You’ve eaten a ton of pizza and now you’re dragging. Grab some peppermint tea to put some pep back into your step. Granted this varies depending on the pizza you consume.
While I generally do not pick a peppermint tea I thought tonight was a good night to give it a go. This is a lovely one as far as peppermint goes. Though I still find the spearmint to be just a bit too much.
I love mint but I prefer regular mint to spearmint. The dry and wet aromas are pleasant. My lungs feel a bit cleansed. My tongue definitely does as well.
Want to Know More About This Tea?
Leaf Type: Herbal
Where to Buy: Brooke Birch Tea Shoppe
A after dinner mint tea at its finest. Great for the digestion system but lovely anytime. Makes a great dessert tea.
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Dandelion Mocha Mint/Teeccino
SipsBy introduced me to Teeccino, a company that specializes in coffee alternatives and roasted herbal teas. More than just roasted herbal teas, they seem to focus on dandelion herbals teas which is an ingredient I have yet to see before. In addition to dandelion root, Teeccino’s Dandelion Mocha Mint is made of carob, chicory, dates, almonds, natural mocha flavor, cocoa powder, peppermint leaf, figs, and peppermint oil. It is also classified as a “Medium Roast” which again is not something I have seen in reference to tea before.
Flavorwise this is both good and bad. The front of the sip is very herbal and has a lot of chicory flavor, which I do not love but others might enjoy. That chicory then smooths out into the cocoa richness that ends with a cooling burst of peppermint. In the aftertaste, under the peppermint, the chicory lingers. Again, if you like chicory, this could be great but if you are like me and don’t like chicory than it is not so great.
All in all, I am surprised by how rich and flavorful this tea is. I don’t personally love all the flavors in this cup but I think the medium roasting of this tea really gives it the vibrant coffee-like profile that could be great for those who are using tea to try and drink less coffee. I also think the cocoa flavor here is a lot more distinct than I have tasted in a while. In fact, it is one of the better cocoa mint teas I have tried in a while. Not sure what the dandelion contributed here which is disappointing but it was definitely a fun tea to try.
Want to Know More About This Tea?
Leaf Type: Herbal
Where to Buy: Teeccino
Sip the coolness of peppermint leaves infused into deep roasted dandelion and chicory roots with the lush richness of cocoa powder to give this brew a chocolatey finish
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Southern Mint Herbal Tea from Revolution Tea. . . . .
I love mint tea. I love how the smell instantly revitalizes you before even taking a sip. I don’t think I’ve ever had Southern mint tea, so I wasn’t sure what to expect with this tea. It’s stronger than other mint teas I’ve had, and that’s a good thing. As soon as I poured the boiling water over the tea bag, my kitchen smelled like mint. My cat was actually on the counter being a bug-a-boo, and she instantly gave me the side eye and jumped down. She’s not a fan of the smell of mint or bananas!
This tea has a strong, crisp mint flavor. It feels very soothing on my throat which feels a little dry from the dry winter air. I feel energized from this cup even though it’s caffeine free. That’s my favorite thing about mint tea is the natural lift of energy I feel when I drink it. I feel like it gives me a big hug and says, good morning friend, welcome to the world.
We all know that mint tea is good for digestion and the belly, but I just read that it can also help with headaches. I’ve been struggling with headaches for awhile, I think they’re sinus related and so I’m hoping that this delicious cup helps me with that problem.
Most mint teas I’ve had have been a mixture of peppermint and spearmint, some with lemongrass and I notice this tea is only peppermint. Maybe that’s why it’s so much stronger and brighter. It’s so refreshing! I think it would be super refreshing iced on a hot summer day. Either way hands down this is my favorite mint tea ever! I feel refreshed, energized and relaxed all at the same time. If you’re a fan of mint tea, you need this in your life!!
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Herbal
Where to Buy: Revolution Tea
A refreshing pick-me-up, Southern Mint is a delightful version of the traditional English mint tea. This herbal drink, made from whole Egyptian mint leaves, has soothing properties and can help combat headaches and aid in digestion. Caffeine Free.
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Alps Breeze from Lipton
Tea Information:
Leaf Type: Herbal
Where to Buy: Lipton
Tea Description:
Don’t see this one listed on the website anymore but I did find a Steepster review page. This looks to be an older tea or one that is available only overseas.
Learn more about this tea here.
Taster’s Review:
Still on my journey to drink down some of my tea cupboard when I came across this delight. Yes. Another tea bag. And to my surprise, I’m drinking Lipton. I can’t remember the last time I drank Lipton so I’m curious to see what I think.
Lipton seems to be one of the tea companies a lot of newbie tea drinkers tend to stray towards. I think its more of a convenience factor. You can find Lipton teas pretty much at every grocery store around. This particular tea is a mint and eucalyptus herbal tea. I couldn’t find it on their website but I did find a Steepster entry for this blend.
Brewed this like I would any herbal- 5 min with 212F for the water temperature. I took a sip and felt that the flavor wasn’t as strong as it should be so I let the tea bag stay in the water for a few more minutes.
Took another sip and I can’t say that I don’t like this but I can’t say that I like it either. This is one of those teas that you like just about everything in the flavor profile except for one ingredient. In this one, I think it might be the eucalyptus. I’ve had eucalyptus in tea before and liked it but maybe mixed with mint, this one has a weird one off flavor. Or maybe this is just an older tea.
I have a few more tea bags of this one so I’m going to try a cold brew to see if the weird flavor mellows out a bit. Regardless, it was still a fun tea to try!
Mint for you from Aka Tea
Tea Information:
Leaf Type: Herbal
Where to Buy: Aka Tea
Tea Description:
This tea is “mint” for you and me. Just sit back and enjoy life. Lighten the mood with the cooling breath of mint. Take a sip and imagine yourself breathing in a fresh spring breeze. Mint for You- A wonderful ratio blend between Peppermint and Spearmint.
Learn more about this tea here.
Taster’s Review:
I love finding new tea companies that have blends that are catchy and delicious. Since stumbling upon Aka Teas website, I have been in heaven diving into their tea line up. I’ve tried their Caramel Apple Green Tea and that was incredible. Tasted just like one of those Caramel Apple Pops I had when I was a teenager.
Mint for You is another fantastic quality tea that I’m just going crazy over. Fresh peppermint and spearmint. A great tea to enjoy hot or as an iced tea. I am enjoying this one as an iced tea. The adjective that keeps coming up in my head to describe this blend is fresh. Like the you just cut this from your herb garden kind of fresh.
What I love to do is take herbal mint teas and mix them up with teas in my stash that I may not quite enjoy. For instance, I had an black flavored strawberry tea that wasn’t something I really enjoyed on its own. Too astringent. I threw some of this herbal mint blend in and I have a fantastic Strawberry Mint tea.
Super happy with this versatile blend and can’t wait to experiment more with it!