Lavender Earl Grey Cleanse from WayGood Tea

LavenderEarlGreyCleanseTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black

Where to Buy:  WayGood Tea

Tea Description:

An exquisite black tea flavored with aromatic lavender flowers & bergamot.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

This Lavender Earl Grey Cleanse from WayGood Tea is one of the most unusual Earl Grey teas that I’ve encountered.

Let me start with the “cleanse” part of this tea.  I’m not a doctor or one who specializes in herbs.  I’m not someone who recommends a ‘cleanse’ or a ‘detox’ because neither of these activities are something of which I partake.  I don’t drink tea for health benefits.  I don’t drink tea to cleanse, detox or lose weight.  I drink tea because I like the way it tastes.

Now, if I happen to find a tea that I enjoy drinking, I certainly don’t mind at all if it happens to have the cleansing, detoxifying or weight loss benefits in addition to a great flavor.  But flavor should come first.  I drink tea because I like the flavor of it, if I want to drink something for health benefits, I’ll go drink some wheatgrass juice.

I don’t drink wheatgrass juice.  I drink stuff I like to drink.  That’s why I stick to tea.

So now that I’ve gotten that out of the way, let me turn my attention to this tea.  It’s one of the more unusual “twists” to the classic Earl Grey teas that I’ve yet to taste.  That’s not to say that I don’t like it – to be honest, I haven’t actually decided if I do or I don’t!  It’s quite different.

The rosemary adds it’s distinctive fragrance to the overall cup and when I lift the cup to my lips to take a sip, I smell the rosemary. While the rosemary and bergamot seem to complement each other aromatically, the first few sips were a little strange because I expected to smell bergamot but I smelled the rosemary with the bergamot (as well as notes of lavender and juniper berry) and the medley of aromas is just … well, it’s different.  It is unexpected.

But, even though it IS different and unexpected, it’s quite pleasant!  I’m not hating the flavor here at all.  Quite the opposite.

That said, one big disappointment about this tea is that the black tea isn’t a particularly strong flavor.  It’s more of a background note and that’s even a little more generous than the flavor here actually represents.  The black tea tastes thin (almost like it’s a decaffeinated black tea).  It’s a very weak tasting black tea and I’m of the opinion that black tea should have some vigor to it.

I steeped this for four minutes in 205°F – that should not have produced a weak tasting black tea unless the black tea is not a particularly strong tea to begin with … or it’s a decaffeinated tea.

The bergamot isn’t a particularly strong flavor as it melds with the flavors of lavender, rosemary and juniper berry.  The orange peel enhances the notes of bergamot somewhat, but not really enough for someone who is a bergamot fan like I am.

I don’t taste much from the elderberry either.  Of the seven elements of this tea, I taste the rosemary the strongest while the pine-y notes of the juniper seem to accentuate the rosemary, then I taste the lavender, followed by the bergamot (and orange), the black tea and then the elderberry.  It tastes herb-y, pine-ish and floral with hints of citrus in the background.

Overall, it’s a pleasant cup of tea, but I find myself wanting to taste TEA here, and I’m not tasting a lot of it.  It’s a very weak tea – but as far as a cleansing or detox type of tea, this is quite enjoyable.

Serenity Now Herbal from DAVIDsTEA

Serenity NowTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Herbal/Tisane

Where to Buy: DAVIDsTEA

Tea Description:

So maybe you burned dinner. Maybe the dishwasher broke. Again. Maybe you just forgot to hit “save.” Life is full of stressful surprises. But lucky for us, life is also full of tea. And this oh-so-soothing blend is a guaranteed one-way ticket to your happy place. It’s got serene strawberries, harmonious hibiscus and restful rosehips, all in a base of low-key lavender. So get that kettle started and brace yourself for the rush of calm. Bring it on, life. We got this.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

Serenity Now is the April ‘Tea of the Month’ from DAVIDsTEA.

Despite really liking the tea’s description (except for the part that called hibiscus ‘harmonious’ – that part is a total fib) I was very skeptical about this blend; I don’t much care for lavender myself, and I couldn’t see it going well with the strawberry, blueberry or other fruity things in the blend either. However, the quince was certainly an intriguing aspect; I’ve only had one other Quince tea but I really, really enjoyed it. As well, I do quite like the pairing of strawberry and spearmint! So despite reservations, it was worth a go.

I purchased this one in store as a Tea To Go; I decided on iced because the associate I asked said that hot was better for relaxing to/brought out the lavender more and iced was more refreshing and fruity. I actually initially didn’t really taste the lavender at all; my first few sips were almost entirely strawberry with a bit of a crisper spearmint backdrop. Hints of blueberry were present as well. The rosehips/hibiscus in this are pretty toned down; I think they just contributed a very slight tartness that blended in near seamlessly with the natural tang of the strawberry. Sadly, I didn’t pick up on the quince at all which is probably what I was most excited about.

About half way through drinking this one I sort of couldn’t help but burp a little bit? Something wasn’t sitting quite right with me and it resulted in this weird hiccup/reflux sort of cross. And that’s when I started to taste the lavender. Every time I’d ‘hiccup’ I get this flood of gnarly lavender flavour in my mouth. Very strong; borderline perfume-y. So, I’d take another sip to get my the taste out of my mouth – and then like thirty seconds later it’d hit me again and I’d get that nasty lavender breath. Repeated the cycle until the tea was gone – and then a few minutes later I was fine again.

Overall; this was better than anticipated for sure – I thought that the strawberry in particular was well executed, and the spearmint pairing definitely made for a light, fun fruity treat. It wasn’t “in your face” juicy – just a nice, softer and very refreshing drink like the associate I spoke to had described. I’d be interested in trying this one again to see if the same reflux type thing happened again – if it’s something caused by the lavender and going to be a regular occurrence when I drink this tea, then that definitely negatively impacts how I view this one (that lavender breath was NASTY), but if it was a one time deal then I think I could maybe get behind this one a bit better because the floral aspects were pretty in check, hiccups aside.

Lavender Daze Herbal Tea from M&K’s Tea Company

LavenderDazeTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Herbal Tisane

Where to Buy:  M&K’s Tea Company on Etsy

Tea Description:

Soothing lavender, sweet cinnamon, adjective ingredient! You get the idea. But this herbal infusion is a special one, with a taste that is all its own. You’ll have to try it to describe it! But, as far as we can tell, it tastes something like lavender, chamomile, licorice, and a hint of cinnamon. This blend is part of the Original 20 M&K’s Blends. Additionally, this is the first M&K’s blend officially invented.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

Usually when I find a lavender tisane like this Lavender Daze Herbal Tea from M&K’s Tea Company, I expect it to be a combination of lavender and chamomile – and this is such a blend.  But what makes it different from other blends is that M&K’s didn’t stop at just lavender and chamomile.  They added honey roasted licorice root, star anise, ginger, lemon verbena and cinnamon!  Most of these ingredients are not ones you’d find in the average “nighttime” lavender and chamomile blend.

So I didn’t know what to expect with this tea.  I brewed it in my Kati Tumbler, using 1 1/2 bamboo scoops of tisane and 12 ounces of near boiling (195°F) water and steeping for 8 minutes.

As I surmised based on the list of ingredients, this isn’t the typical nighttime lavender/chamomile blend, and it certainly doesn’t taste like it either.

The licorice is really strong with this blend.  Maybe too strong.  I love licorice, but the licorice notes here overpower the other flavors a bit too much because I’m tasting mostly just licorice.  The sip starts out with a soft cinnamon-y note, and then the licorice hits and it lingers throughout the rest of the sip and into the aftertaste.

Just after I notice the cinnamon, I pick up on the subtlest of hints of lavender, ginger and citrus.  But again, they are so faint because bam!  The licorice hits and overpowers the rest of the blend.  I do taste whispers of honey, but mostly, I taste licorice.

And as I’ve said, I LOVE licorice, but I think that with this combination of ingredients and what seemed to promise a really interesting fusion of flavors, I find myself just a wee bit disappointed because I would have liked to experience a more balanced cup.

It’s good, don’t get me wrong.  If you like licorice, you’re bound to enjoy this and I am enjoying the licorice notes here.  I just think it would have been more interesting to taste more of the other components to this blend.

Serene Herbal Tisane from The Honest Leaf

SereneTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Herbal Tisane

This tea is available from Amoda Tea.

Tea Description:

This tea does exactly what its name promises – brings serenity to your day. Ingredients like chamomile, jasmine and lavender really do have that affect. We taste the apple-like flavours of chamomile, a perfect lemon squeeze and smooth mint. There’s tart and sweet florals playing off one another and hints of relaxing lavender that come out mid-sip.

Learn more about subscribing to Amoda Tea here.

Taster’s Review:

After my first few sips of this Serene Herbal Tisane from The Honest Leaf, I found myself contemplating whether or not I actually liked it.  I didn’t dislike it but I wasn’t too sure whether or not I was enjoying what I was tasting.

That is to say, it’s quite unlike other teas I’ve tried.

Now that I’m about halfway through the cup, I can say that yes, I do like this.  It’s different, it’s tasty and I like it.

The flavor starts out quite subtle.  I notice a soft lemon-y note from the lemon peel and flavoring.  This flavor develops over the course of the sip – starting off with a delicate whisper of lemon.  The finish is bright with lemon notes and the aftertaste is quite lemon-y, as if I had just taken a sip of lemonade.  The aftertaste lingers a while.

After the subtle introduction of lemon, I pick up on flowery notes of jasmine, lavender and passion flower just before mid-sip.  These floral notes are also quite subdued.  They don’t develop the way the lemon does, but I do pick up on a few more floral notes mingling with the lemon notes in the aftertaste.

Just after mid-sip, I notice the crisp peppermint.  I like that the peppermint follows the example set by the flowers and lemon and is understated.  The cool peppermint is a nice contrast to the lemon-y flavor, but the mint doesn’t slap you in the mouth with it’s minty presence.  It’s just a slight ‘peppy’ sort of flavor that perks up the flavors of the tea without tasting like someone spilled a little bit of mouthwash in my teacup.

I didn’t really notice the chamomile until I reached mid-cup.  The chamomile is more of an undertone, offering a indistinct apple note and hint of honey.  I can smell more chamomile in this than I can taste.  After the mid-cup point, the chamomile notes develop somewhat, but they never become a strong, prominent profile to the cup.

Happily, I notice no hibiscus in this, unless the hibiscus acts as a ‘tart’ agent to help amplify the tartness of the lemon, because the aftertaste does have a tartness to it.  Not too puckery, though, but as I said, I do get a lemonade-y sort of experience in the aftertaste.

Overall, I found this to be a relaxing, enjoyable cup.  It’s certainly different than the typical ‘nighttime’ type of tisanes, and different is good!

Lavender Cream Earl Grey Black Tea from Aromatica Fine Teas

Lavender_Cream_Earl_GreyTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black

This tea is available from Amoda Tea.

Tea Description:

This tea brings together the best of all the earl grey worlds – bergamot, vanilla, cream and lavender. Why have them in 4 separate Earl Greys!? This is a sweet, creamy, delicious black tea with floral hints. The vanilla and cream soften the bergamot citrus edge. You can still enjoy this variation with milk.  

Learn more about subscribing to Amoda Tea here.

Taster’s Review:

I received my Amoda box a few days ago and this is the first tea that I’ve tried from the box!   While it’s not a surprise that I should reach for the tea that would be my clear favorite in the box, I generally like to save the one that I think will be my favorite for last.  Like dessert, right?  You save dessert for after the meal, but sometimes, you have to give in to the inner child and have dessert first!

So, I gave in to the inner child and drank the tea that I was sure would be my favorite in this month’s box first.  So, it should come as no surprise that I’m loving this Lavender Cream Earl Grey Black Tea from Aromatica Fine Teas!

To brew this, I used my Breville One Touch.  The entire sampler packet appeared to be just enough tea for one small pot of tea from my tea maker, so I poured the contents of the packet into the basket and added 500ml of water to the jug.  I set the parameters for 205°F (I like to go with slightly lower than boiling temperatures when I have herbs in the tea – in this case, the lavender and hibiscus) and 2 1/2 minutes.

Then I let the tea cool for about three minutes before sipping.  I’ve got to tell you that they seem the longest three minutes ever when you’re waiting to take a sip of something so aromatically alluring!

Mmmm!  I’m loving this tea!

Rich!  The black tea is a vibrant tasting tea – it’s good and strong.  There is a fair amount of astringency to this tea, and if I’m to offer any complaint about it at all, that would be it.  I would like the astringency to be toned down just a bit.

The flavoring, though, is spot on!  The bergamot is strong and flavorful.  The vanilla cream notes are pretty evenly matched with the bergamot, with maybe just a little bit more bergamot than cream.  The combination of the two is sweet, creamy and tangy with a bright flavor of crisp bergamot.

Then there is the lavender.  Ah … I do adore lavender.  Lavender is a lot like bergamot, in that it can be overdone in a tea and end up tasting a bit more like soap than a flavoring.  Here, the lavender is done nicely, not tasting even a bit soapy, instead, it has a touch of floral to this cup.  It’s a pleasing contrast, the floral notes of the lavender with the silky sweetness of the vanilla cream and the energetic flavor of the bergamot.  It’s a compelling flavor combination that keeps me sipping and makes for one very happy tea sipper.

So, this is definitely a win.  My only real complaint is – again – the astringent black tea base.  But this is something that I can overlook because the flavors are so delightful!  And those who detest hibiscus like I do, take note:  I can’t taste the hibiscus here!  Yippee!  That’s a win right there!