Summer is coming and it is almost time for juicy, ripe peaches! I am enjoying that flavor early today with this delightful honeybush blend from AKA Tea.
The website has a lovely recipe for making this as a sweetened iced tea and I can hardly wait to give that a try, but for today I am in need of tea FAST and it is overcast and gloomy outside. This is a great day to try this one hot!
And oh man, did it ever hit the spot! This tastes just like biting into a fresh peach that is still warm from the summer sun, and sends juice dribbling down your hand to your arm. No sugar needed to enjoy the fresh fruit flavor here. It was a real show stopper. It grabbed my attention and made me really savor the cup.
Since I am tired with lots more work to go laying sod, it was a real pick-me-up before I head back out. This summer, I can drink as much as I want, as late as I want, because this is honeybush! Hooray! And iced in the 95 degree heat we regularly experience? Yes, please!
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Honeybush
Where to Buy: Aka Tea
Life is “Just Peachy” with this honeybush blend! Keep it happy and just a little sappy.
The wonderful aroma of sweet peach is bound to put a smile on your face.
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Just Peachy from Blend Bee
Right off the bat I will tell you that I’m impressed with Just Peachy from Blend Bee for 2 reasons…one…the aroma…it’s wonderful and…two…because it’s a green tea and Honeybush blend that works really well!
The notable ingredients in Just Peachy from Blend Bee include not only green tea and honeybush but ginger and cinnamon which are both fairly strong – as well as – lemon peel and peach flavor. It’s flavor on the tongue is comparable to other Ginger Peach teas I have tried in the past but seemed a bit more refined in some way. Maybe it was the subtle addition of the lemon or maybe it was the sweet and green contrast of the green tea and honeybush. Whatever it was it worked!
If Just Peachy from Blend Bee is any indication of how awesome their other teas will be (or are) then I am sure to be hooked on them soon!
Here’s the Scoop
Leaf Type: Green Tea/Honeybush Blend
Where to Buy: Blend Bee
Honeybush and green tea infused with fresh peach is absolutely divine hot or iced. Sip and savor the delicate peach flavor with spices like ginger and peach. This blend will brighten any day!
- *Green tea
- *Honeybush
- *Ginger
- *Cinnamon
- *Lemon peel
- *Peach flavor extract
- Lightly Caffeinated – *organic
Learn more about this tea and tea company here.
Just Peachy Tisane from DAVIDsTEA
Tea Information:
Leaf Type: Herbal/Tisane
Where to Buy: DAVIDsTEA
Tea Description:
It took us years to find the perfect peach iced tea – but this sweet, summery blend is so peachy, it tastes like it’s fresh from the orchard. Now that we’ve finally mastered our favourite summer fruit, we just can’t get enough. And we keep discovering new, delicious ways to try it. It’s amazing mixed up with peach sliced and frozen into ice pops. Or served chilled with a splash of Prosecco. But the best way might just be straight up, with lots of ice and a touch of agave. However you enjoy it, this blend is a real peach.
Learn more about this tea here.
Taster’s Review:
This is part one of a five part review of the DAVIDsTEA Summer Collection.
Just Peachy Tisane from DAVIDsTEA was around last year, but I didn’t get around to trying it because it just really didn’t interest me: I’m kid of fickle towards peach teas, and at that time I was especially wary of them. However, this year I’ve opened up quite a bit more to trying new things so I gave it a shot! It was popular enough to come back a second year so there’s got to be something good about it.
This review is for my tea soda preparation of the tisane; I did this at home using my standard tea soda method (Infuse the tisane into a simple syrup and then float the simple syrup in a can of club soda), not as one of the in store tea soda’s that DT makes.
Dry, the leaf smells very intensly of sweet peach candy with some apple-y undertones – it’s really fresh and in your face. I also took a small sip of the syrup before it had been diluted with the club soda, and (keeping in mind how concentrated it was) I thought it tasted exactly like a Fuzzy Peach!
Based purely on this tea soda, I would one hundred percent buy more of this: it’s absolutely one of the better tea sodas I’ve ever made – The peach is very strong, fresh, and sticky sweet tasting. I’d describe it as Fuzzy Peaches meet Peach Bellini meets Peach Schnapps. The Peach Schnapps comparison is very high praise; that’s easily my favourite liqueur or, really, kind of alcohol in general. It does a great job of navigating away from overly artificial or cloying territory, as well.
The touch of sweeter but also slightly tart green apples stops this from being totally monotone in flavor, but really that secondary flavour is all this needs – the absence of blackberry doesn’t disappoint me. This is just a simple, fun tisane that’s incredibly hydrating and energetic with the peach candy flavour. I can’t get enough of this one; and just writing about this tisane soda has me craving it again so badly; I’m sure a restock will be in my future – I think the question is just how much I’ll be picking up.
Just Peachy Black Tea from Pluck Tea
Leaf Type: Black
Where to Buy: Pluck Tea
Tea Description:
This high grown luxury loose leaf black tea is blended with dried ripe peaches and apricots grown in Niagara, Ontario.
Soft and fruity… chill for an enchanting iced tea.
Learn more about August’s Postal Teas shipment here.
Learn more about subscribing to Postal Teas here.
Taster’s Review:
My “August” box from Postal Teas arrived a few days ago, and I was eager to dive right in and try “this month’s” teas. This service is set up to ship at the end of the month, so these teas that I received in September are actually August’s teas, so it will be a little confusing for me to be calling this August’s box when it arrived in September. But it’s really not that important … at least the teas arrived, right? And I’m quite happy with this month’s selection.
And I’m even happier with the note that I received in the box. As I mentioned in my first review of the teas that I received with my first shipment, they include a handwritten note. I dig that, it communicates to me that they took a few moments out of their day to write something to me. While I love the convenience of shopping online and it’s how I do most of my shopping (at least for tea!), with the handling process of the many orders of so many companies out there it seems that the personal touch is lost. That “thank you for shopping with us” and the smile from the clerk is lost (and let’s face it, it’s lost when you shop at most of the big chain stores too) and that’s something that I – as a consumer – appreciate. So when I get a handwritten note with an order, even if it’s just something as simple as a hand-written “thank you” on the receipt, it tells me that a person was on the other side of this order. I like that.
And what I like even more is that this note … was written with ME in mind. They wrote this to me. They didn’t have some formed response that they wrote on everyone’s note of every package that they sent out this month. Let me show you what I mean. The note says:
We love having your feedback!
We hope these are a little more exciting for you!
Be sure to let us know what you think!
OK. So not only are they addressing the fact that I sit here and write tea reviews, but they’re acknowledging that they read my reviews and they’ve taken my feelings into account while writing this note because I did express some discontent with the previous box because the teas – while they were classics and quite good! – were just a little … well, it was like, OK, I signed up for this new service and they’re sending me teas from a new-to-me company but they were teas that I could pretty much find anywhere. I could go to my local coffee shop and find those teas. So, I was like, “Um … boring!”
Hey, what can I say. After writing reviews for over five years, I guess you could say that I’m needy and what I need is something different. Something that I don’t already have in my pantry. (And my tea pantry is extensive.) So, yeah, my apologies to Postal Teas and Tease for sounding less than excited about trying something that I’ve already tried.
BUT … I’m not here today to talk about last month’s box. I want to talk about this month’s box! This is the first tea that I’ve tasted from this month’s box from Postal Teas. This month’s supplier for Postal Teas is a company called Pluck and it’s a company that I’ve not yet tried. And THAT’S why I like to subscribe to services like this. I like to explore teas that I’ve not tried before from companies that I’ve not yet heard of. This month, Postal Teas delivered that right to my mailbox.
The dry leaf is deliciously fragrant! It smells a lot like my kitchen did about a month and a half ago when I brought home a big box full of freshly picked peaches. Yum!
I brewed this tea in my Breville One Touch. I put two bamboo scoops of tea into the basket of the tea maker and added 500ml of freshly filtered water into the jug, and then set the controls for 212°F and 2 1/2 minutes (my go-to settings for most black teas).
The tea has a peachy aroma, and I smell more “black tea” notes now than I did with the dry leaf. The dry leaf is all about the peach, but now that the tea is brewed, I’m experiencing a lighter peach note and a little bit of black tea in the fragrance. It smells delightful!

Nice! The peach is a little elusive while the tea is piping hot so I would suggest letting this tea cool slightly before taking a sip. As the tea cools, the flavors develop. (And it’s AMAZING iced!)
The black tea is strongest flavor of this cup, and that’s the way it should be. When I taste a flavored tea, I like it when I can taste the flavors the tea promises, but I still want to taste the tea part too. Otherwise, I might as well just consume a glass of fruit juice. I want tea!
But that’s not to say that I don’t taste the peach in this tea, because I do. The peach is there, but it doesn’t overpower the tea notes. It’s a flavor that starts out subtle and develops slowly.
And what I like best about the peach notes here is that it tastes very true to the fruit. It doesn’t have an artificial peach taste. It tastes like peaches that have been picked off the tree and then liquefied and added to a cup of Ceylon tea. The aftertaste is delightfully peachy!
As I was brewing this tea, I thought about additions. I didn’t add anything to the cup, but a little bit of sugar might encourage the peach notes to emerge a little bit more and it might temper the slight astringent bite at the tail of the sip. But, it wasn’t too astringent and I could taste the peach notes without the sweetener so it’s not something that must be added. I was thinking that maybe a splash of milk or cream would give this a ‘peaches and cream’ sort of flavor but now that I’m drinking it, I think that the dairy addition would overwhelm the delicate notes of peach and you don’t want that!
It’s a very enjoyable cuppa, and it captures what this time of year is about to me – the sweet harvests as the summer comes to an end and we welcome autumn.
Just Peachy from Compass Teas
Tea Type: Black Oolong White Yerba Maté Blend
Where To Buy: Compass Teas
Product Description:
This refreshing, lightly Peach flavored blend of anti-oxidant rich teas is sure to be the highlight of your summer picnic!
3 oz = approximately 40 cups of Gourmet Tea
Ingredients: Blend of Oolong, White and Black teas, Yerba Mate , and accented with chrysanthemums and natural peach flavoring.
Tasters Review:
What DOESN’T this blend have? Just Peachy from Compass Teas is a mix of black, white, oolong, yerba mate, peach flavoring, and flowers! Normally that would make me nervous…but whatever mathematician came up with the percentages for this combo is pure genius! EVERYTHING makes sense in this blend. All of the ingredients jive nicely and smell/taste yummy together! It’s truly peachy but it’s more than that and with all of the different teas – black, oolong, white, and Yerba Mate it’s LOADED with health benefits!
This tea was a nice surprise and another awesome mix of flavors from Compass Teas! And there’s LOTS more where this came from!