I have made a vow to drink more caffeine free teas and herbal tisane offerings in the past year. I’d like to boast and brag and say that is the main reason for me sampling and reviewing Namaste from Simpson and Vail but I wouldn’t be telling you the whole truth. I have been battling some skin irritations – as well as – some aches and pains so I thought I would buff up my herbals more for that reason, too!
I won’t blab anymore about my aging and ailments. Instead, I will proceed with describing this herbal tisane. Namaste from Simpson and Vail is an offering in their Yoga or Yogi or Yogic Tea line.
Ingredients include Birch Bark, Chamomile Flowers, Jasmine Blossoms, Wild Cherry Bark, Vanilla Beans, Organic Damiana Leaf, Organic Oatstraw, Rose Petals, Honeysuckle & Lavender Blossoms.
The flavor of this tisane was pretty tasty. I was pre-judging it and shame on me. I was afraid the Jasmine and Chamomile were going to be the flavors that overpowered the others and they were not. Everything in the loose mix worked well with each other. It was calming and comforting. I’m glad I finally tried this tisane. One of these days I will learn to not wait so long to try an herbal (or at least not have to have a reason to try it).
I think I will pour myself another cup! Cheers!
Want to Know More About This Tea?
Leaf Type: Herbal
Where to Buy: Simpson and Vail
Namaste is a greeting or parting phrase as well as a gesture.
In Sanskrit, Namaste means, “the light in me bows to the light in you” or “I bow to light that exists in me and you and to all that is sacred in life”. When spoken to another person, it is usually accompanied by the gesture of the hands at the heart center in prayer position and a slight bow of the head and shoulders. This can also be performed wordlessly and still carry the same beautiful intention.