Are you looking for that next good cup of breakfast tea to sip on? Perhaps Pekoe Breakfast Black Tea from Pekoe Sip House is that cuppa! It’s fairly bold, uplifting, energizing, and rich in both flavor and character.
Pekoe Breakfast Black Tea from Pekoe Sip House infuses to a marvelous shade of medium-dark brown with deep red-orange hue. It smells like a breakfast tea would. The flavor is bold, astringent-in-a-good-way, malty, woodsy all at the same time. It’s not an average tasting breakfast tea. Pekoe Breakfast Black Tea from Pekoe Sip House has that little ‘extra something’. Perhaps it’s their quality or ratio of Indian and Chinese Black Teas they used. It’s a blend of organic Assam, Nilgiri and China black teas, and Pekoe Breakfast.
I appreciate the fact that they went the extra mile with this wake-me-up of a tea. Pekoe Breakfast Black Tea from Pekoe Sip House is something I can see myself keeping as a go-to tea for mornings and friends!

Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Black Tea
Where to Buy: Pekoe Sip House
Description: Perfect for when you’re up at dawn for a run or readying for another busy day, sip on our signature organic loose leaf black tea that provides uplifting energy in a smooth and malty cup.
An inspiring way to start your day, our organic loose leaf black tea is the perfect breakfast tea. A blend of organic Assam, Nilgiri and China black teas, Pekoe Breakfast tea nourishes, enriches and enlivens mind, body, and spirit. A great tea for runners, athletes, and early morning risers.
We recommend serving hot with a milk and sweetener of your choice.
Ingredients: Organic tea blend of Indian and Chinese black teas.
BREW TIP for Black Teas:
Water Temperature: Boiling
Brew Time: 3 – 5 minutes
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Namring Special Autumn Darjeeling Black from Teabox
Tea Information:
Leaf Type: Black
Where to Buy: Teabox
Tea Description:
Autumnals from Darjeeling are known for their smooth and aromatic make. This blend tugs at the senses with its rich floral bouquet, although retrained. While light in cup, this tea impresses with its fullness.
Learn more about this tea here.
Taster’s Review:
Wow! Teabox has some pretty impressive teas and I have to say this one is fabulous and perfect for the chaotic week or so we’ve had in my family!
This tea had such a lovely almost floral aroma to it while it steeped. I steeped the tea per the instructions on the package and have to say they resulted in one gorgeous cuppa!
I love my Darjeelings for the lovely well balanced and smooth flavors they offer. I don’t like I’ve come across one I don’t like yet. This one (like I said) had a lovely floral aroma but the flavors were full blown malty with a hint of a citrus touch here and there. One of those whole mouth feel sort of teas that really help you ease into your evening with class. But be warned, this tea is one that will be come astringent quite quickly and will leave you with a rather mouth drying tea if you don’t goble it up while it is freshly brewed.
Another stunning example of the wonderful teas Teabox has to offer!
Organic Breakfast from TEABOX
Tea Information:
Leaf Type: Black
Where to Buy: TEABOX
Tea Description:
A harmonious blend, this is the kind of tea you turn to when you need a hearty cup before the start of a day.
Beaming with smooth, sweet flavors of dates and honey, and refreshing bite of coriander, every sip satiates you a little more than the next. It has just the right amount of astringency to toggle the smoothness of the tea without distorting the balance, rendering, thus, a gratifying experience.
Learn more about this tea here.
Taster’s Review:
If you are looking for one of those eye opening brisk teas to drink in the morning, look no further! This tea is exactly what you are looking for!
Organic Breakfast is a really nice solid breakfast/anytime tea that gets your blood pumping. The caffeine is pretty high in this delight but wow is it ever tasty!
I brewed this tea up per the instructions on the pouch and was excited to try it out. The malty almost bread like notes were making me eager to try the first sip!
I was greeted with sweet bread like notes of honey. Almost a malted bread honey if that makes any sense. This is one of those teas that gives you that whole mouth feel. Really good and was hitting the spot this morning. Definitely perked me up!
Word to the wise tho, this tea becomes incredibly astringent when it cools. To the point where I had trouble drinking it. If I hadn’t been at work, this tea wouldn’t have even had a chance to cool. I would have gobbled it up right away!
Palampore from The Tea Shelf
Tea Information:
Leaf Type: Black
Where to Buy: The Tea Shelf
Tea Description:
This whole leaf tea comes from the beautiful Kangra Valley nestled in the lower slopes of the Dhauladhar Range in the Himalayas. Wiry, green and olive, these short vermicelli shaped leaves exude a distinct aroma of mountain flowers, with a prominent lavender nose. Once brewed, it envelops you with delicate citrus notes and an explosion of flower bouquet, with a delightfully long after taste. A special tea with a lot of depth.
Learn more about this tea here.
Taster’s Review:
Wow. Just Wow. This is going to be a memorable tea for sure.
If you aren’t familiar with them, The Tea Shelf was founded in 2014 by a team of tea lovers who wanted to convert the world to tea drinkers. A very worthy mission indeed!
The Palampore is a lovely black tea that gives you the warm fuzzies from the very beginning. If I hadn’t read about the tea, at first glance, I would have thought this tea was a green/black tea varietal. The tea leaves are very reminiscent of those blends.
Brewed up per the instructions on the package, I allowed the tea to cool for a few moments before diving in and getting into the brew. What hits you first is the malty notes with a slightly astringent tone. Next is this smooth well balanced silky feel coats your tongue. Towards the end of the sip are slight hints of a floral notes. I am not really picking up the citrus notes like the description says but I’m a-ok with that. This tea is marvelous. One that really gives you the tea fuzzies and makes you remember why you love tea so much. The taste really envelopes you into a soothing and calming setting giving you a moment to really sit back and enjoy the moment!
Cranberry Creme Black from 52Teas
Tea Information:
Leaf Type: Black
Where to Buy: 52Teas
Tea Description:
I wanted to create a cranberry flavored black tea – but I didn’t want to go for a straightforward cranberry black tea because that’s been done. At first, I was going to go with a cranberry custard pie flavor but my initial taste tests of that blend proved to be underwhelming. So instead, I went with a cranberry tea with a creamy custard-y flavor. It has a tangy cranberry note but the edgier, tartier flavors of the cranberry are softened by the sweet, vanilla creme notes. It’s tasty!
Learn more about this tea here.
Learn about subscribing to 52Teas’ Tea of the Week program here.
Taster’s Review:
This is one of Anne’s 52Teas creations, and one I was really excited about when I saw it because I absolutely ADORE cranberry tea! This is a pretty good, simpler cranberry black tea. I really, really get a good amount of natural semi-sweet cranberry notes and that flavour gets a bit more depth from the flavour of warming cinnamon and the brisk black base, which is also just slightly malty. It’s a good, medium body and well rounded flavour. However, I when I drank this I definitely did feel like the “creme” aspect of the tea was lacking. Sure, this was SUPER tasty as a simple cranberry black tea but nothing about it was necessarily soft or silky in the way that you’d expect cream/custard/vanilla to be – and that’s definitely what Anne seems to have been trying to achieve here.
To be perfectly honest though, as someone who really likes cranberry teas I’ve tried a lot of them so the range of blends I can compare this one too is pretty large. My personal favourite is Harney & Son’s Boston Blend which _really_ nails the creamy cranberry component. However, this one does a much better job conveying the natural, realistic flavour of cranberry.
Totally worth tasting, but for the cranberry notes over the ‘creme’.