Bailin Gongfu Black Tea from Teavivre

Bailin Gongfu Black from Teavivre
Bailin Gongfu Black from Teavivre

Tea Information:

Leaf Type: Black

Where to Buy: Teavivre

Tea Description:

Bailin Gongfu is the highest quality Fujian black tea.  This Bailin Gonfu is a premium quality tea produced at Mt. Taimu in Fujian, and is crafted from Fuding DaBai and Da Hao trees.  This delicious tea has a great refreshing sweet taste and fragrance.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

Bailin Gongfu Black Tea from Teavivre is one of my black tea staples. I always have plenty of this on hand. Sure I enjoy other black teas, and have plenty of them for variety, but this black tea, this is my “go to” tea in the morning. It is always spot on for the flavors I crave to wake up to.

Some mornings I have more time to get motivated, and I may go for something different in a black tea but in most cases, I just need what I know will really do the trick.

Bailin Gongfu Black Tea from Teavivre has every element in a black tea that I would want. Malty notes, hints of a cocoa flavor, caramel notes, depth, and complexity, robust, and strong without any bitterness or astringency.

This is one of Teavivre’s most popular teas. There is good reason for this! This tea is warm and toasty with a taste reminiscent of boutique beer, malty and chocolatey. This is THE black tea that made me realize not all black teas are created equal. Sipping this outstanding tea is like sitting back at a campfire with a good friend. It just makes you feel comfy! The flavors are simply decadent yet is so easy to sip with a bright cheery feel!

What is really interesting about this black tea is that within all these flavors, on the after taste, is this wonderful vegetal note! It may not be really noticeable to everyone, but I get a green bean note in the lingering of the after taste that is quite surprising! A black tea with a green bean note? Yes, its in here! Add to that a full, creamy mouthfeel, what more could one ask for in their morning wake up tea?

Perhaps this tea sounds confusing to some, cheery and bright, yet also robust and full? Creamy cocoa, caramel, malty notes with vegetal? Well what we can’t disagree on is that it is interesting! To add to that all of these notes are present in one steeping, and hold up through a second steep. After that you will enjoy several more infusions of the same leaf but the layers begin to slowly ween themselves out leaving behind a lovely black with more attention on the caramel, cocoa, and base tea notes which are equally lovely.

I think, but please don’t hold me to any decisions on this, if I could only have one black unadulterated (unflavored / flavored by nature only) tea for the rest of my life, this would be the one. Granted I would never, ever, want that to happen!

Organic Ceylon from Utopia Tea

Organic Ceylon Utopia Tea
A Straight Forward Organic Ceylon from Utopia Tea


Tea Information:

Leaf Type: Black, Ceylon

Where to Buy: Utopia Tea

Tea Description:

Want a delightful afternoon treat? Try our USDA Certified Organic Ceylon! This aromatic tea with honey-chocolate notes has a medium body and a robust character. Black tea contains a large amount of antioxidant compounds called polyphenols that aid in fighting harmful diseases while protecting the body. Black tea is also known to strengthen the immune system, lower cholesterol, and protect teeth and bones. Small amounts of calcium, manganese, and potassium have also been found in black tea. Try this tea hot or over ice!

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

This is a nice basic Ceylon. I love that it’s organic!
It has some honey notes to it and a light cocoa flavor.
There is also little bit of a malty note.
Its nothing that will blow your mind with flavors but it is a rock solid morning or afternoon black tea that I appreciate greatly! It has just enough flavor to make it special, without being overdone.
I can see how this would make a stellar iced tea as well.

Usually in the morning I am reaching for something basic, something black, something with good flavor but not necessarily a flavored tea. I find Organic Ceylon from Utopia tea to be one of those teas I have been reaching for to fit the bill. It has nice characteristics that I look for in a black, is robust enough to start my day, and seems to awaken me nicely. On the other hand I feel it is a fitting afternoon tea as well because it keeps you alert without jitteriness, and also has some soothing flavor notes to curb any hunger pangs to help get you through to the evening. It is a smooth black with no bitterness or astringency.

The honey notes and cocoa notes are really quite perfect and I have not ever felt the need to add anything to this tea.

While I can’t say that it takes me away to some place in my mind or evokes any specific thought or feeling, which I do love in a tea, what this does instead is helps me stay focused on what I need to do in the now. Its straight forward and sometimes that helps a lot – especially for me in the morning.

Premium Taiwan Oolong Black Tea from Nuvola Tea

Nuvola Tea
Nuvola Tea Premium Taiwan Oolong Black Tea

Tea Information:

Leaf Type: Black

Where to Buy: Nuvola Tea

Tea Description:

Taiwan Oolong Black Tea (US$7.7)

Oolong Black Tea is a special black tea created from Oolong Tea.  The infusion has a rich amber colour with a luxurious fruity flavour and a smooth mouth-feel. It is not only great as a hot drink that can retain its flavour even after multiple infusions, but also is delightfully refreshing when served cold – a delicious diversion from the everyday.
(Unit Price US$7.7)

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

Premium Taiwan Oolong Black from Nuvola Tea has a sinful aroma! It smells sweet, deep, intoxicating. There is a malty aroma cutting through the sweet aroma, then nutty, woodsy, so many wonderful sensations – and this is just the initial smell!

First sip … mmmmmm….always impressed with Nuvola teas! I have to admit, as an oolong lover, I was confused when I read the name of this tea. However upon investigation – which means reading their description, it makes sense. I do plan to do a little more research on this type of tea however because I am very intrigued.

There is a wonderful fruity flavor to this tea, perhaps a berry like fruit. Then we get a deep and earthy note, the mouthfeel is rather on the light side in contrast to the deeper and earthy flavors. Now to qualify, when I say earthy, what I am finding in this tea is a light mineral note, and a slight woodsy note. The deeper, earthy notes would be that of wood, nut, and hay caramel, and cocoa.

The thing is this is one of those teas you want to prepare gong fu style and enjoy multiple steeping sessions. What I am reviewing here are merely steeps one and two. This tea however has so much to offer and will certainly hold up for many more steeps to come! I will be steeping this through out the day and enjoying every wonderful cup!

Steep two for me provides a richer cup, one that is heavier than steep one. It is just lovely! More of the earthy notes come out with a darker sweetness from the cocoa note. The tea becomes more caramel flavored but I can still detect that mineral note shining through along with some slight flavors of the hay as mentioned before. The berry note does not seem as apparent on the tongue but in the after taste it comes through as a cherry flavor. Wonderful! Steep two also has an near creamy texture to it yet somehow still remains refreshing and bright, not heavy or cloying. As the tea cools even slightly the mineral notes get stronger.

I love the complexity of this tea! On one hand its sweet and makes me feel like Willy Wonka in a candy shop but as soon as I find myself relishing in the sweet goodness this fresh breeze rolls in offering a light refreshing note of rock mineral and hay as if I am strolling through the woods on a sunny day. I do a double take and have to ask myself which side of this tea I prefer more but I can’t make that call, no way, both are so wonderful! This is truly a tea for a dual sign like myself, being Gemini I want the best of both worlds and this tea absolutely provides me that! I get my earthy hay and mineral notes that even have an ever so delicate vegetal edge, right down to my need to curb my sweet tooth.

This is a rare and wonderful delight and I highly recommend trying some tea from Nuvola! I know so far I have sampled about 5 of their teas and I have yet to find one that is less than stellar!

See more reviews from the SororiTea Sisters for Nuvola Teas here.

Zhen Qu from Butiki Teas

Tea Information:

Leaf Type: Black

Where to Buy:  Butiki Teas

Tea Description:

Our Zhen Qu originates from Yunnan, China and has downy black and gold curly leaves. This lightly malty tea has wonderful honey notes that linger and mingle with floral, chocolate, and pecan notes. Our recommended steep time produces a well-balanced tea and is less dry but we also recommend trying this tea at longer steep times for a more intense flavor.

Ingredients: Chinese Black Tea

Recommended Brew Time: 3 minutes
Recommended Amount: 1 level teaspoon of tea for 8oz of water
Recommended Temperature: 212 F (boiling)

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

As soon as I added water to my cup I could smell sweet honey notes and a malty, almost smoky aroma. I knew this was going to be an amazing cup! The water had not even settled into the cup yet and these aromas were so instantly present.

Once steeped I got a better whiff of something I had thought I noticed when I first poured the water onto the dry leaf. It was in there with that initial aroma I already described but I had held back on stating it as I thought maybe my mind was playing games with me. Hey that happens a lot! It is this wonderful wine like aroma! Yes like a delicious merlot! The flavor does not disappoint! While I do not get a wine like flavor – no alcohol flavor – there are some elements in this tea that have wine like notes. Sweet, and yet somehow savory, just lightly smoky but not like a lapsang souchong smoke at all, nutty, and a light grape note. This is not an ordinary tea!

While I do taste the chocolate note within this tea which is so nicely balanced by the floral note what stands out more to me personally is how this tea is like a very fine wine with deeply earthy notes. Not earthy like a pu-erh however, but earthy as in the way the tea plays with the nuisances of the soil it was grown in, again, like a very fine wine.

As the tea cools some the floral note becomes more pronounced but it is so delicate to begin with that it is nice when it peeks out more.

This is truly one of those teas I could have many times before I discover all it has to offer! I am so thankful that I have got to sample this tea and it will go directly onto my shopping list!

Monte Branco PF1 from Upton Tea Imports

Tea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black

Where to Buy:  Upton Tea Imports

Tea Description:

This versatile tea from Mozambique is a fantastic value for a smooth and flavorful everyday tea, and can be enjoyed both hot and iced. Flavor notes of vanilla, rose and nutmeg enhance the experience.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

I ordered this tea on the fly. I was making an order for a trade partner but tossed in a few samples for myself from Upton just for something new. I do love that you can grab samplers of every tea Upton Tea Imports carries for a buck or two, sometimes more, depending on the tea of course. Its a great company with a ton of excellent teas to sample.

I will admit I am not a big fan of their website. Its a little cumbersome and clunky but I manage to work it out when I want to make an order. Their physical catalogue is a sight to behold and has an honorary place in my magazine basket.

When I opened this tea and poured some leaf into my hand I was taken aback. It looked like coffee grounds, or fannings from a snipped open tea bag from the grocery store. I was confused for a moment and very skeptical that this tea would produce anything I wanted to sip. Regardless I steeped it up.

Pleasantly, I was surprised. There is a nice light malty base, with a sweet fruity flavor. It is lightly floral as well but you really have to pay attention to pick up that note, except there is this interesting after taste of fresh spring water that rose petals have been resting on. It is a cleansing quality of this tea that I highly appreciate! The rose essence in the spring water flavor is so subtle, actually the spring water flavor is more prominent than the rose.

There is a slight astringency typical of a black tea, but not to be confused with bitterness.

As the cup cools the vanilla note is more obvious and a creaminess to the mouthfeel comes out.

I just want to say this is not what I expected from these tiny tea particles! Granted its not difficult to rise to one’s expectations when those expectations are set so low, but this tea really has pulled through and made me step back and appreciate it.

I could see this becoming a morning staple. Granted maybe not my very first choice but absolutely one of those dependable, good quality morning teas for when I don’t want to try something new, and just need a tea that I know is going to satisfy! I always like to have several of those on hand!

I also think this tea would be absolutely perfect as an iced tea served to friends and family. It has enough depth and boldness to hold up to ice, and it also sports a lovely deep color.