The Brew Is Out There From Geeky Teas

xfilesTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Green Tea

Where to Buy: Geeky Teas

Tea Description:

Green tea with vanilla, orange peels, natural lemon and orange flavor and sunflower petals, goes great with honey from hybridized bees. Brews up a lovely green color.

I want to believe

Taster’s Review:

A tea dedicated to the X-Files?? How great is that!?!

This tea is a lovely green tea with vanilla, orange peels, lemon and orange flavors along with sunflower petals. I nice seemingly calm yet citrus blend.  I was actually surprised when I read the description of the tea. I figured a tea dedicated to the X-Files would be more dark or even darker flavors like mocha or hazelnut. But I’m not complaining. This tea sounds fabulous to me. Maybe the green tea represents little green men 🙂

Prepped up my water for this green lovely tea and waited for the tea to steep (about 4 minutes) all the while I enjoyed the lovely dry leave notes from the tin I had received.  The notes are fresh citrus notes that scream summertime.

Finally my tea was ready to try and I poured myself a huge cuppa.  The first notes I noticed was a lovely vegetal one with a touch of sweetness. Then the gorgeous wave of citrus swept thru. Not a complex tea by any means but one that has a fantastic finish with the vegetal green flavors, the sweet creamy notes of the vanilla and the citrus finish.  Each flavor plays nicely with each other and doesn’t dominate by any means. Having that vegetal green tea being the first note you get really elevates the tea. I can almost pick up a hint of an orange dreamsicle.  Really lovely.

I wanted to try this tea as an iced tea, hoping that I could pull out of those citrus and vanilla notes.  As an iced tea, the vegetal notes are more subtle and the vanilla notes really pop.  I think if I make a cold brew out of this, I will get that orange dreamsicle flavor that would be amazing for these summer months.

Overall, loving this tea.  Classic tea combo that the majority of people would enjoy. A great starter tea for those who are just getting into tea but also a delicious simple tea for tea enthusiasts. This is a combo that I’ve had a few different times over but have had mixed results.  Some have too strong of a vanilla flavor, others not enough citrus.  This is a great well blended version!



Passion Dragon Green Tea from Mountain Witch Tea Co.

passiondragonTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Green

Where to Buy: Mountain Witch Tea Company

Tea Description:

Passion Dragon Green Tea is one of our bestsellers at the farmer’s market. Green tea flavored with passion fruit, lemon and a pop of spice. Especially great as an iced tea. 

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

Being such a fan of Mountain Witch Tea Company, I couldn’t wait to try another green tea of theirs.  I have had a couple in the past but have found that I tend to like their flavored black teas better than their flavored green teas.

First off, I love the logo for this tea.  The beautiful artwork is so fun and really eye catching. The loose leaf tea is the same way.  The gorgeous green tea looks amazing along side the giant chrysanthemum that was in my sample.

Brewed up like a green tea, this tea sent a lovely tropical green tea aroma thru my desk.  I really loved how this tea smelled. First taste and sadly this tea is not for me.

This tea delivers on a nice bright green tea flavor but there is an odd taste in there that makes this tea tart and not taste right to me.  I’m not getting lovely buttery notes or any of the berry/passion flavors.  I pick up the lemon and the cardamom and something else I can’t really put my finger on.  What I can really pick up on is how very astringent this tea is.  This tea may be one that needs to be cold brewed or enjoyed more as an iced tea to get those flavors to mingle together and give that passion fruit a chance to pop.  Another one that I might need to go back and experiment with.

As much as I adore Mountain Witch Tea Company, I know this tea can be dynamite.  Just need to figure out the best way to get those flavors to work for me.

Tsugaru Green from Lupicia

tsugarugreenTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Green

Where to Buy: Lupicia

Tea Description:

Japanese green tea flavored with “San-Tsugaru” apples from Aomori prefecture in Japan.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

Green tea is one of my favorite kinds of tea.  I love the soothing and refreshing flavor you can get out of green tea.  This tea was no exception.

Never having this tea before I wasn’t sure what to expect.  I didn’t even know what kind of tea this was since this was a sample from a tea friend.  I wanted to be surprised so I didn’t check online either.

Brewed this up with my Breville One Touch on the medium green tea setting.  A few minutes later, I had a lovely cuppa awaiting me.  I took a sip after the brew cooled for a few minutes and this tea was light and refreshing as you could ask for!

Crisp and almost apple juice like was what I would guess.  So after I finished my cuppa, I looked online and was pleased to see that I was correct.  An apple flavored green tea.  This tea is spot on with flavor and I like the fact that there are any spices included and this is a simple yet well done apple tea.  Most apple teas include cinnamon or some kind of a chai spice.  This tea let the juiciness of the apples shine thru with the backing of a slightly hay like and slightly buttery undertone.

I brewed up another infusion of this tea and experienced it as an  iced tea.  It was magnificent. This is definitely one that I’m taking note of and am loving! This would be a perfect alternative to the fall inspired teas that will soon be available.

In other news, this was sipdown #20! Woohoo!