The tea I am drinking came in a sampler pack and has a slightly different name from the one in the link provided. However, the ingredients listed and their proportions are identical, so I am convinced they are exactly the same.
I read a lot of tea reviews, and what I glean from said reviews is that I am one of the few people who really likes liquorice root. I love the sweetness liquorice root gives and I love the weird, almost indescribable throat feel and the lingering taste.
There is more mint in this tisane than liquorice, but the liquorice nevertheless makes itself known immediately. The mint is hot on its heels, however, and the cooling effect lasts and lasts.
I was pretty excited by the mention of this having blackcurrant flavor, but a little disappointed that I couldn’t taste it as much as I had hoped. There is also fennel, but I am not too familiar with the taste of fennel in an infusion so I am not sure what it adds to this mix.
Bottom line – this is liquorice upfront with lingering fresh mint taste and hint of fruitiness. It wasn’t stellar and unforgettable, but it was a decent evening cuppa.
Readers be aware: most teas or tisanes containing liquorice carry a warning that people with hypertension should not consume large amounts, as liquorice root can cause blood pressure to rise.
Want to Know More About This Tea?
Leaf Type: Herbal
Where to Buy: Twinings
Liquorice and Peppermint Infusion with Blackcurrant Flavour.
Let’s take a nostalgic wander through the flavours of your past, transporting you back to your favourite sweet shop.‚ We infuse sweet liquorice and fennel with cooling peppermint to create a delectable, sweet and refreshing taste.
This infusion is made with all-natural ingredients and is naturally caffeine free so you can enjoy it any time of the day.
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Turmeric Rustic Root/The Whistling Kettle -TeaEqualsBliss

I was thumbing thru my tea stash recently to find something that was more than just turmeric but still had turmeric in the mix. I came across Turmeric Rustic Root from The Whistling Kettle and realized I had yet to review it here at The SororiTea Sisters. So…here goes…
Even tho it’s no longer listed on The Whistling Kettle site I have to say it’s worth mentioning!
It contains Green Rooibos, Clove, Lemon Myrtle, Pepper, and Turmeric.
Those who are interested in natural healthy finds and food and beverage are not a stranger to the Turmeric and Pepper combo as they do have benefits while pairing.
I have to say that those two ingredients contributed to the overall flavor experience but the Green Rooibos and Lemon Myrtle really took it to the next level by standing its ground.
This was a decently flavored Green Rooibos and a treat with a twist on Turmeric. Say that 10 times fast! I dare ya!
Want to Know More About This Tea?
Leaf Type: Herbal
Where to Buy: The Whistling Kettle
This blend is no longer listed on the site but click below for blends that are.
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Moringa Lemon/Teakruthi -skysamurai

Teakruthi kindly sent me a bunch of tea to review for them. Which almost scared me at first when I received the shipping notification because I thought someone was using my account to order themselves tea.
I was surprised to find that this was not a tea bag as expected but full of gorgeous moringa leaf and lemon peel bits. But then I was hit by the aroma. This smells like Windex. Or that commercial cleaner they use in some hotels. And now I can’t get that out of my head. I’ll let that thought be so I can try to enjoy the flavor.
I’ve never had moringa before and I’m not much for herbals so… here goes. The liquor color is dark, clear, yellow. Kind of pretty in its own way. Steeped for about four minutes. Couldn’t take that smell any longer. The flavor is highly citrus with what I am assuming is the herbal flavor that comes off smooth and lightly medicinal. Cleansing.
Want to Know More About This Tea?
Leaf Type: Herbal
Where to Buy: Teakruthi
Looking for the perfect refreshing and healthy herbal drink? Look no further than our Moringa Lemongrass herbal tisane tea. Highly nutritious and healthy, dried Moringa leaves are infused with lemon and lemongrass. While Moringa improves the immune system, controls blood sugar and blood pressure, lemon is a mood enhancer that helps with digestion. Together, the three produce a powerful herbal infusion that is free of caffeine and with a host of health benefits. The prepared brew has a dark yellow colour and a zingy lemony taste for you to devour.
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Blue Mountain Pea Flower/Tin Roof Teas -Ashmanra-
A new tisane to try! This comes from a tea shop a couple of hours away. They were kind enough to allow me to sniff tin after tin of tea and answer my questions when I was a new tea drinker many years ago.
They had really educational tea flights before the pandemic, and hopefully those can happen again one day! If you live near enough to participate, I highly recommend that you sign up for their newsletter and look for a flight that addresses teas that interest you. They even gave out information sheets when I attended and it was fun to meet other people who are passionate about tea. They do ship at reasonable rates, too.
This blend contains apple pieces, mountain blueberry leaves, rosehip, orange & lemon peel, sweet blackberry & melissa leaves, lemongrass, blue butterfly pea flowers, mallow blossoms, and natural flavor.
Butterfly pea flowers are popping up everywhere because of the pretty color they give to food and beverages. I have some on the way to make my lavender syrup more appealing to the eye and to play with in sweet hibiscus drinks! It is also said to be full of antioxidants (like blueberries and purple tomatoes) and is adaptogenic if the internet is to be believed. Lemongrass is often recommended for its anti-inflammatory benefits. Some people pooh-pooh any measurable health benefits from tea and say just enjoy it! So let’s see if we do.
What does it look like in my spoon? Lots of leaves! I see the straight pieces of lemongrass and the soft, dried pieces of leaves and blossoms. I see at least a piece or two of orange and lemon peel in each spoonful. (I have already made this several times and once as a large pitcher of iced tea.) There are a few small apple pieces, too. It is well mixed and distributed and I don’t need to add lots of extra spoonfuls because of big chunks taking up lots of space. I stick with an actual teaspoon per cup. I prefer this to tisanes that have huge clumps of sticky dried fruit that defy measuring. But that’s just me.
The steeped tisane comes out blue, leaning toward a purple haze. The flavor is soft and mellow with nice, light sweet orange flavor and a pleasant little zing from the lemon and rose hips.
I do not care for rose hips and hibiscus much unless they are heavily sweetened to make essentially an adult version of Kool-Aid. But this doesn’t have any mouth puckering sensation at all. It is very pleasant to drink and needs no sugar to be enjoyable. This is the right amount of rose hips for me!
For the iced tea, I did add sugar because I live in the South and that’s what we do. It was good and did keep me from reaching for that carbonated, caffeinated soda I wanted and knew I shouldn’t have. I was glad I chose wisely. So there’s one health benefit I got from it!
I am thinking now, though, that the next iced pitcher will be unsweetened, because drinking the hot version again I feel like it really doesn’t need the sugar to be enjoyable unless I am just in the mood for something sweet.
Want to Know More About This Tea?
Leaf Type: Fruit Tisane
Where to Buy: Tin Roof Teas
Apple pieces, mountain blueberry leaves, rosehip, orange, & lemon peel, sweet black berry & melissa leaves, lemongrass, blue butterfly pea flowers, mallow blossoms, natural flavor
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Nicole Relax Raspberry/Hey Bestea -CuppaGeek-
Who doesn’t love a lovely raspberry herbal tea?
Nicole Relax Raspberry is a lovely blend of raspberry pieces, lemongrass, and what looks to be either rose or hibiscus pieces. The ingredients are not listed on the package but I do see they are listed on the website.
Brewed up with water at boiling and allowed to steep for about 5 minutes, this tea blend really hit the spot. Tart raspberry and hibiscus notes mingled and softened by the lemongrass with a sweet finish. What I loved was this tea is described as being relaxing and most relaxing blends have chamomile. For being a non traditional relaxing blend, this tea really hit the spot.
With ingredients like raspberry, hibiscus, and lemongrass- this blend really called for a solid cold brew. Set up in a mason jar with cold water and allowed to brew overnight, this tea may have actually been a bit better iced. I really loved how the tart raspberry notes really popped with the citrus lemongrass finish. This is definitely a blend for those lovers of all things hibiscus.
Overall, this blend though simple, is really top notch for a fruit tisane. Lovely, simple, but really on point. A great tea to enjoy any time of the day but one I think would be perfectly paired with a good book on a rainy day.
All in all, a great first cuppa from a new company to me.
Want to Know More About This Tea?
Leaf Type: Herbal/Fruit Tisane
Where to Buy: Hey Bestea
Our bestea Nicole is all about living a life of leisure and relaxation. So take five minutes, brew yourself a cup of Nicole relax raspberry tea to relax your body and soul. Since this refreshing tea blend is packed with vitamins, your body is going to say “ I love you” with every sip.