Product Review: Jasmine Tea-Infused Chocolate Truffle from Arbor Teas

Image is the property of AmazonV and is used with her permission.

Where to Buy:  Arbor Teas

Company Description:

Dark chocolate ganache infused with our wonderfully-floral Jasmine Pearl Green Tea and grapefruit zest, diamond cut and dipped in white chocolate.

Taster’s Review:

Editor’s Note:  This review represents part 5 of 6 reviews, one review for each of the six flavors in the truffle collection available from Arbor Teas

Of the six truffles in this collection, I think that this one is the prettiest.  The pretty lavender blossoms on the white chocolate shell are beautiful!  This is almost too pretty to eat.  Almost!

The white chocolate shell is sweet and has just a little bit of snap to it when I bite into it, just before it gives way and my teeth sink into the tea-infused dark chocolate ganache.

I worried that I wouldn’t be able to taste the jasmine tea over the strong flavor of the dark chocolate ganache.  But after allowing the chocolate to slowly melt on my tongue, I could taste the jasmine notes.  The flavor is delicate amid the dark chocolate, but I can taste the jasmine and the green tea.

I think that the addition of the grapefruit zest helps this truffle immensely.  The grapefruit essence penetrates the deep chocolate flavor and enhances the flavor of the jasmine tea, and creates a euphoric experience for the palate!  This is absolutely amazing!

Of the five truffles that I’ve tasted thus far, this one is my favorite.  Delicious!  I am sad though, that I only have one truffle left.  I must send my husband a link to these truffles in the hopes that he will order some for me for Christmas!

Product Review: Masala Chai Tea-Infused Chocolate Truffle from Arbor Teas

photo taken by amazonv, and used with her permission.

Where to Buy:  Arbor Teas

Company Description:

White chocolate ganache infused with our spicy Masala Chai Black Tea, coated in white chocolate, and topped with a chocolate marble.

Taster’s Review:

Editor’s Note:  This review represents part 4 of 6 reviews, one review for each of the six flavors in the truffle collection available from Arbor Teas.

Have I mentioned lately how much I love these chocolates from Arbor Teas?

This one is a white chocolate ganache that’s been infused with Arbor Tea’s Masala Chai Black Tea blend.  I haven’t tried their Chai, so I don’t know if this is a fair representation of the flavor of their chai tea, but, if it is, I’d have to say that it is a very pleasing chai, indeed!

I can taste the cinnamon, cardamom and cloves distinctly, but less flavor from the ginger and black pepper come through.  There is a nice peppery aftertaste that cuts through some of the sweet white chocolate, however, it is a faint flavor.  I detect very little of the black tea flavor, but I can taste a hint of it.

My favorite part of this treat was the gold-leaf embellished chocolate marble on top of the truffle.  I can taste a hint of bourbon in this and I personally think that there should have been more to this; it would have accented the flavors in the truffle very nicely.

If my favorite local coffee house made a white chocolate chai latte, I would imagine it tasting a bit like this.  It is very sweet and rich, but very decadent and delicious.

Product Review: Lapsang Souchong Tea-Infused Chocolate Truffle from Arbor Teas

Where to Buy:  Arbor Teas

Company Description:

A rich, smoky combination of dark chocolate ganache and our smoked Lapsang Souchong Black Tea, square cut and dipped in dark chocolate.

Taster’s Review:

Editor’s Note:  This review represents part 1 of 6 reviews, one review for each of the six flavors in the truffle collection available from Arbor Teas

Oh yummy!  Is there anything more exciting than tea-infused chocolates?  As a foodie, I love it when two of my favorite edibles are paired together in one delectable item.  And as a tea enthusiast AND chocoholic, I simply cannot resist these Tea-Infused truffles from Arbor Teas.

The appearance of this truffle is truly luxurious.  Regal even!  It has a brush stroke of glittery edible gold leaf, which adds a bit of sparkle and elegance to this yummy truffle.

And as some of you are probably aware, I’m not particularly fond of Lapsang Souchong.  I am slowly acquiring a taste for this classic, but, still, it’s not my favorite tea.  So, this is the one chocolate truffle in the six about which I was the most skeptical.

But, it is truly amazing!  The smokiness that usually throws me off in a Lapsang Souchong tea tastes absolutely divine in this dark chocolate truffle.  The deep, dark caramel-y notes of the tea create a flavor that is euphoric!

If this chocolate is any indication of what lies ahead with the other five truffles – I am truly in for a treat!  This truffle is amazingly, SINFULLY delicious!

Sicilian Vespers from Red Leaf Tea

Tea Information:

Leaf Type:  White

Where to Buy:  Red Leaf Tea

Company Description:

Red Leaf tea’s new special flavor, the Sicilian Vespers, is a perfect delicacy. The essence of the delicate tea is the ability of the straight flavor of the leaf to remain clear and present on the palate, as you measure the brew for heat, spiciness, aftertaste and other factors. The floral taste of osmanthus and chrysanthemum are not overwhelming, but in the measured balance of this tea they stand out beautifully, and, need we add, delicately, against the cabernet wine infusion folded in for sweetness. This is an outstanding and delicious tea, perfect for afternoons or mornings!

Taster’s Review:

This tea took a little while to grow on me, but once it did – I really fell in love with it!  The first couple of times I tasted it, I thought it was alright.  But now, as I’m finishing the last of what I have of it, I am realizing just how good it really is!

Funny how that works out sometimes!

The flavor is crisp and sweet – but not too sweet.  Some of that sweetness is cut with the slightly tannic nature of the cabernet wine, giving it a whisper of astringency. 

But it’s the floral essence that really gives this tea blend its extraordinary flavor.  It is a delicate floral taste – but it is just enough to provide an interesting contrast to the flavor of the wine and white tea. 

The white tea base is soft and fresh.  The lighter body of the white tea is just right for this blend, anything heavier would upset the very pleasing balance in this cup. 

This tea is very good served hot, and even though it is rather delicate in flavor, it manages to retain its flavor nicely as it chills, making this an excellent iced tea as well. 

This may very well be one of the best wine-infused teas that I’ve tasted thus far!  If you’ve been curious to try a wine-infused tea, I suggest starting with this one!