Breakfast Earl Grey from Whittard of Chelsea 1886

Tea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black

Where to Buy:  Whittard of Chelsea 1886

Tea Description:

Earl Grey has become a defining flavor of Britain, distinguished by its fragrant taste. Traditionally an afternoon tea, our customers wanted a version strong enough for breakfast. So we created a fine blend of black tea with malty Assam, crisp Ceylon and mellow Kenyan. It is a vigorous blend with a beautiful, delicate bergamot taste.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

There is just something about Earl Grey that … when I encounter a new-to-me Earl Grey (one that I’ve not yet tried), I get all giddy, quite unlike any other flavor of tea.  There’s just something about that bergamot that makes me happy.

Occasionally, I’ve been disappointed.  Occasionally, I’ll come across one that just doesn’t do the name “Earl Grey” justice.  But it is a rare occasion, indeed, and fortunately, today is not such a rare occasion.  This Breakfast Earl Grey from Whittard of Chelsea 1886 is lovely!

The aroma is beautiful – although, I must admit that it did scare me just a bit.   It is a strong bergamot fragrance, but there is just a hint of … something … there that made it smell a bit more like perfume than like tea.  It scared me momentarily, but once the tea was brewed, that worry was over.  The aroma of the dry leaf is a tad perfume-y, but the brewed tea smells much more like a proper Earl Grey.  Sweet, bergamot-y (which is much now much lighter here in the brewed tea), and possessing a pleasing earthiness from the black tea base.

The black tea base of this Earl Grey is a blend of Assam, Ceylon and Kenyan tea.  I know I’ve tasted a lot of Earl Grey teas, and I can’t possibly be expected to remember all the Earl Grey bases I’ve tried up until now (can I? … hope not, because I can’t!)  but I don’t remember a blend of these three particular teas used as a base for an Earl Grey.  The result is a robust background with malty intonations and a really rich, solid, well-rounded flavor.

The bergamot is rather soft in the presence of this powerful black tea base, but I still find it rather pleasant.  Usually, I like my bergamot bold and in-your-face, but, I have also quite enjoyed the softer side of bergamot on occasion.  I find that with these particular teas, the citrus-y tones are much more bright and sweet … it’s almost juicy!

There is much more of a fruit note than an “exotic” note, if that makes sense.  Yes, I’m aware that bergamot IS a fruit, so indeed it should not be unusual that it actually tastes like fruit, but, bergamot is quite unlike any other fruit that flavors teas that I’ve encountered.  Here, it is mellowed somewhat, allowing the distinct fruit tones to express themselves in a different way.  As I continue to sip, I notice some floral notes begin to reveal themselves … a taste that becomes more dominate as I reach mid-cup.

What a lovely bergamot experience I’m having with this Breakfast Earl Grey.  This is one that all Earl Grey lovers out there should try!

Blueberry Purple Tea from Butiki Teas

Tea Information:

Leaf Type:  Purple

Where to Buy:  Butiki Teas

Tea Description:

Made with a base of Purple Tea of Kenya, this mellow tea has an earthy blueberry flavor that lingers. Add a little brown crystal sugar for an intense sweet blueberry flavor. More extensive information on our Kenyan teas can be found HERE.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

I’ve tried a couple of purple teas now, I’ve had at least one purple Oolong and a purple Pu-erh, but this the first flavored purple tea (at least that I’m aware of).  And it’s quite unusual … different from any blueberry flavored tea I’ve tried in the past, but at the same time, there are some remarkable similarities to some teas I’ve had, as well.

This purple tea bears some striking resemblances to a white or a green tea.  It has the light, delicateness of a white tea with some of the herbaceous/vegetative tones of a green tea.  There is also an earthiness to this tea that offers a unique contrast to the sweet-tart blueberry notes.

The blueberry is prominent, and the somewhat nutty, earthy, herbaceous flavor of the tea together with the blueberry creates a taste that is similar to a blueberry muffin – heavy on the blueberry!  It is sweet and tart, earthy and refreshing … and it’s very good!

I really like this tea – it’s a great way to explore the purple tea variety.  Oh… and I highly recommend resteeping this one – the second infusion is even better than the first.  The earthiness softens a bit, making the flavor very smooth and even more pleasant than the first infusion.

Kenya Silverback White Tea from Imperial Tea Garden

Tea Information:

Leaf Type:  White

Where to Buy:  Imperial Tea Garden

Tea Description:

First planted with tea in 1903, the majority of Kenya’s tea gardens are clustered on the slopes of the Great Rift Valley which produces 22% of the worlds tea exports. Unlike most of the tea produced in the Nandi region, Kenya Silverback is one of the rarest teas in the world with only 600 kgs produced annually.  The tea is only made from the choicest white tips harvested from select plants 5600 ft – 6500 ft above sea level.  The fresh leaf is hand plucked, hand rolled and naturally dried resulting in a white tea with a lot of character.  The cup opens with notes of honey, roasted nuts and Madagascar vanilla that lead the way to a long smooth finish.  A lot of mouth feel for most white tea connoisseurs.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

I drink a lot of tea.  I’m sure that comes as no surprise to those who read this blog regularly.  Every day, I drink at least one type of black tea and one type of green tea, and I try to find time for Oolong daily too.  White teas, I don’t drink as often as I drink other tea types, because while I do adore white teas, I find myself tiring of them faster than I do other types of tea.  I like them, but, I just prefer green, black and Oolongs.

But I don’t think I could ever grow tired of this Kenya Silverback White Tea from Imperial Tea Garden. The aroma is gentle and sweet, and the mouthfeel is velvet-y smooth.

And the flavor!  It’s amazing!  So many nuanced layers of flavor within each sip!  The above description suggests notes of honey, nuts and vanilla, and I taste those.  They sit right at the forefront of the sip, tantalizing the palate with sweet, creamy, toasty flavor.

But then, off in the distance, I notice the distinct flavor of freshly cut hay.  If you’ve ever been out in a hayfield just after the hay has been cut, you know what I’m talking about here:  I taste the air of the hayfield just after harvest.  It is a light, airy kind of taste with distinct hay-like notes.  Slightly vegetative and warm, sun-ripened notes.  I taste crispness and even hints of flower.

This white tea is truly remarkable!  Sweet, but not too sweet.  Juicy and refreshing and absolutely delightful.  I love it, and highly recommend it to all tea enthusiasts out there.

Royal Tea of Kenya Tajiri Black Orthodox Tea from Grey’s Teas

Tea Type:
Black Tea

Where To Buy:
Grey’s Teas

Product Description:

A rare and wonderful orthodox tea from Kenya… Now aged 111 Arthur Njuguna Komo planted his tea estate over fifty years ago on naturally fertile soils at an altitude of 6700 ft in Gatundu District, amongst the foothills of Mount Kenya, alongside the Rundu and Mukengeria rivers. Whilst continuing to play an active role in ensuring the quality of his tea and furthering the enlightened approach to employment which he pioneered, it is now run by his grandaughter, Joy. This orthodox, large leaf tea is neatly twisted and has a lovely appley and caramel aroma. In the cup it is deep bronze. It is full bodied, rich and smooth with a certain sweetness. Brew for four minutes. It may be drunk with milk.

Tasters Review:

I do NOT add milk to my teas – or any other additions – for that matter – and I found this tea to be wonderful without, as well!

The more teas from Kenya I am able to try the more I must say I am a flat-out FAN of Kenyan Teas!  This one is no exception!  This smells slightly bready – which I LOVE.  The taste is certainly robust but also a bit sweet – and sour (but in a good way), and it smooths out in the end quite nicely.  There is an afterthought of smoke in there, somewhere, too!  A neat surprise!  This is a solid black tea!


Real Earl Grey from Tiger Spring Tea

Tea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black

Where to Buy:  Tiger Spring Tea

Tea Description:

Bergamot oil from the citrus fruit grown in the Calabria district in Italy had become popular in the 18th and 19th centuries as a flavouring for gin and snuff. It was brought to Joseph Banks attention who is known to have experimented with flavourings. He is credited with adding it to tea, and it was most likely given the name Earl Grey, since he was the popular Prime Minister of the time. Our Real Earl Grey is scented using natural bergamot oil, rather than the synthetic scents commonly used. As a result it has a more citrusy nose and palate.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

As most of our regular readers are probably well aware of by now, I am a HUGE fan of Earl Grey.  So whenever I get a new Earl Grey to try, I’m excited.  And whenever I find an Earl Grey that I absolutely love … I find myself not only elated, but also somewhat confused.  Why?  Because I have a few “favorite” Earl Grey teas, and it seems that this list of favorites is expanding at a continual rate!

This Real Earl Grey from Tiger Spring Tea has earned a spot in my ever-growing list of favorite Earl Grey teas.  From what I can glean from the Tiger Spring Tea website, the tea seems to be one that was grown in Kenya, which explains the robust black tea flavor that I taste.  It is rich and well-rounded, providing a taste that is strong and smooth, with hints of smokiness in the background that offer an interesting dimension to the overall cup.

But as with any Earl Grey, the important factor is not the tea (although a high quality black tea base IS essential, and Tiger Spring certainly has not overlooked this) but the BERGAMOT.  Here, the bergamot tastes very natural.  There is a freshness to it, like freshly squeezed citrus juice.  It is sweet … it seems to be sweeter than I usually notice with bergamot, and this sweetness offers a pleasing contrast with the tangy notes of the Italian fruit.  I also notice that the natural floral notes of the bergamot are different here too.

I usually also notice floral notes with bergamot as well, and I do taste them here too, but, again, it’s different with this Earl Grey.  The floral tones are not as noteworthy during the sip, which seems to focus on the sweet yet sour notes of the fruit, but in the aftertaste, which has a lingering floral note that is quite lovely.  No soapy/perfume-y tastes here, just vibrant bergamot flavor.

Another favorite for the list!