Thé Vert Violette Framboise from Jardin du Thé

homeLogoTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Green

Where to Buy: Jardin du Thé

Tea Description:

Mélange de thé vert sencha et de thé blanc White Monkey accompagné de framboises entières et de fleurs de violette, un mariage équilibré.

Blend of Sencha and White Monkey accompanied by whole raspberries and violet flowers, a balanced marriage.

Learn more about this tea on Steepster.

Taster’s Review:

I’m very fortunate to have a friend currently travelling abroad in Europe (shout out to MissB) who has been sending back teas to several tea-crazy Canadians, including myself and this is one of the teas she was kind enough to pass along my way. I’m not really a green tea person; but lately I’ve been opening up to the green stuff considerably and Spring time is probably when I receive it the best anyway, so I was pretty excited to get to try this one!

It’s perfect for spring; it’s light, fruity and floral which is all of the things that have been hitting the spot this last week with my daily cold brews. I’m sad to report that I made a bit of a mistake measuring it out though; by which I mean I sneezed as I was pouring, and half the sample fell on the floor. NOOO! So, my cold brew was very small compared to the typical 25 oz. I usually make at a time. This was probably a lot closer to 12 oz. if not 10.

Dry, this smells amazingly fresh with super intense and realistic raspberry notes; definitely reminded me of picking raspberries from my Grandma’s garden as a child. We’d get cut up by the thorns from the seemingly endless raspberry patch (which as an adult I now realize was probably only like five by five feet), but it was all worth it to lick that sweet, sticky red juice from our grubby fingertips after collecting an ice cream pail worth of berries for the night’s dessert. I don’t smell the violet in the blend; but this is already earning ‘nostalgia’ points. The liquor is a really pretty almost lime-y green, but with a bit more of a yellow tinge to it. It smells very fresh, and very fruity.

The taste is spot on; I taste the raspberry first and foremost and it’s everything I’m remembering from those vacations at Grandma’s. The green base cuts through it a little bit and it a touch grassy with a little bit of the chlorophyll/fresh cut lawn taste. Both flavours compliment one another quite well though; it makes the whole ‘garden’ imagery I’ve got going on significantly stronger.  And at last the violet in the blend is making an impression!  While it IS present throughout the entire sip way down underneath the raspberry and base, it comes through the strongest near the end of the sip after the initial sweetness of the raspberry has started to subside. I don’t think it’s necessarily distinctly violet; but it is nice and very natural. Floral things seem to get chemical tasting quickly, even when they aren’t artificial but this stays away from that. Finally, I think there are some extra notes in here that are a little softer and sweeter; my initial impression was something like sugar cane but by the end of the cup I was definitely leaning more towards honey.

So all in all, I was very impressed by this tea! I just wish that I’d been able to steep up more of it because it was fresh, and juicy with that sweet sensation of nostalgia and all the elements necessary to invoke the imagery of a Spring time garden! Unfortunately, I don’t see it listed on the JDT website, otherwise I’d seriously look in to picking up a little bit more for my personal stash – I’m wondering if it’s one of those blends you can only buy in store? The JDT website is pretty hard to navigate, and there seem to be quite a few blends missing from the samples that she’s sent my way.

And that’s truly such a huge shame.

Honey Citrus Raspberry Green Tea from M&K’s Tea Company

HoneyCitrusRaspberryGreenTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Green

Where to Buy:  M&K’s Tea Company on Etsy

Tea Description:

M&K’s own unique blend! We take Chinese green teas, blend them with three citrus fruits, licorice root roasted in honey, and actual raspberries! Not too fruity, not too simple, it’s a perfect blend of green tea and fruit. We use local honey from California beekeepers and local California orange peel.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

After having tried quite a few different teas from M&K’s Tea Company, I must admit that this one isn’t my favorite.  And I thought it would be one I like quite a bit because the name offers quite a bit of promise!  Citrus, Honey and Raspberry flavors in a Green Tea?  Yes, please!

But the execution is a little off for me and I can’t really pinpoint it yet, so maybe in the process of writing this review, I can figure it out.

To brew this tea, I measured 1 bamboo scoop of the loose leaf tea into the basket of my Kati Tumbler.  Then I added 12 ounces of 175°F water and let the tea steep for 2 minutes.

The green tea base is pleasant:  it’s a combination of two Chinese green teas:  gunpowder and Huangshan Maofeng.  Together they give the tea an enjoyable texture – soft and creamy – and a smooth, lightly buttery taste with hints of smoke and vegetation.

The citrus note is subtle to this and most discernible when the tea is slurped (this helps aerate the liquid on the palate and it “enlivens” the flavors for your palate).  I taste tart and tangy notes of citrus with a light sweetness of the honey.  I also get a hint of bitter from the citrus peel.

Then I pick up on the sweet notes of licorice.  Because the licorice root has been roasted in honey, the flavor of the licorice has been softened – I’m not getting that sharpness that I often get from licorice root.  I think that this works for this particular blend because if the licorice root hadn’t been softened somewhat, it might have taken over the blend and we’d have Licorice Citrus Raspberry Green Tea instead of Honey Citrus Raspberry Green Tea.

Instead the licorice just adds a hint of almost candy-like sweetness to the cup that I actually enjoy.  It might be my favorite thing about this particular blend

The raspberry is also quite subtle and I think that is what I’m thinking is off.  I feel like I’m tasting more hibiscus and raspberry leaf to accentuate the raspberry than I’m actually tasting raspberry and that’s unfortunate.

So, there you have it, I’ve pinpointed my issue with this tea:  I’d like the flavors of citrus and raspberry to be a little more prominent in the blend.  I do like that the green tea is a dominant flavor here and I like the little contrast that the licorice root adds, but I think that because this tea is called Honey Citrus Raspberry Green Tea that I’m wanting a little more focus on the citrus and berry notes.

It’s not a bad tea but it’s not as great as I thought it would be.  I’ve enjoyed many of M&K’s blends though, so I won’t hold this against them, because while it’s not my favorite tea that I’ve had from them, it’s tasty.  It’s good, just not as great as some of the other M&K’s experiences that I’ve had.

California Sweet Peach Herbal Tea from M&K’s Tea Company

CaliforniaSweetPeachTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Fruit/Herbal Tisane

Where to Buy:  M&K’s Tea Company on Etsy

Tea Description:

Sweet orange peel roasted in honey, real grade-A Madagascar vanilla beans, actual peaches! California Sweet Peach is our signature herbal infusion. We are proud to roast our own orange peel in local honey and use peaches straight from California! Our natural peach flavor is supplied by Silver Cloud Estates and is a blend of different natural extracts and oils, enabling us to boost the taste of peaches. This blend is part of the Original 20 M&K’s Blends. Note: California Sweet Peach contains no tea, as it is an herbal infusion. We chose to include the term “herbal tea” in the title due to its categorical popularity.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

This California Sweet Peach Herbal Tea from M&K’s Tea Company is an interesting tisane.  As I sit here, sipping it, I’m trying to determine whether or not I like it.  I can’t say that immediately upon taking my first few sips that I was blown away by it.  At the same time, I can’t say that immediately upon taking my first few sips that I wasn’t intrigued.  I felt the need to keep on sipping.  It’s interesting enough to keep me sipping but there’s something about it that hasn’t yet ‘won me over’ – at least not yet.

I like that the hibiscus is not a strong presence in this cup.  Normally, when I am about to taste a tea or tisane with hibiscus, my thought is “why?”  Why hibiscus?  But, after drinking about half a cup now, I can see why the hibiscus is in this blend.  It adds a little bit of body to the cup (but I wouldn’t recommend steeping it longer than 6 minutes or so to avoid having a thick or syrupy body) and the little bit of tartness that it brings to the cup adds balance to the warm notes of the licorice and the sweetness of the peach, honey and vanilla notes.

The star of this cup is – obviously – the peach.  I like the flavor of the peach here and I think that’s what’s keeping my interest.  The peach is a genuine peach-y note.  It doesn’t taste chemical or artificial.  It tastes true to the fruit.  I also like the orange in this.  The orange adds a touch of bright flavor to the sweet peach notes.

Now that I’ve finished the cup I can say that I enjoyed this.  It had a strong peach flavor but there was enough other stuff going on in this that it didn’t end up being all about the peach.  I liked the different flavors going on.  And even though this does have hibiscus in it – like so many other fruit/herbal tisanes to – this is not your ordinary tisane.

Just as an aside:  it’s something when I finish the tea before I finish the review.  Take that for what it’s worth, but it doesn’t happen often.  I must have enjoyed what I was drinking!

Yeah.  I’d drink this again.  I enjoyed it.  This one has earned my approval.  Even if it does have hibiscus in it!

Honey Vanilla Chamomile Herbal Tea from M&K’s Tea Company

HoneyVanillaChamomileTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Herbal Tisane

Where to Buy:  M&K’s Tea Company on Etsy

Tea Description:

Egyptian chamomile, sweet licorice root roasted in honey, and grade-A Madagascar vanilla beans! This is a great herbal infusion for the late night: perfect for relaxing. Our Honey Vanilla Chamomile is just that: honey (with licorice root), vanilla, chamomile. Nothing else. This blend is part of the Original 20 M&K’s Blends. Note: Honey Vanilla Chamomile contains no tea, as it is an herbal infusion. We chose to include the term “herbal tea” in the title due to its categorical popularity.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

It’s been a little while (at least a week or so!) since I last had chamomile and tonight I’m in need of relaxation:  chamomile style!  So, I grabbed this Honey Vanilla Chamomile blend from M&K’s Tea Company.

To brew it, I poured the contents from the sampler pouch into the basket of my Kati tumbler and added 12 ounces of water heated to 195°F.  I let it steep for eight minutes.

The aroma is distinctly chamomile, but I can also pick up on the notes of honey and licorice root.  The vanilla notes are not as noticeable but there is a very faint vanilla fragrance.

Wow!  I’m liking this.  The licorice root is the strongest flavor here, but the often sharp flavor of the licorice is softened somewhat by the honey roasting.  And I like the honey in this, it complements the natural honey-like flavors of the chamomile.

The chamomile is also prominent.  It has that expected honeyed, apple-y flavor.  I like the way the zesty, warm flavor of the licorice contrasts with the softer, lighter flavor of the chamomile.  It’s a really unique flavor combination, but it’s working for me.

The vanilla is the softest flavor of this blend, but I do taste a subtle sweet and creamy note from the vanilla bean.  It may be the softest flavor here but it ties everything together.  I don’t think this blend would taste quite the same without that whisper of vanilla.

I drank this while it was hot.  I’m not a big fan of chilled chamomile.  But, I did find that after the tea cooled slightly – still warm but not piping hot – the flavors seemed to become slightly more seamless.  It was like the vanilla came forward a bit more and softened everything just a little more.  The licorice seemed smoother, and the other flavors seemed to meld together to create a very unified flavor.

I know not everyone out there is a big fan of licorice root – if you’re one of them, this tisane isn’t for you.  But if you like that snappy flavor of licorice, you should give this herbal tea a try.  I found it to be quite delightful and it also does what it’s supposed to do:  it helped me relax!  It’s a very soothing, calming drink that doesn’t taste like every other chamomile blend out there.  Bonus points for that!

M&K’s earns another thumbs up from me for this blend.

Peppermint Peace Herbal Tea from M&K’s Tea Company

peppermintpeaceTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Herbal Tisane

Where to Buy:  M&K’s Tea Company on Etsy

Tea Description:

Can’t we all just get along? Probably not. But at least we have tea, and in this case, it tastes like honey and peppermint! A great tea to relax with before bed, or a great tea to start your morning off minty. Whatever the case, just give (peppermint) peace a chance and try this blend out.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

I love licorice and I like peppermint, so I found myself curious about this blend.  They are very “polarizing” flavors – it seems that people either like licorice or they don’t, and the same is true of peppermint.  And they are two very strong flavors too, so I found myself wondering how well they’d work together.

The answer:  I really like the way these two ingredients work together.

To brew this tisane, I used my Kati tumbler and poured the entire sample into the basket because I generally like to use extra leaf in my tisanes.  I suspect that the sample might be enough for two 8 ounce cups with a slightly weaker flavor than I’m enjoying now, but for this 12 ounce tumbler, I think that the sample is just the right amount.  I heat the water to 195°F and let the tisane steep for 8 minutes.

As I just mentioned, these two ingredients work very well together.  The coolness of the peppermint helps to curb some of the sharper notes of the licorice while the warm licorice notes help to reduce some of the strong minty tones so that this doesn’t taste like toothpaste.

It has a slightly medicinal taste but not in a bad way, it’s soothing.  Instead, it’s a comforting yet exhilarating cuppa that’s naturally caffeine free.  Like what you’d want to drink if you were feeling a little under the weather.  I am tasting that zesty licorice, a pleasing honeyed sweetness and the crisp minty notes of the peppermint.  It’s a little sweet and a little spicy.

As I sip it, I was trying to think of the word that best captures this tisane:  refreshing!