Assam Borengajuli FBOP from Culinary Teas

Tea Type: Black Tea

Where To Buy: Culinary Teas

Product Description:
Country of Origin: India
Region: Assam, Mangaldai
Shipping Port: Calcutta/Haldia
Grade: FBOP Flowery Broken Orange Pekoe
Altitude: 1000 ft. above sea level
Manufacture Type: Orthodox
Malty with a jammy-like flavor best describes this premium tea. The tea is vacuum-packed at the estate capturing the pungent 2nd flush flavor at its peak.

Tasters Review:

I know this isn’t a Holiday-Related Tea Post…but…I like this tea and really want to share it with you all today!  It’s Assam Borengajuli from Culinary Teas…a strong and sturdy black tea!

When I first smelled the dry leaves I was thinking it smelled a little like those Raisins in the lil red boxes…a different yet welcomed aroma.

Post infusion it smells like bakey black tea.  A hefty Assam, indeed!

The taste is a BOLD black tea taste a little sweet at first but then turns a bit jammy.

I did try a 2nd infusion on this, too, and it was quite nice!  It was much smoother the 2nd time around and was more fruit-like.  It bet it would go great with toast!  YUM!

Strong Assam from Shanti Tea

Tea Type: Black Tea

Where To Buy: Shanti Tea

Product Description:

Rich aroma, malty flavor, highly sought after.

This lowland tea known for its rich aroma and strong, malty flavor is named after its origin, Assam, in North-East India. Our Strong Assam tea is cultivated at the famous Rembeng Estate, a 100% organic tea garden and the pioneering organic estate in the region, making their teas highly sought after. Dark and copper-colored, it is a full-bodied broken leaf black tea that is great for lovers of a strong morning cup of tea. The rich flavors are accentuated by adding milk and sugar.

Tasters Review:

A very Good-Good Morning to you all!  Speaking of mornings…here’s a Strong Assam from Shanti Tea that will start anyone’s day!  Or in this case THE Strong Assam!  That’s the official name of this tea!

And it’s very rich, malty, and strong, indeed!

This is a great morning or pick-me-up tea!  Be careful NOT to over infuse.  3 minutes or less, is what I suggest!  That’s all you need. Anything over 3 minutes I believe it would start turning to bitter.

I really DO like this tea!  I love that it is NOT run-of-the-mill.  I am grateful that it lives up to it’s name, too!

Another great offering from Shanti!  One of my favorite Canadian Tea Companies!

Assam Jungle Cabernet from Red Leaf Tea

Leaf Type: Black Tea

Where To Buy: Red Leaf Tea

Product Description:

Wine Infused Tea***

The Assam region of India is well known for its strong, malty black teas and pungent green teas. To the powerful briskness of these teas we have added the sweet and vivid flavor of a bright cabernet wine. Heavily infused prior to drying, the full-bodied cabernet pervades the deep and dark Assam herbs, brightening a black tea that famously stimulates your afternoons!

Ingredients: Assam black tea, licorice root with cinnamon and cabernet flavoring

Tasters Review:

My mother and I used to sell candles in addition to our full-time “day” jobs.  One of our best sellers was CABERNET.  Yes, Cabernet – the wine!  When I saw this wine infused tea from Red Leaf Tea I was very eager to try it!

If you are a Cabernet fan I don’t think there would be any guessing that this is EXACTLY what this tea smells like prior to infusion! The Grape-Cabernet sweetness really comes thru in the bold aroma of this Assam Jungle Cabernet!

Once the infusion is complete I could smell more of the black tea AND the Cabernet smell with undertones of cinnamon…but not a fireball-candy type cinnamon…more like an Indian Spice – the type like in a traditional Indian Meal/Side Dish. I think the licorice tones down the fruitiness of the Cabernet…but not all that much.  It’s dark brown in color and the taste is MUCH different that I expected based on the outstanding aroma. The black tea – Assam – pulls thru and is flavorful BUT bold and the Cabernet taste seems to be too.

I have found I really like wine infused teas.  I have mostly tasted white teas that have been infused with wine.  I think this is my first black tea that has been infused with wine, tho…and I like it very much!