I have made a vow to drink more caffeine free teas and herbal tisane offerings in the past year. I’d like to boast and brag and say that is the main reason for me sampling and reviewing Namaste from Simpson and Vail but I wouldn’t be telling you the whole truth. I have been battling some skin irritations – as well as – some aches and pains so I thought I would buff up my herbals more for that reason, too!
I won’t blab anymore about my aging and ailments. Instead, I will proceed with describing this herbal tisane. Namaste from Simpson and Vail is an offering in their Yoga or Yogi or Yogic Tea line.
Ingredients include Birch Bark, Chamomile Flowers, Jasmine Blossoms, Wild Cherry Bark, Vanilla Beans, Organic Damiana Leaf, Organic Oatstraw, Rose Petals, Honeysuckle & Lavender Blossoms.
The flavor of this tisane was pretty tasty. I was pre-judging it and shame on me. I was afraid the Jasmine and Chamomile were going to be the flavors that overpowered the others and they were not. Everything in the loose mix worked well with each other. It was calming and comforting. I’m glad I finally tried this tisane. One of these days I will learn to not wait so long to try an herbal (or at least not have to have a reason to try it).
I think I will pour myself another cup! Cheers!
Want to Know More About This Tea?
Leaf Type: Herbal
Where to Buy: Simpson and Vail
Namaste is a greeting or parting phrase as well as a gesture.
In Sanskrit, Namaste means, “the light in me bows to the light in you” or “I bow to light that exists in me and you and to all that is sacred in life”. When spoken to another person, it is usually accompanied by the gesture of the hands at the heart center in prayer position and a slight bow of the head and shoulders. This can also be performed wordlessly and still carry the same beautiful intention.
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Mediterranean Blend Sumac Tea/Staghorn Tea Company -Just Tea-Zen-
I remember when I was younger, visiting New Jersey, the giant sumac trees with the beautiful dark red clusters were all over the place where my family lives. I was terrified of them because my cousins had me convinced that they were poison sumac. It was years later that I found out that they are two completely different trees. It’s a good thing…because I’m about to drink some sumac!
Staghorn Tea Company plucks those beautiful bundles from the sumac tree and blends them into a very interesting and delicious tea. They say “It’s remarkably tangy and wicked good!” and that is completely true! The tartness reminds me a little of hibiscus blended with a citrusy flavor. There’s something else in the flavor that I can’t quite associate with anything, but I can tell you it is amazingly delicious. This particular blend had orange and lavender which gave it a smooth and relaxing flavor. It is quite tangy, which is great just the way it is, but when I sweetened just a little with some agave syrup, OH MY! This REALLY enhanced the flavor! It’s like no other tea I’ve experienced before and if you haven’t tried it, you are definitely missing out.
Their tea bags have enough in them for a 12oz cup which, is a healthy sized cup of tea. I sipped a little less than half and then I put the rest in the refrigerator…I just have to try this over ice!
Health fact: sumac is at the top of the herb list for antioxidant power. BONUS!
I wish I could come up with a better explanation on the flavor of this tea. I guess you’re gonna have to find out for yourself! It’s just SO amazing!
Pop on over to their website and learn about this tea. Order plenty of sumac tea because once you try it, you’re gonna be hooked!
Want to Know More About This Tea?
Leaf Type: Herbal
Where to Buy: Staghorn Tea Company
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
No. 12, Le Hammeau/Bellocq Tea Atelier -Ashmanra-
I have purchased a few herbal tisanes in the past year for those nights when I want to avoid caffeine. I wanted something that isn’t thin and pale beside my beloved tea but is also delicious without resorting to fake tasting additives or sweeteners. This offering is all organic.
First, the aroma really knocked my socks off. It is so lemony and sweet smelling. And then the taste holds up to the aroma! It’s a miracle! The texture is rich and broth-like.
The lemon flavor is coming from lemongrass and lemon verbena, and since the last ingredient listed is natural essence, I am guessing it may be lemon oil, but I could be wrong.
I grew lemongrass last year and I made a tisane from it, but it had a much thinner body than this, and since it was lemongrass alone, there were no layers of flavor as we have here.
Lemon is at the forefront in aroma and taste, but mint comes in midway and then lingers for quite a while. The rose is adding sweetness with the peppery rose notes and also is surely the source of the rich, creamy body that fairly coats the tongue.
I offered a cup to a family member standing by and promptly had to make another pot. Fortunately, this tisane resteeps well so I can enjoy it with abandon as often as I like.
Want to Know More About This Tea?
Leaf Type: Herbal
Where to Buy: Bellocq
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Rose Lemonade/Taylors of Harrogate -Just Tea-Zen-
I love when I find a bold, caffeine free herbal! This is another one of those teas that I have to remember to sip instead of guzzle. If I had to describe it in one word, I’d have to say it is “LUSCIOUS”.
I am one who normally shies away from floral blends because they’re just not my thing. I’ve had some rose blends that were just too heavy on the rose. I love roses…I love the way they look and smell; I have just never found a rose tea blend that I love. Well friends, that just changed!
I have to admit, I was skeptical. When I opened my little sachet, I could very distinctly smell roses. Again, I love the smell of roses and that aroma is coming through as my cup is steeping.
I take my first sip with an open mind and I am beside myself! It’s not just delicious…it’s astonishing (well, it is for me since I wasn’t expecting to love it). It’s bright, it’s cheery, it’s smooth, and like I said…it’s just luscious.
The rose aroma and flavor is very noticeable but the lemon peel and lemongrass “cuts” it just enough so that the rose is not overpowering. It’s a simple but bold blend of rose and citrus. I sweetened my cup with a little agave. I’m finding that I get better flavor notes on herbals by adding a tiny bit of sweetness.
I wasn’t looking for a favorite floral, but I definitely found one. Lucky for me, I have extras; this one will be next up to try iced and I can’t wait!
Want to Know More About This Tea?
Leaf Type: Herbal
Where to Buy: Taylors of Harrogate
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Lemon Vibration/Wise Ape Tea -Skysamurai-
Are you familiar with the song Good Vibrations by Marky Mark feat The Funky Bunch?
If not or if you need a refresher go take a listen then come back. This tisane definitely has lemon vibrations.
To be honest I don’t drink herbals unless I’m sick but seeing as this was in the review pile I didn’t want to wait till I was sick to drink it. Plus when your sick your sense of taste is messed up. Everything about this cuppa shouts spa. It smells like you walked into a high-class spa. The flavor isn’t overly lemony.
So it’s perfect for relaxing and winding down. Everything blends well, with a unique sweet after taste.
Also want to give a shoutout to the company for sending 10% profits to charity.
Want to Know More About This Tea?
Leaf Type: Herbal
Where to Buy: Wise Ape Tea Co.
An herbal blend of lemongrass, lemon balm, and st. john’s wort harmonize to realign your vibration and recenter your psyche. Sip slow and reset with delicate hints of lavender, lemon peel, and rosemary as they soothe your senses and brighten your mood into a state of inner utopia. Designed to recenter, reset, and realign.