I’ve had this little packet of savory, broth-esque tea sitting on my desk at work for MONTHS, friends. Months, just waiting, with the knowledge that someday, I’d be feeling under the weather, and someday, this is exactly what I’d want.
Well– it came. I’m coughing and sneezy and feeling generally woozy, but good enough (and not-contagious enough) to be at work. As soon as I sat down at my desk, I knew I’d be brewing up a cuppa this beauty for a little mid-morning pick-me-up. I’ve tried a few Millie’s savory teas before, and have always been impressed by the amount of flavor in those tiny tea bags. This play on pho was no exception!
My tea brewed up dark and deliciously, with tons of incredible umami flavor, almost like I was slurping down a delicious cup of pho at my favorite Vietnamese restaurant. And those sniffles? Maybe they’re not completely eradicated, but the hot water was soothing on my throat, and I swear my sinuses opened up some. When it’s not feasible to drink a cup of soup during your morning meeting on a sick-y day, THIS is where it’s at.
My desk stash is now sadly depleted of any Millie’s flavors, but I’ll absolutely be stocking up for future icky-sicky days. Delight-pho, indeed!
Want to Know More About This Tea?
Leaf Type: Green
Where to Buy: Millie’s Savory Teas
This Delight Pho is a hearty blend of onions, basil, spicy red peppers, spices & decaf green tea. Steep one broth bag in 6 to 8 ounces of hot water for two minutes. Winner Fancy Food Show Outstanding Hot Beverage of the Year.
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Thai Lemongrass from Millie’s Savory Teas . . . .
Fun fact: I drink a lot of broth. (Not as much as tea, of course, but it’s up there.)
I find it helps ease the symptoms of some less-than-savory health stuff, but it also just makes me feel all good and nourished health-supported and… WELL. You know?
Which is one of the reasons I was so pumped to see this Thai Lemongrass sipping broth from Millie’s Savory Teas in my sample stash. I’ve been hearing about some of the other sisters sipping Millie’s for a while now, and I’ve been dying to give it a shot. This one was right up my alley!
Now, a quick note: I’m not saying that these are a replacement for my actual, made-from-bones broth. There’s no collagen or beneficial fats or any of the other things I get from actual broth, however– it tastes DELIGHTFUL, is a wonderful substitute for tea when I’m looking for something savory, and has been an awesome addition to my office snack-drawer. Mid-morning hungries usually get me real good, and I’ve been finding that a cup of this is the perfect replacement for my usual nuts or dried fruit, sans calories. Mmm.
As for taste? It tastes, well, like broth! Specifically, like the onion-y, celery-y chicken stock my mom used to simmer on the stove all day. I’m not necessarily getting Thai flavors from this one (the celery-saltiness is what’s most prominent for me), but I adore it nonetheless, and have been finding myself craving a cup of this unusual brew in the mornings. I’ll definitely be ordering a stock for myself to have on hand!
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Green
Where to Buy: Millie’s Savory Teas
This Thai Lemongrass Sipping Broth is a citrusy blend of lemongrass, spices & green tea.. This first-of-its-kind savory single serve hot beverage delivers an amazing taste using the highest quality vegan, natural, wild harvest, organic and gluten-free ingredients – No added MSG. It really is Comfort Food in a Broth™.
Comes in a air-tight flexible foil package. The packet is a great to keep in your drawer at the office. If you travel, then it is really easy to pack in your baggage, purse or backpack. Or, you can have the packet at home in your tea drawer, or next to your other hot drinks in the cupboard.
Nutrition Facts Serv. Size: 1 packet Amount Per Serving: Calories 15, Fat Cal 0 Total Fat 0g (0% DV), Sat Fat .0g (0%DV), Trans Fat 0g ,Cholest. 0mg (0%DV), Sodium 260mg (11%DV)Total Carb. 0g (0%DV), Fiber 0g (0%DV), Sugars 0g (0%DV), Protein 0g (0%V), Vitamin A (0%DV), Vitamin C (0%DV) Calcium (0%DV), Iron (0%DV) Percent Daily Values (DV) are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Thai Lemongrass- A Vegetable Sipping Broth from Millie’s Savory Teas. . .
Today is one of those days where I have to fast because of a medical test I’m having done tomorrow. So when I found out I was going to have this test, I instantly went to Millie’s Savory Teas site and bought 3 of their 5 Flavor Snack packs. Since my fasting will be over 24 hours, I knew that I would need something more than chicken broth to keep me in check.
So let me break this sipping broth down a bit. This sipping broth has a range of different seasonings and spices along with green tea. Basically what they have created is a savory green tea which I am all about. I had their Spicy Tortilla flavor a few months ago so I was more than ready to try their other flavors.
In the 5 Flavor Snack Pack, you receive 3 broth bags of a variety of their flavors. The ones I received are Thai Lemongrass, Delight Pho, Spicy Tortilla, and Tomato Basil. They all sounded amazing but the Thai Lemongrass grabbed my attention first.
The aromas that emit from the broth bag are mouth watering. The only comparison that comes to mind is the spice packaging you find in ramen noodles. That may sound like a dig, but it really isn’t. I adore that intense spice smell. And to be honest, the spice package is my favorite part of ramen soup. I’ve even been known to use the mix in my homemade chicken noodle soup.
I prepped my water around 190F and poured the water into my cup with 1 broth bag. Again, those familiar mouth watering aromas just making me happy. I allowed the bag to steep for a tad longer than the recommendation said mainly because I was multi-tasking and didn’t hear my alarm go off.
Before gulping this tea down because I’m several hours into my fasting by now, I did allow the tea to settle and cool for close to 3 minutes. First sip in and my tastebuds were in savory heaven.
This tea delivers on a thai lemongrass savory tea flavor. I can’t say that I’m picking up a distinct green tea flavor but I am definitely picking up the overall green tea buttery feel. The Thai Lemongrass flavors are quite nice and well balanced. Not to spicy and there is a gentle citrus twist towards the end of the sip that elevates the flavor. What I’m really enjoying is this melody of vegetables-I’m thinking carrot, celery, and onion- that really drive home the savory portion of the tea.
The more this tea cools, the spicier the notes are becoming, which I’m loving. All in all, this tea is incredibly comforting and I could honestly say this would be a great savory treat for the afternoons or if you aren’t able to get to your lunch, a great way to tide you over until you have time to eat.
I couldn’t ask for a better tea to fast with. My cup is empty and I’m ready for more. I’m excited to try the rest of the blends now. Thank you Millie’s Savory Teas for making my fasting a bit more bearable.
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Green Tea
Where to Buy: Millie’s Savory Teas
This Thai Lemongrass Sipping Broth is a citrusy blend of lemongrass, spices & green tea. This first-of-its-kind savory single serve hot beverage delivers an amazing taste using the highest quality vegan, natural, wild harvest, organic and gluten-free ingredients – NO MSG. It really is Comfort Food in a Broth™.
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Delight Pho from Millie’s Savory Teas #VeganMoFo2016
Fusion Food is the prompt for today’s Vegan MoFo topic. So what better way to chat about fusion foods than a savory green tea!
Delight Pho from Millies Savory Teas is also known by Delight Pho Vegetable Sipping Broth. They aren’t currently on the stores website but I wanted to mention these single-serve steepables which are known to many as comfort food in a broth (which is also trademarked by Millies).
Delight Pho from Millies Savory Teas – as is all of the sipping broths – was the brainchild of a school teacher who was looking for something healthy to sip on while busy during the school day. This flavor is gluten-free and vegan! The ingredients include an organic vegetable blend of carrots, celery, and onion. I could taste the onion first and foremost followed by the celery and then the carrot. There was also a nice amount of garlic in this. There was sea salt, too. Basil was there but not prominent yet appreciated. Another loud shout of an ingredient was the spicy red peppers and spices which were a nice wake up that is for sure! How is this a tea you might ask? Because Delight Pho from Millies Savory Teas also contains green tea!
The flavor was much like a Spring Onion and Garlic broth I like from a local health food store. It was a bit salty but only contained 280mg of sodium which isn’t bad at all. I didn’t really have anything for lunch one day while at work and didn’t want to go out and try and find something to spend money on so this worked out perfectly. I added the bag to my cup and added hot water to my cup and there you have it! It was spicy, savory, herbally, and had that comforting flavor combo of carrots, celery, onion, and garlic!
I liked Delight Pho from Millies Savory Teas but I do adore Millie’s Spicy Tortilla, too, but so far this is my second favorite of their flavors! I can’t wait to try more of them!
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Green Tea
Where to Buy: Millie’s Savory Teas
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Spicy Tortilla Vegetable Sipping Broth from Millie’s Savory Teas
Today I NEED to share with you – Spicy Tortilla Vegetable Sipping Broth from Millie’s Savory Teas! I’m doing a tie-in with VeganMofo on this one because it works PERFECTLY for the “Easy Cook Meal”… ‘something I make when I can’t be bothered to cook much’! Millie’s Savory Teas – also known as – Millie’s Sipping Broth – was INVENTED by a school teacher who needed a better way to snack in between classes!
After double checking the ingredients AND confirming with the company I was able to verify that Spicy Tortilla Vegetable Sipping Broth from Millie’s Savory Teas was VEGAN – therefore – the PERFECT PRODUCT to feature for today! WHY am I so darn excited about Spicy Tortilla Vegetable Sipping Broth from Millie’s Savory Teas? Because MOST Tortilla Soups that are commercial popular have chicken broth or other chicken ingredients in them! NOT Spicy Tortilla Vegetable Sipping Broth from Millie’s Savory Teas! The ingredients include: Green Tea, an organic vegetable blend that contains carrots, onion, and celery, tomato, sea salt, yeast extract, garlic, chipotle, herbs, and spices.
I made a cup of Spicy Tortilla Vegetable Sipping Broth from Millie’s Savory Teas while at work and VERY busy one day not too long ago and I will tell you the more I drank it the more I was addicted to the flavor! I drank it on an empty stomach (well the only thing my stomach had in it was other teas) but I will say I was HUNGRY going into this sipping experience and by the time I was done I was completely satisfied. I’m not making any claims here – just telling you what my stomach experienced!
The flavor of Spicy Tortilla Vegetable Sipping Broth from Millie’s Savory Teas was out of this world! It WAS spicy, savory, tomato-y, garlic-y, and peppery. I LOVED each of those tastes! I can see myself drinking this often! Is it a SOUP? Is it a TEA? YES. And it is FABULOUS!

Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Green Tea
Where to Buy: Millie’s Savory Teas
Description: This Spicy Tortilla Sipping Broth is a zesty blend of chipotle pepper, spicies & green tea. This first-of-its-kind savory single serve hot beverage delivers an amazing taste using the highest quality vegan, natural, wild harvest, organic and gluten-free ingredients – NO MSG. It really is Comfort Food in a Broth™.
Millie’s Sipping Broth – The first soup/broth in a tea bag – invented by a school teacher who needed a better snack between classes to cure the crave of unhealthy salty snack foods.
– Steepable tea/Broth Bag – excellent at work, for travel or home
– 75% less sodium than a bouillon cube
– Gluten free and real all vegetable/herb ingredients