Serenity Herbal Tisane from Sanctuary T

serenityTisane Information:

Leaf Type:  Herbal

Where to Buy:  Sanctuary T

Tisane Description:

Life is crazy, so calm your nerves with this herbal blend. Take a moment just for yourself.

Learn more about this tisane here.

Taster’s Review:

Whenever I come across a tisane with chamomile, I sort of cringe.  And that’s just what I did with this Serenity Herbal Tisane from Sanctuary T.

It’s not that I dislike chamomile, because, I’ve come across many a blend with chamomile in it that I’ve really enjoyed.  I’ve even had pure chamomile and enjoyed it.  I think the problem stems from encountering in my “pre-loose leaf” days too many chamomile tisanes that were stuffed into teabags, comprised of crushed chamomile that ended up tasting so … off.  Those memories continue to plague me.

But that just isn’t fair to this tisane, because this is really so good.  And the chamomile is really so … barely there.  I taste it, of course, but the flavor melds with the crisp flavor of peppermint, the sweet notes of lavender, the exotic flavor of jasmine blossoms, and the buttery, citrus-y notes of lemongrass.  I like how each of these flavors are represented in my cup, but, not one really emerges as an overpowering flavor. Everything is nicely balanced.

It tastes lightly minty … not mouthwash-y.  The citrus tones are mostly present in the aftertaste.  The jasmine and lavender taste sweet and floral without tasting perfume-ish.  And the chamomile adds to that floral tone, and adds a light fruitiness to the cup that accents the citrus notes quite nicely.  This is a tisane that I could drink again and again!

Organic Fashionista Blend from Fashionista Tea


Tea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black

Where to Buy:  Fashionista Tea

Tea Description:

This signature blend created especially for the “Fashionista” tea collection, consists of Organic and Fair Trade black teas with botanicals, a reminder of Paris.

Learn more about this Fashionista Blend here.

Taster’s Review:

Oh this is good.  So very good.  I love this Organic Fashionista Blend from Fashionista Tea!

The black tea base is comprised of a blend of Organic Congu tea and an Organic Breakfast Blend.  This combination creates a remarkably smooth, rich, thick background of flavor.  I think that’s what I’m enjoying most about this blend – it’s so solid!  It’s well-rounded and flavorful and very satisfying.  Notes of malt … earthy, it’s got a strong, biscuit-y character.  Not brassy or thin.

The base alone is such a delicious tea, it’s rich and full-flavored … it really doesn’t need anything else.  So the “treat” of this tea is that you also get some amazing floral notes from the addition of rose and lavender.  Neither are overpowering, but they add charm and interest to the cup, and give it a decidedly “feminine” touch that a tea called “Fashionista Blend” just … needs!

There are also notes of citrus here from the bits of orange peel … but I’m liking how the orange doesn’t come off as “astringent” or adding a “light” taste to the cup (although it does certainly brighten the cup!)  It is just an extra dimension of flavor to an already really enjoyable cup of tea.

An excellent cuppa!  This is a tea that makes a great breakfast tea … or any time you want a really fulfilling cup of tea!

Lavender Chocolate and Cinnamon Rooibos Blend from Lu-Lin Teas


Tisane Information:

Leaf Type:  Rooibos

Where to Buy:  Lu-Lin Teas

Tisane Description:

This is a caffeine free blend made from African Red Bush, cinnamon bark, cocoa shells and a sprinkling of lavender. The flavours infuse in a sweet and floral harmony. The perfect dessert tea as it contains no calories but satisfies your sweet tooth.

Learn more about this tisane here.

Taster’s Review:

This Lavender Chocolate and Cinnamon Rooibos Blend from Lu-Lin Teas just smells too good!  The combination of cinnamon and chocolate evokes thoughts of my homemade hot cocoa … something I haven’t made in a long time (what can I say?  I’ve been busy drinking tea!) but something that when I take the time to make is absolutely indulgent.  And the hint of lavender adds such a lovely floral tone to the aroma without going overboard and making it smell like a bar of soap.

And the best part about this tisane is that it tastes just like I wanted it to taste.  It is a pleasing balance of the key three ingredients … just enough of each one to provide a lovely flavor that is sweet, cinnamon-y … chocolate-y and floral … and not very rooibos-y!  That’s a win-win in my book.

The cinnamon is sweet and has just enough sassy spice to keep the flavor interesting without overwhelming the cup – something that cinnamon can sometimes do!  The chocolate … well, I am a chocoholic, so yes, there could be more cacao flavor here, but, there is enough to bring a smile to my face.  It taste delicious and decadent.

But the real surprise here is the way the lavender plays in this cup … it is delicate and sweet.  Lavender is one of those ingredients that when overdone, the tea ends up tasting soapy, and when underdone … what’s the point.  This is has a lovely floral intonation but not so much that I taste “soap.”  Instead, I just taste delicious lavender … one of my favorite tea floral flavors.

A really lovely tisane … I highly recommend this one, whether you’re a fan of chocolate, or of cinnamon, or of lavender (or if you happen to be a fan of all three, like me!) you really should try this tisane!

Vintage Earl Grey from New Mexico Tea Company


Tea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black

Where to Buy:  New Mexico Tea Company

Tea Description:

A sophisticated twist to an undeniably sophisticated black tea. Vintage Earl Grey adds the subtleties of rose and lavender to the familiar well-loved tradition of Italian orange bergamot for a smashing afternoon delight. Enjoyed with an intimate circle of friends or in your own personal retreat time, this soothing and lively combination will stir memories of pleasant times well spent.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

This Vintage Earl Grey blend from New Mexico Tea Company is a very interesting combination of flavors … a really unusual but tasty twist on a classic favorite!

My first thought when I saw so many floral notes plus bergamot was that this would end up tasting like one of those fancy body washes that you might find in a specialty shop in the mall.  And while I’ve not actually picked up a bottle of body wash and chugged it, I think I can still say that this does not taste like body wash … or soap … or perfume!

It is one of the more unique Earl Grey blends that I’ve encountered.  The flavor is at once citrus-y/bergamot-y, rose, lavender, and rosemary, with a background of black tea flavor.  The black tea base is rather subtle and even a tad overwhelmed by the presence of so many strong flavors … but that does not mean that I do not taste the black tea.  It just means that it is not as prominent as it would be in a traditional Earl Grey blend.  While it doesn’t stand out and say “Here I Am” to the palate, it comes through in the background.  There is only a wee bit of astringency and no bitterness with this tea.

In one sip, I notice notes of rose, lavender, bergamot, resin and pine, plus a backdrop of black tea.  The rose is the first flavor that I notice immediately.  The bergamot then comes through, offering its distinctive citrus-y, tangy flavor.  The lavender takes a few sips to really be recognized … and I think this has something to do with the other ingredients actually “altering” the usually distinguished flavor of lavender … it took me a little while for me to recognize the flavor as lavender … whereas if this had been a straightforward lavender scented black tea, I would have noticed the lavender immediately because of the lack of other ingredients to taint the lavender’s presence.

The rosemary is there too, and I like the sharp, pine-ish flavor that it offers the cup.  It really does give this a ‘vintage-y’ kind of flavor together with the rose and lavender.  It’s quite remarkable.

I really enjoyed the way this tea came together.  It is indeed DIFFERENT, but, different isn’t always bad.  In this case, different is definitely GOOD, and it was unique and interesting enough to keep me sipping!

Rest Well (Certified Organic) from Far Leaves

restwellTisane Information:

Leaf Type:  Herbal

Where to Buy:  Far Leaves

Tisane Description:

Pure herbal bliss; certified organic chamomile, peppermint, lavender, and valerian caress achy temperaments and sooth minor ailments – CAFFEINE FREE

Learn more about this tisane here.

Taster’s Review:

I always tend to be a little apprehensive when it comes to herbal infusions with chamomile, but I found the fact that this Certified Organic Rest Well infusion from Far Leaves also contains lavender and peppermint reassuring.  I thought there was a good chance that I’d like this one.

And I am enjoying it.  The ingredients come together in a very flavorful way.  The peppermint is a strong flavor, but it is not presented in a way that tastes too minty or like someone squeezed a dab of toothpaste in my cup.  It tastes smooth and comforting in the cup … it doesn’t have that typical zesty, cool peppermint taste to it here.  Instead, it seems to meld with the other flavors to create a herbaceous flavor that is more soothing than medicinal.

In fact, I don’t find this to taste medicinal at all.  Instead, I find it … relaxing.  Everything is so nicely balanced.  Floral tones are sweet without being sharp.  It doesn’t taste strongly of any one ingredient.  I taste notes of each without feeling overwhelmed by any of them.

This is a very nice cup to cozy up to on those nights that you find it difficult to calm down so that you can get a good night’s rest.