Where To Buy: Simpson & Vail
Product Description:
A new addition to our flavored tea line and already a huge hit with all of us here! This slightly sweet, scrumptious blend has a lightly toasted flavor with the delicious taste of apples and cinnamon. Sipping this tea reminds me of the Sunday morning breakfast treats of my childhood. Now that I’m all grown up I could have those treats every day of the week; however, I think I’ll stick to this tea blend instead. It’s full of the sinful tastes of childhood but, with no calories, it suits my adult metabolism!
Ingredients: Black teas, organic cinnamon chips, apple pieces, orange blossoms and flavoring.
Brew tea at 212º – steep for 3 minutes.
Tasters Review:
I prefer this flavored tea to the real thing. I’m not much of a pastry person. This smells just like the name states. The flavor is RIGHT ON, too! It’s a gently roasted black tea with juicy apple notes, hints of citrus, a nice even cinnamon flavor, and that stereotypical coffeecake taste that you would expect! It has a smoother aftertaste, too, which was a nice surprise!
S&V continue to amazing me with their flavored black teas! Check them out!
Wild Grey Green Tea from ESP Emporium
Where To Buy: ESP Emporium
Product Description:
Earl Grey is the most popular flavored tea. This classic has been known for ages as a black tea, and green tea lovers have long waited for the Sencha variation. But now, your waiting has come to an end. We introduced this blend very successfully some years ago. Our exquisite Sencha base was flavored with high-quality bergamot flavor and richly decorated with lemon peel and orange blossoms. Earl Grey friends can now finally discover green tea – and vice versa.
Tasters Review:
Wild Grey Green Tea from ESP Emporium smells like a gentle lemon/orange green tea mix. It’s a more gentle flavored green, too. I can taste the green tea first then the orange and then the lemon jumps thru and it’s followed by a floral taste and then manages it’s way back to green tea type taste. Now that I have taken you on the taste journey of this tea – I would like to say that this is a very satisfying but not overly done (or loud) green!
I was very happy with this cup! I have tried several ESP Teas and am very impressed with the offerings as well as their customer service! They think outside of the bag and I really like that!