. It literally smells like a plate of pancakes drizzled with fresh maple syrup. Once brewed, that delicious maple is still there but now there’s just a small underlying scent of vanilla marshmallow. And the taste? It’s so scrumptious!! It’s like Vermont maple syrup and fluff along with that classic toasted rice flavor of Genmaicha. It’s sweet and creamy and divine! It is a complete toss up as to which I like more- the banana marshmallow treat or the maple marshmallow treat. Oh my…a thought just came to me….what if we combined all three flavors and made a Banana Maple Marshmallow Treat Genmaicha? Well, that would just be my version of Nirvana!

Merry Christmas Eve! I hope you all enjoyed this tea as much as I do. Tomorrow is Christmas and I have a feeling our last tea in this box is going to be an exciting one…a real treat for us all on Christmas morning! So be sure to check back amidst all the present-unwrapping and Christmas festivities to hear my thoughts on Day 12’s blend

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Green
Where to Buy:  52Teas

This tea is not available but click below for teas that are.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Day 10: Banana TieGuanYin Oolong Tea. . . .52Teas Holiday Countdown

On the 10th Day of Christmas 52 Teas gave to me… Banana TieGuanYin Oolong Tea! We are nearing the end of our little tea-journey, folks, and I can’t help but feel sad. This box has truly consisted of an amazing bunch of teas and I just want to keep going! I have no regrets over purchasing this “advent calendar” and I had quite a few choices from other companies I shop with. This has been, by far, the most unique and satisfying.

However, we aren’t quite done yet so here goes with Day 10!!! I love banana, especially when it is flavoring my tea. However, I don’t usually gravitate towards oolong blends. They definitely bring a unique flavor to the tea. If I had a cup of green, black, and oolong and you blindfolded me- I could accurately tell you which are which on taste, maybe even smell, alone. But when given a choice, I will always choose green or black over oolong. I had never heard of TieGuanYin before so I googled it. According to google, this particular tea is “warm, soft, and soothingly mineral in texture.” When I smelled the dry leaf I could definitely smell banana, but once brewed I could detect that “mineral” quality that this leaf has been described like. Now, although I am not a huge fan of oolong blends, I feel like the tea actual does go nicely with the banana flavor. So if you do like oolong you will appreciate the ‘marriage’ of the leaf with the banana because they definitely complement each other. There is almost something floral about the TieGuan Yin as well that brings something different to the cup while mingling with the banana and mineral quality of the leaf. My final assessment: I love the banana component. I literally can’t NOT like it since I’m such a huge fan of banana tea. And although oolong is not my first choice, I find that it worked very well with the banana flavor and someone who enjoys oolong would definitely appreciate this flavor combo.

So those are my final thoughts on Day 10’s Banana TieGuan Yin and I am really excited to finish out the last two days of this box with you all so stay tuned….I have a feeling these last two blends you definitely won’t want to miss!

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Oolong
Where to Buy:  52Teas

This tea is not available but click below for teas that are.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!