Autumn’s Walk Custom Blend from Adagio Teas


Tea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black Tea & Honeybush

Where to Buy:  Adagio Teas

Tea Description:

A caffeine-free blend, Autumn’s Walk is the perfect companion on brisk fall and winter nights. Brew a cup of this decaf vanilla, honeybush hazelnut and honeybush chocolate tea and relax peacefully.

A Carolynne Keenan Custom Blend.

Learn more about this custom blend here.

Find more of Carolynne Keenan blends here.

Taster’s Review:

I was a little skeptical about this blend when I read the description.  I’m not all that crazy about Adagio’s black teas, and while I don’t recall having tried any of their decaffeinated black tea bases, because my opinion is generally less favorable of decaffeinated teas versus the caffeinated, seeing that there was an Adagio decaffeinated black tea in this blend gave me a reason to be skeptical.

But, I’m actually enjoying this Autumn’s Walk Custom Blend from Adagio Teas – a custom creation by Adagio Teas’ customer Carolynne Keenan.  It’s really quite tasty.

This blend is a combination of Adagio’s vanilla decaffeinated black tea, hazelnut honeybush and chocolate honeybush, and it’s a really clever blend, indeed!  The black tea isn’t a strong flavor here at all, and given my past experiences with Adagio’s black tea they use for their flavored teas, the lack of black tea flavor here is an absolute PLUS.  I do taste the vanilla though, and I like the way it melds with the chocolate and hazelnut, as well as the sweet, honey-like tones of the honeybush.

It is sweet, creamy, nutty and flavorful.  I don’t taste a “funky decaffeinated tea” taste in this at all, in fact, if I hadn’t been aware that there is a decaffeinated black tea in this blend, I wouldn’t have known it by taste.  A really pleasant cuppa!

Ginger Pumpkin Cheesecake Honeybush Blend from 52Teas

GingerPumpkinCheesecakeTisane Information:

Leaf Type:  Honeybush

Where to Buy:  52Teas

Tisane Description:

This week we have caffeine-free honeybush blended with ginger, cinnamon and organic flavors, including cheesecake. I figure I don’t have to say much more than that, but it is AWESOME. Get some today.

Learn more about this tisane here.

Taster’s Review:

Mmm!  Tasty!  I was confident that I’d like this Ginger Pumpkin Cheesecake Honeybush Blend from 52Teas, but, wow!  This tisane has exceeded my expectations.  It’s really yummy.

The fragrance of the dry leaf is really enjoyable – I can smell the ginger and the cinnamon, with notes of pumpkin.  The nutty aroma of the honeybush complements the other notes to create a very delicious scent that made my mouth water when I first opened the pouch.

Every component in this blend marries very harmoniously together.  The ginger is not quite as strong as I expected given the name of the tisane.  It stands out, but it doesn’t come off as super peppery or spicy the way ginger often does, especially when it is a key ingredient in the tea blend like it is with this blend.  Instead, Frank (the chief Zoomdweebie at 52Teas) added just enough ginger to add a “zing” to the cup without allowing it to overpower the balance of flavors.

The cinnamon comes through nicely, but again, this is not overly spiced.  Everything is pleasantly balanced so that I can also taste the notes of cheesecake – tangy and creamy! – and even the more delicate notes of pumpkin.  The nutty, sweet tones of the honeybush complete the set of flavors.

This is really good served warm as a latte (warm up a little milk and add a splash of it to your cup, you’re in for a treat!) and it is surprisingly delicious iced too.  A very refreshing take on some favorite autumnal flavors!

Vanilla Bean Honeybush from California Tea House

VanillaBeanHoneybushTisane Information:

Leaf Type:  Honeybush

Where to Buy:  California Tea House

Tisane Description:

Honeybush is made from the Cyclopia sessiliflora plant from the mountains of the South African Cape.  It is very similar to Rooibos in taste and health aspects, yet it is naturally a little more sweet.  We took the highest grade Honeybush and blended in vanilla bean pieces and marigold petals to create our naturally caffeine-free Vanilla Bean Honeybush.

Learn more about this tisane here.

Taster’s Review:

I had my doubts, but this Vanilla Bean Honeybush from California Tea House is really tasty.  It is sweet and it is loaded with real vanilla flavor.  I love that the vanilla notes here don’t taste artificial.  This tastes like true vanilla.  It’s sweet and creamy deliciousness!

The vanilla is the strongest flavor that I’m tasting here.  And like I just said, it’s deliciously sweet and creamy.  But the honeybush can be tasted too, and it adds a hint of honey and a nutty tone to the background.

I love the simplicity of this blend – it’s just vanilla and honeybush (plus a little bit of marigold petals to add some pretty color to the blend.)  But it’s also a really smart pairing, because honeybush –  as well as it’s South African cousin, Rooibos – tend to produce a somewhat thin textured liquid, but with the creaminess of the vanilla … it doesn’t feel thin.  This feels pleasantly soft and smooth to the palate.

To get the most out of this tisane, I recommend steeping it at a just below boiling point (195°F) for 10 minutes.  I go with the slightly lower temperature because this helps to avoid the sour wood taste that sometimes accompanies rooibos and honeybush … while still achieving the maximum amount of flavor out of a honeybush (or rooibos) blend.

Vanilla fans … this is your answer for those late at night cravings!  This will satisfy those sweet tooth cravings without any caffeine!

BetTEA’s Blend Tisane from 52Teas

BetTeaTisane Information:

Leaf Type:  Honeybush & Herbal Tisane

Where to Buy:  52Teas

Tisane Description:

My friend Betty here was kind enough to help me out with creating this week’s tea of the week, because I think my brain went on strike.

Well, she said she wanted something fruity, something light and refreshing and something calming. Bit of a tall order, but I think y’all will agree that we hammered out the perfect answer.

BetTEA’s Blend is a honeybush base with mostly organic pear flavors, with just a hint of vanilla, an even smaller hint of chamomile and some blue cornflowers to make it pretty. I have a feeling this one is going to go fast.

Learn more about BetTEA’s Blend here.

Learn more about Zoomdweebie’s fundraising campaign to reopen the Tea Bar here.

Taster’s Review:

This BetTEA’s Blend Tisane from 52Teas is a blend of honeybush and chamomile that has been flavored with pear and vanilla … and I wasn’t all that excited about it, to be honest with you.

While I have enjoyed many of Frank’s honeybush blends, I just tend to be sort of indifferent about blends with chamomile in them.  I’m still not exactly sure why, because when the whole bud of the chamomile flower is used – rather than the crushed up flowers like you’ll find in those grocery store tea bags – I actually like chamomile alright.

And I do like how well the chamomile and honeybush work together … the fruit-like notes of chamomile meld nicely with the sweet, nutty notes of the honeybush.  So, I’m not sure exactly why I was reluctant to try it … but, despite that reluctance … I have to admit that this is actually kind of tasty.  The pear notes are accentuated by the natural apple-y tones of the chamomile to provide a pleasing fruit note.  Then there is a light creaminess from the vanilla – sweet and smooth.  And honeybush adds a sweet, honey-like flavor and a nutty background that marries well with the other flavors.

It is a calming cuppa … nice to drink later at night when I’m not wanting to be overstimulated but I still want something warm and comforting to drink.  It’s alright … not my favorite tisane … but I still enjoyed it, and would be happy to drink it again.

PS:  Don’t forget to check out the campaign to reopen Zoomdweebies!  And what is Zoomdweebies, you ask?  Find out here!

Strawberry Daiquiri Flavored Honeybush from 52Teas

StrawberryDaiquiriTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Green

Where to Buy:  52Teas

Tea Description:

Summer-time is HERE! And it’s a great time to relax with an icy tumbler full of our latest Tea of the Week.

Here’s a blend of caffeine-free honeybush and fat freeze-dried strawberries with organic flavors of strawberry, rum, lemon and lime.

If an icy tumbler of this doesn’t put a smile on your lips, you might want to check your pulse.

Learn more about this tea here.

Learn more about Zoomdweebie’s fundraising campaign to reopen the Tea Bar here.

Taster’s Review:

Summertime is almost over.  Even though it’s not quite autumn in these parts … another week or two and it will be!  We’re already getting the crisper, cooler weather and even some rain!  And I’m happy about that because autumn is my favorite time of year.

This Strawberry Daiquiri Flavored Honeybush from 52Teas is very summer-like with its fresh, juicy strawberry taste … and it’s letting me enjoy some of the best of what summer is about without having to endure the hot weather right now.

I taste a little bit of rum-like flavor to this.  The strawberry is the strongest flavor, and that’s quite alright with this strawberry fan!  The lemon and lime compliment the strawberry nicely – adding not too tart a taste to the cup … just a little something that really perks up the flavors and brightens the overall taste.

The nutty sweet notes of Honeybush are also discernible here, but I don’t taste a lot of Honeybush flavor here.  It’s not completely masked by the other flavors … there’s just enough there to remind you that you’re drinking a honeybush tisane and not a warm Daiquiri.  (Well, I’m drinking it warm … although it would be very delicious iced too!  I think I’m going to have to brew some of this for my iced tea tomorrow!)

Another well-crafted blend from 52Teas.

And while I’ve got your attention, I wanted to tell you that the creator of 52Teas – Frank – is trying to re-open his tea bar in Wichita, Kansas … but he needs OUR help!  Please consider visiting Indiegogo and donating to the cause!  And … there are lots of different perks offered for donating, too!