Greetings – it’s been a while since I last posted a review here – as it’s now coming up on my 3rd year as the Mad Tea Artist over at 52Teas, it’s been almost that same amount of time that I’ve not written a review! Many things kept me from writing here: a lack of available time and feeling a little unsure if I can be an unbiased reviewer since I am now – once again – a tea vendor. I’ve missed reviewing though and I’ve also missed receiving boxes of tea in my mailbox.
But recently, I caved and subscribed to Tea Box Express. I have received one box from them in the past – it was their debut subscription box and they sent both Jennifer (aka TeaEqualsBliss) and me a box to review here. (I wrote that review in two parts. To check out part 1, click here. To check out part 2, click here.) I loved that box and have considered subscribing many times, but for one reason or another, I never did. Finally, I caved and treated myself to a 3-month subscription.
So let’s get down to it! Five items were tucked into this month’s box, including a stamped teaspoon; a white chocolate dipped fortune cookie; a pouch of raspberry hibiscus flavored S’mores; a pouch or raw cookie dough and of course, it wouldn’t be a tea box without some tea, would it? This box contained one 2 ounce pouch of flavored green tea.
If I’m being totally honest, I wasn’t all that excited after opening the box. A fortune cookie? Hibiscus flavored S’mores? The two redeeming things (or so I thought) were the beautiful spoon (which I do love) and the cookie dough . . . which turned out to be a bit of a disappointment. But more on that later.
My favorite item in the box was the first thing that I examined closer – the stamped teaspoon from Mountain Bird Banners. This is one of those things that I’ve wanted for a while but could never justify getting for myself, so what a joy it was for me to find it in this month’s box. The spoon came tucked inside a colorful burlap wrap – I was charmed by the presentation. This spoon is stamped with the words: “Tea Time is Me Time”. Beautiful!
At that point I decided it was time for a cuppa, so I decided to try the tea that was included in this month’s box: Walnut Cake from Polar Tea Co. It’s a blend of Chinese Sencha, pineapple, coconut, walnut, brittle pieces, almonds and natural flavors. I steeped roughly 3 grams of tea in 12 ounces of hot water (175°F is my go-to temperature for green teas) for 2 minutes. I taste walnut and pineapple and a sweetness from both the brittle and candied pineapple. I didn’t get much ‘cake’ flavor so I put my new spoon to use and added about half a teaspoon of raw sugar to the cup to see if it helped bring out more of the flavor. It did – I could taste a subtle cake-y background. Overall, a decent cup.
As for the sweet treats that were included in this month’s box, my favorite – hands down – was the Raspberry Hibiscus S’mores from Malvi. I was originally not all that excited about this confection because of the hibiscus, but I found that the contrast of tart and sweet tasted fantastic. I also didn’t have high hopes for the Fancy Fortune Cookie but I am happy to say that I it exceeded any expectations I may have had. The cookie was fresh and crisp and the white chocolate coating was not heavy – I was worried this might prove to be something a bit too sweet for my liking but the light shell of white chocolate was not at all cloying. The one thing that I thought I would like – the coconut chocolate chip raw cookie dough from Ello Raw – turned out to be the one thing that disappointed me. This isn’t really ‘raw cookie dough’ like what you might expect – it’s more like a soft, less dense granola bar made of cashews, coconut, oats, coconut oil, cacao nibs and raw honey. It tasted like cookie dough trying to be health food – and when I indulge in cookie dough, I’m not thinking health food! It was good – it just was not what I was expecting . . . or hoping for.
Overall, I’m much happier with this box of tea time goodies than I originally thought I’d be. Sure, the cookie dough didn’t turn out to be exactly what I expected, but I didn’t hate it either, so I don’t consider it a loss – but perhaps a draw? Everything else gets a thumbs up from me.
Here’s the scoop!
Where to Buy: Tea Box Express
Each box includes 4 to 6 curated gifts. The contents are a surprise but subscribers can look forward to a tea care package that contains:
- Whole leaf tea that is high quality, fresh, and flavorful.
- Items such as cookies, honey, specialty sugars, chocolate, and infusers.
- A new selection of tea and unique artisan treats every month.
- Your very own tea party in a box!
Murmur from Handmade Tea. . . .
I received this tea at the beginning of the year after a tea friend signed me up for a monthly subscription to Handmade Tea. It smelled awesome and was just full of strawberry bits and cacao nibs but the white peony base had me apprehensive. However, it was gifted to me and the smell caught my attention so I got to brewing.
I made this both as a plain cup of hot tea and as a chocolate milk latte. I steeped both for 4 minutes in boiling water as per the recommended steeping parameters. In the process I managed to spill chocolate milk all over the counter, the floor, and my pajamas but I suppose there’s no point crying over that now.
I tried the latte first and I am definitely picking up on those cacao nibs. This is a whole lot of cacao flavor and not much else. Honestly what it tastes like to me is a packet of rich instant hot chocolate that’s been made with water instead of milk because it’s got the almost dark chocolate flavor (and a fairly high quality one at that) but it’s thinner than a typical hot chocolate.
The hot cup allows for more of the flavors to stand out as they aren’t being drowned out by the strong chocolate milk flavor. The base tea is floral but also has a honeydew flavor as promised on the package. Unlike what’s promised on the package, I don’t quite get the “drizzled with honey” part this tea should have per its description. There is also less strawberry flavor than I expected given the copious amounts of that ingredient in the dry leaf. What I do get is a heavier/darker taste as each sip ends and I think that is the result of the cacao.
If I am being honest, this tea is lacking a lot of the flavors described on the package which is surprising because the dry leaf is clearly built up of a variety of different ingredients that just seem to get lost in the mix. It’s by no means a bad tea but I wanted a chocolate covered strawberry and all I’m getting is a dark and fruity white tea. I wonder if maybe a smaller cup or different steeping parameters could help coax out more flavors? Luckily I still have some left I can experiment with.
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: White
Where to Buy: Handmade Tea
This tea is no longer available but click below for more information regarding their monthly tea subscription.
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Brigita’s Daylight from Lauku Tea. . . November’s Sips by Box. .
Sips by is an amazing monthly tea box. They curate teas for you based off of a profile you put together. So there isn’t a fear of getting a ginger tea if you aren’t into ginger teas.
What’s really cool about Sips by, is that they have collaborated with some amazing tea companies so each month you are presented with this wonderful variety of teas. From Matcha to organic herbals, Sips by delivers fabulous teas each and every month.
In my November box, I had an herbal tea from Lauku Tea-Brigita’s Daylight. Herbals are very hit or miss for me. I crave and yearn to adore more of herbal blends, but it just isn’t in the cards for me. A lot of herbals are incredibly spiced or have chai like elements that my taste buds are not fans of. So I was insanely giddy when I saw the ingredients for Brigita’s Daylight were all right up my alley.
Brigita’s Daylight is a gorgeous blend of fermented apple leaves, black currant leaves, dried apples, meadow clover flowers, lemon balm, and mountain ash berries. I wasn’t sure what to expect from this blend but I was eager to find out. I brewed up a huge pot full of this herbal and allowed the tea to steep for about 7 minutes. Allowed the tea to cool for a few moments and took my first sip.
This is probably one of the best herbal teas I’ve ever had. This tea tastes like fresh apples with a floral and citrus note and a subtle berry finish. The freshness is what I adore the most from this tea. All of the flavors pop easily and wonderfully.
The fermented apple leaves and dried apples provide this almost apple juice like flavor while the lemon balm and meadow clover flowers yield a seductive floral citrus twist that I want more of. The berry finish just nicely ties this tea all together.
I downed this herbal hand blended creation- and when I saw downed it, I mean that I couldn’t stop drinking this tea. I drank several pots full and am now in the process of ordering more, even though I need to seriously stop buying tea because my personal tea stash is getting out of hand.
With how stressful my day is, I love the fact that I’ll have this tea in my tumbler helping me get through the day. This tea gives you all the warm tea feels with all the love of being an herbal. Thank you Sips by for introducing me to this amazing blend!
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Herbal
Where to Buy: Lauku Tea/Sips by
Sunny and stimulating with the subtle sweetness of dried apple and the earthy green of meadow clover flowers. For those who need a clear head and good spirits for a day full of possibilities. Pairs well with a refreshing walk outdoors and a morning muffin.
Ingredients: fermented organic apple leaves, organic black currant leaves, dried organic apples, organic meadow clover flowers, organic lemon balm, organic mountain ash berries
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Red Wine Apple Cake from A Quarter To Tea. . . .
Friends, there’s no question that we here at SororiTea Sisters love us some A Quarter to Tea. (I feel like I can speak for us all. I may be speaking out of turn, but… have you *seen* our AQTT archives? I rest my case.) I’ve recently renewed my AQTT subscription box to be a monthly thing, and not just a “whenever I feel like it”, because I have to say– I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a bad blend from the brilliant minds in AQTT’s blending room.
Now– when this particular blend (red wine apple cake? Who’d even heard of such a thing?!) showed up at my doorstep last month, I wavered a little bit. Would this be the blend that steered me wrong? I’m not typically a white tea drinker, and it takes a LOT for me to be impressed by a white blend. I shouldn’t have worried, though, you guys. Even on sniff alone, this tea is impressive. Big chunks of apple are strewn throughout the bountiful white leaves, boasting deep apple-and-grape-y notes that translate just beautifully to the brewed cup. This one is heartier than most white teas, and that’s probably why I love it so. The only thing I can’t quite pick out are the “cake” notes– which, let’s be real: when someone tells me there’s cake (in my tea, at work, on my birthday/any random tuesday), I want CAKE. This one’s a bit lighter, and lacking on the pastry notes I’ve usually come to know well from AQTT’s blends. That said, I don’t necessarily think it’s a bad thing– in fact, I think cakey, pastry flavors may have overwhelmed the beautifully fruity notes otherwise present in this blend.
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: White
Where to Buy: A Quarter To Tea
This tea is currently not available but click below for teas that are.
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Citrus Hibiscus Herbal from Simple Loose Leaf. . . .
This is a hibiscus and rooibos blend with one of my favorite flavors, lemongrass! It also has orange and lemon peels so it definitely packs a citrus punch!
I made this into a big pitcher of iced tea. It’s a really pretty red color, and definitely has a really nice citrus flavor. I enjoy rooibos teas that either have spices or citrus flavors to help with the earthiness of rooibos.
This tea is light and crisp and very refreshing. It’s slightly tart and very citrus-y. I had some on a very warm day last week after doing quite a bit of walking and it helped cool me down right away. Hibiscus is known to be a cooling tea, and can actually help lower blood pressure so it was a perfect choice to sip on. Rooibos and Hibiscus teas both have really amazing health benefits. The more I drink tea and learn of the benefits, the happier I am that I gave up coffee for tea.
This is a great spring and summertime tea. Like I said it’s cooling and very hydrating which is very beneficial on those warm summer days when it’s so easy to get overheated. Even though it has a nice tartness from the hibiscus. it also has a slight sweetness and needs no sweetener in my opinion.
I really enjoyed this tea and plan on it making regular appearances in my iced tea rotation this summer as the temperatures rise.
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Herbal/Rooibos
Where to Buy: Simple Loose Leaf
This tea is no longer available but click below for more information about their tea subscription plan.