Organic Hojicha from Two Leaves and a Bud

Tea Information:

Leaf Type:  Green

Where to Buy:  Two Leaves and a Bud

Product Description:

A Japanese tea-master created a Hojicha for two leaves and a bud like we’ve never tasted before – naturally sweet, young stems of the tea plant yield a smooth, round, almost textural feel in the mouth. It is medium-bodied with a complex but approachable flavor.

Taster’s Review:

I simply love Hojicha tea – I love the roasty-toasty flavor, the hint of smokiness, and the smooth flavor and texture of it.  But what I love most about Hojicha is that sweetness that comes from it.  It has a natural sweetness to it that is almost like honey – a note that is further enhanced by the smooth mouthfeel.  It’s a little like sipping on a thin honey.

This Hojicha from Two Leaves and a Bud is really delightful.  Actually, I am thinking that this is more like a blend of roasted Kukicha and Hojicha, because mostly what I see in this blend are stems and twigs, with a few roasted tea leaves in the mix.  But, since I love both Kukicha and Hojicha, this tea combines two great tastes that taste great together!  (um… that sort of sounds like a commercial for a candy bar, doesn’t it?)

I love Hojicha served hot or iced.  Hot, it is quite good served neat and clean with no additions (although it is very nicely paired with some of these crackers from O Pair), and iced, it is positively refreshing with a squeeze of lemon!

This Hojicha is divine – It is sweet and savory at the same time.  For those out there who resist green teas because they don’t like that grassy taste – try Hojicha.  The roasting of the tea leaves and stems removes the vegetative taste that is often associated with green tea, and replaces it with a lovely caramelized quality.  Delicious!

Hojicha Stalk from Teanobi

Tea Type: Green Tea

Where To Buy: Teanobi

Product Description:

Hojicha is composed of large Japanese green tea leaves and stems which are roasted to yield its distinctive color and flavor. Our Hojicha Stalk is exclusively made from tea leaf stems. The stems provide a longer lasting flavor and more infusions. Enjoy a mild roasted flavor with a deep and pleasant aroma. Yields a deep red colored tea.

This tea is grown exclusively in Kyoto, Japan. There are no preservatives or additives of any kind. Imported directly from Japan to preserve peak freshness.

  • Imported in small batches to guarantee peak freshness
  • No preservatives, additives, flavorings or sweeteners of any kind.
  • Grown, harvested and processed in Japan

Tasters Review:

I’m new to Teanobi and let me start by saying my first experience with this company was a very good one!  I started off with their Hojicha Stalk which is a part of their Green Tea Loose Leaf Section!  Teanobi specializes in Loose Leaf and Tea Powders!  Their website is easy to navigate and their customer service emails have a quick turn-around.  They have a great Tea Guide on their website, too!  If you have questions about storage or brewing – check out their website for education and options!

I really love the fact that Teanobi stresses the health benefits of tea as well as the culture of tea.  This information is well explained on their website as well!

As for this specific tea – Hojicha Stalk – here was my experience with it…

The Aroma Prior to infusing was a cross between toast (non-buttered) and roasted nuts along with a refreshing woodsy smell.  The post infusion aroma was more of  a rich toasted/roasted nutty smell.  I thought the aroma was very rich and it really made me crave the taste of the tea!

When I took my first sip of this Teanobi Tea the words that first popped into my mind for description purposes were…Woodsy, Nutty, Sweet, and Fairly Smooth.

With other Hojicha’s I have tried I always get the “woodsy” and sometimes the “nutty” notes but rarely together and even more rare – with other Hojicha’s I have tried – do I get the sweet and smooth.  BUT…this Hojicha Stalk from Teanobi has each one of these wonderful tastes all wrapped together!  It really IS the complete package!

And speaking of packages…Teanobi doesn’t skimp!  They really do give you the most loose leaf per package!  When I received my package it was jam-packed with Hojicha-Goodness!  Very impressive!

I must say…this is my favorite Hojicha Tea I have ever tried!  I really liked everything about this offering from Teanobi!

Another thing I would like to mention is that I did try 1 cup hot and 1 cup cold.  I have found that Hojicha’s are kind of hit and miss COLD but this one is very tasty cold, too!  Again…I would suggest this one to anyone looking for a good tasting Hojicha or if you are looking for more Green Teas to try!