Reading Nook Blend Organic Black Cream Loose Leaf Tea from Plum Deluxe. . . .

Feeling fretful and restless, unable to decide which of the many tasks at hand I ought to start, frustrated over adulting and situations that are somewhat out of my control for now, and tired of the rain, rain, and more rain, I decided not to do anything for now, but to pick a tea that needed reviewing instead. The chores will wait for me.

As I went through my box of tea, the title of this one grabbed me and said, “This is exactly what you need right now. A great book to escape into and a great cup of tea.”

I always listen when tea talks to me, so I headed over to the internet and downloaded a book I have been wanting to read for ages and made a whole pot of this beautiful blend.

Before I even started drinking it, I was already feeling more relaxed. The top of my infuser basket held the loveliest colors of pink rose petals, little lavender blossoms, and golden bits of chamomile floating lazily over the black tea leaves. An aroma wafted up that felt like a gentle hand patting the shoulder with a “there, there.” Now, feet up, tablet on lap, one chapter down, and two cups in me, I have a new attitude.

Ah yes, this was just what I needed, indeed. Every element of the tea is nicely balanced and making me feel more peaceful. The black tea is soft and smooth but still strong enough to make a nice “real tea” base for the blend. The floral elements are soft and sweet. I added nothing to this and it doesn’t need a thing in my opinion. The rose is sweet and creamy and adds roundness to the texture, the lavender is soothing and so much more interesting than just lavender by itself, and the chamomile would be the lightest touch here to me, adding to the sense of peace, as I associate it with unwinding and letting go of worries and cares. The tea says, “Breathe.” So I do, deeply and slowly.

The overall effect is just what I desperately needed – enough of a break to relax and restore the strength to do what needs to be done next. But not tonight. Tonight is going to be just me and a good book and a full pot of Reading Nook Tea. Breathing.

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Black/Herbal
Where to Buy:  Plum Deluxe

The reading nook blend is our signature organic tea created for enjoying while perfecting some of our dearest passions: reading, writing, and enjoying conversation with friends.

One needs a touch of caffeine to keep the conversation flowing, the pages turning, or the pen on the move, so we start this blend with a wonderful cream black tea. We then added rosebuds for creativity and sustenance, lavender for flavor and aroma, and top it off with a bit of chamomile which adds a calming balance to it all. Customers often tell us this is our prettiest tea!

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Ruby 18 from American Gongfu. . . .

This tea tastes like… and I might be crazy here… a gingersnap. It has a malty, almost sweet thing going on. The site from which it came, American Gongfu, is currently down, so I have no way of checking whether I am a madwoman or a genius.

This is a very smooth straight black with some very crisp notes. I’m thinking that it’s got a French café vibe. You’re outside; it’s crisp dawn; and there are people going by clutching baguettes. It’s morning-bread time. There is a farmer’s market opening up, and you can see them setting up produce and baked items. People are wearing aprons and long skirts unironically. There are mimes, riding bicycles, dinging their little bells and scooting along.

The day is beginning, and you’re now awake and ready to take on your day of, uh, working in a bibliothèque or what-have-you. Yum.

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Black
Where to Buy:  American Gongfu

Organically grown in Nantou, this hong yu (紅玉) black tea, affectionally known as Ruby 18 for the cultivar name and number, is delicious.  Notes of brandy, candied fruit and spice characterize this pick

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Vietnamese Ancient Tree from Tea Runners. . . .

My eyes are bugging out of my head with how much I like this tea. I just thought I’d let you know that, straight away, without preamble — you know, how a newspaper article puts the most important bit first.

This is a malty, malty, malty rich black tea. It was plucked from an old tree in Vietnam that’s apparently hundreds of years old. I cannot verify the age of the tree, but this cup does have a throaty wisdom about it. It’s a Gandalf/Dumbledore tea. It has a good spirit about it.

If it were possible for a cup of tea to have a nice chuckle, this tea would. “Kids these days. Chasing rings and riding brooms into the whomping willow. What malarkey. What can you do?”

I feel like this is the archetype of what a black cup of Asian tea might be. This wild black tea thing might be my new favorite straight tea. It’s gaining momentum in my heart.

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Black
Where to Buy:  Tea Runners

This majestic and highly unusual black tea brews to a rich and hearty cup dripping with notes of molasses and malt. This tea gets its name from the wild, ancient tea trees bearing its leaves in the north Vietnam province of Yen Bai.

These trees have been tended for hundreds of years, and you can taste the expertise and care that goes into the harvesting of these beautiful long, dark leaves.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Giddapahar SFTGFOP 1 SPL Black Tea from Tea Swan. . . .

Giddapahar SFTGFOP 1 SPL Black Tea from Tea Swan is the tea of the moment for me while not only typing up this review but pulling of a pretty sweet sip down!

I’m a fan of teas from the Giddapahar Tea Estate and this specific tea is an early First Flush tea from Giddapahar Tea Estate in the Kurseong Valley of the Darjeeling region.

Giddapahar SFTGFOP 1 SPL Black Tea from Tea Swan is produced with leaves from China plants and offer a sweet musk of this 1st Flush Darjeeling’s dry leaves. Once I began infusing the loose leaves – the scent decreases from sweet to vegetal while giving off a light coppery brew. I noticed the flavor change from subtle spinach greens to musky hay to floral on the end sip. I enjoyed the twists and turns this tea takes!

It’s a mighty fine offering from Tea Swan, indeed!

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Black
Where to Buy:  Tea Swan

Giddapahar black tea is very exquisite early First Flush tea from Giddapahar Tea Estate in the Kurseong Valley of the Darjeeling region.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Peppermint Bark Tea from Sunshine Cottage. . . .

Peppermint Bark is a holiday classic which is why chocolate peppermint teas flood the market at Christmas time. Almost each company has their own take on it and any holiday celebration doesn’t really feel complete without a peppermint bark tea latte. As such, these types of teas are cold weather teas in my mind.

So about a week ago when we had an unseasonably cold day, I set up a cold brew of Sunshine Cottage’s Peppermint Bark Tea in chocolate milk. I then forgot to drink it that day. Then the weather got significantly warmer and I just didn’t want to drink it tbh. Instead I favored my more spring-like teas. However, as the cold brewed milk has been sitting, I figured best to drink it before it goes bad. For comparison sake, I also brewed a hot tea with the remainder of the sample I had left.

This tea sets itself apart from the others, ingredients-wise at least, as it adds sunflower petals to the more typical ingredients of black tea, peppermint, white chocolate pieces, and natural flavors. However, flavor-wise as I sip on the hot tea, it tastes similar to the many other chocolate peppermint teas I have had before. In fact, it may even be a bit blander than most. There is a lot of peppermint flavor but not much else. The sample is a bit old so perhaps there is some flavor deterioration. Alternatively, there didn’t appear to be any white chocolate pieces in my filter while there was a ton of peppermint leaf so that could be causing the lack of flavor as well. Whatever the reason, the hot tea fell short of my expectations.

The cold brew, on the other hand, had a lot going on. The silky chocolate milk was made richer by the flavor of the black tea base. There is hints of white chocolate as well, though they are easy to miss under the strong chocolate milk flavor. The peppermint, on the other hand, comes through loud and clear leaving the aftertaste all minty. It is certainly more interesting than the hot tea was but even still I think this might become another in a long blurred line of chocolate mint teas.

Enjoyable but not really noteworthy.

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Black
Where to Buy:  Sunshine Cottage

Creamy white chocolate and crisp mint make this holiday tea a real treat. Perfect for a toe thawing, pick me up after an afternoon on the slopes, or for sipping by the fire after a wonderful meal!

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!