Limóncello Tea from The NecessiTeas

It’s been YEARS since I have Lemon Meringue Pie and because I don’t eat dairy or eggs any more this Limóncello Tea from The NecessiTeas is the closest thing to the taste I can remember without actually eating a piece of it.  HOORAY!  Limóncello Tea from The NecessiTeas you are a wonderful find!

Limóncello Tea from The NecessiTeas smells like Citronella once infused but prior to infusing I could pick up on the sugary notes, various nods to lemon, a slight herbal connection, and even a speck of vanilla.  All that in a smell and we haven’t even gotten to the taste of this Limóncello Tea from The NecessiTeas yet!

As for the taste of Limóncello Tea from The NecessiTeas it’s just as good if not better than the aroma!  I can definitely taste the lemon peel, lemongrass, and green rooibos!  Then there is a sweetness and creaminess to boot!  I’m chalking that up to the vanilla and brown sugar.  This is really fantastic!  An outstanding, flavorful surprise that is perfect for evening reflection or as a dessert tea.

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type: Green Rooibos
Where to Buy: The NecessiTeas


The Italian dessert drink has made its way into a tea. Imagine lemon meringue teasing your taste buds, while sweetly melting in your mouth with a blend of vanilla and brown sugars. The lemony brightness shines through with lemongrass and a sprinkling of golden marigold petals, all topping a green rooibos tea.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Snickerdoodle from Simpson & Vail

I have never been a fan of red rooibos, although I tried one or two flavored ones that I liked simply because the flavoring covered up the base. I have been eager to try green rooibos to see if I would like it because I would love to find some caffeine-free options for evenings, but it has to be something I really enjoy, or why bother?

I was pretty excited to see that my first ever green rooibos was going to be in a flavored tea that celebrates and imitates one of my favorite cookies – Snickerdoodles.

Wow! Simpson and Vail knocked it out of the ballpark on this one! This is sweet, I guess from the blackberry leaves, and the cinnamon is forefront but not “cinnamon red hot candy” strong. It really tastes like you have just had a bite of a cookie with that cinnamon sugar dusting on the outside.

My daughter immediately said, “This tastes like Christmas!” And I am happy because I have found my evening cup of indulgence for this winter.

Way to go, Simpson and Vail!

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type: Herbal
Where to Buy: Simpson & Vail


When we were kids Jim came home from elementary school with some recipes his teacher had given him (perhaps for an upcoming bake sale). I’ll never forget the day our Mom made a batch of Snickerdoodle cookies. They were an instant favorite in our house! The recipe was lost for awhile and we would continually ask Mom for “those lovely cinnamon cookies”. You never saw four happier kids than when she found the recipe again.

If you are a cinnamon lover then this Rooibos blend is for you! When you open the bag, the aroma of cinnamon cookie happily greets you. The brewed cup is amber colored with the taste of fresh baked snickerdoodle cookies. The sweet cinnamon taste lingers deliciously on the tongue.

Ingredients: Organic Green Rooibos, organic cinnamon pieces, sweet blackberry leaf and flavoring.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Caramel Walnut Shortbread from Simpson and Vail

The first thing i noticed about this green Rooibos blend is that it smelled rich and coffee like. In fact, it reminded me of a flavored coffee I used to buy, maybe caramel or something? I can’t remember because it’s been so long since I’ve bought coffee! But this tea made me want a cup as soon as I smelled it.

I would serve this tea to die hard coffee drinkers that can’t imagine why people drink tea. This tea has a rich, deep and sweet flavor. I can really taste the caramel and walnut flavors. It is naturally sweet, so I didn’t even use any coconut sugar. I used a splash of coconut milk, and savored every sip. I have never had green Rooibos tea, but after drinking this I looked into it, and apparantly it has a more delicate flavor, which makes sense to me. I like Rooibos tea, but it does have a distinct flavor that I definitely didn’t taste in this blend.

This might be my favorite tea that I’ve tried so far. Like ever.It’s a perfect dessert tea because of course it’s rich and sweet, but also Rooibos is naturally caffeine free, so it won’t affect your sleep. I cannot recommend this delicious, decadent tea enough!


Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type: Herbal
Where to Buy: Simpson & Vail


Featuring another delicious caffeine-free addition to our Dessert Tea line. This new blend was easy for us to agree on. This green Rooibos blend brews to an amber cup with a nutty, buttery taste and deep caramel overtones. A delectable brew that needs no sweeteners.

When I asked Jim for his feedback on this blend he gave it to me along with this “4 out of 4 people recommend this. I know usually it’s 4 out 5 but we didn’t like the 5th person’s comments so we threw his results out and him in the quarry”. I think this caffeine free blend might be just what Jim needs this afternoon!

Ingredients: Organic Green Rooibos, flavoring, safflower blossoms, and orange blossoms.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Caramel Walnut Shortbread Rooibos from Simpson & Vail

Ahhhhh…Caramel Walnut Shortbread Rooibos from Simpson & Vail…you fill my nose with wondrous aroma and my heart with incredible joy!

Caramel Walnut Shortbread Rooibos from Simpson & Vail is a Flavored Green Rooibos from their new line of Dessert Teas and I am so happy we are one of the first ones to try it here at Sororitea Sisters!

Both dry and wet the smell of this Caramel Walnut Shortbread Rooibos from Simpson & Vail is one for the record books!  It’s completely reminiscent of shortbread!  And if you are a fan of walnut flavored green teas give this one a whirl because it’s darn comparable sniff-wise and without the caffeine!  There is a sweetness and a bit of green taste to it too thanks to the Green Rooibos – I’m sure!  I think that it’s AWESOME that they used Green Rooibos in this offering instead of Red Rooibos.

I feel Red Rooibos is being over used most of the time and companies aren’t using enough of the Green Rooibos.  Oddly, I prefer Green Rooibos over Red.  Okay, Okay…rant over.  YES I’m excited they used Green Rooibos for Caramel Walnut Shortbread Rooibos from Simpson & Vail can you tell?

The flavor of Caramel Walnut Shortbread Rooibos from Simpson & Vail is super, too!  It’s very dessert-like and helps with not only sweet tooth cravings but potentially carb cravings!  YUM!  And Caramel Walnut Shortbread Rooibos from Simpson & Vail is tasty hot or cold!  SCORE for S&V!


BannerNewFont670Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type: Green Rooibos
Where to Buy: Simpson & Vail
Description: Featuring another delicious caffeine-free addition to our Dessert Tea line. This new blend was easy for us to agree on. This green Rooibos blend brews to an amber cup with a nutty, buttery taste and deep caramel overtones. A delectable brew that needs no sweeteners.

When I asked Jim for his feedback on this blend he gave it to me along with this “4 out of 4 people recommend this. I know usually it’s 4 out 5 but we didn’t like the 5th person’s comments so we threw his results out and him in the quarry”. I think this caffeine free blend might be just what Jim needs this afternoon!

Ingredients: Organic Green Rooibos, flavoring, safflower blossoms, and orange blossoms.

Brew tea at 212º – steep for 5 minutes.

Caffeine Free. Certified Kosher.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Blackberry Love from Dave and Solomons Tea

Green Rooibos and I have a completely different relationship than red rooibos and I. Green Rooibos is bursting with sweet honey tones where as (to me) red rooibos has a distinct unique flavor that has a medicinal quality to it.  So when Blackberry Love arrived at my door, I was crazy excited. This blend had my beloved green rooibos in it along with gorgeous chunks of berries, orange peel, what looks like different kinds of flower blossoms. Unfortunately this blend is no longer on the site, but one that I hope comes back on the site.

First whiff of this freshly steeped gorgeous orange brew makes me happy. You instantly are greeted with a lovely blueberry/blackberry aroma with a sweet honey kick.  I couldn’t stop smelling my cuppa.

Blackberry Love from Solomons Tea is appropriately named! This tea steeps up to become a gorgeous cuppa of sunshine. Bright bursting berry notes with a honey and slightly floral touch.  I love the combination of the berries and green rooibos. The tea is light and yet very refreshing! Perfect for a sweet tooth craving during the day or to finish the day off with a relaxing cuppa.

I think with the reaming mix I have left,  I’m going to have to try as a cold brew. I bet those blackberries and honey notes really soar and pop with a good solid cold brewed overnight. Can’t wait to experiment more with this blend!


Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type: Herbal/Green Rooibos
Where to Buy: Dave and Solomons Tea


This blend is no longer available on the site but check out what they do have to offer below.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!