Taiwan Sun Moon Lake Formosa Black Tea (Competition Grade) from Cameron Tea

formosaBlack1Tea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black

Where to Buy:  Cameron Tea

Tea Description:  

Region: Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan
Type: Black Tea
Oxidation level: Fully oxidised
Taste: Strong and refreshing flavour.
Terroir: Sun Moon Lake is located at altitude of 700m, surrounded with mountains and lakes with remarkable environment and typical climate for growing black teas. Heavy moist and stable yearly average temperature make the tea trees grow thick and rich tea leaves which produce carmine and perfectly clear liquor.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

I’ve got to tell you, every time that I’m preparing to brew one of these black teas from Cameron Tea, I get really excited!   The tea is simply superb!

And this competition grade Taiwan Sun Moon Lake Formosa Black Tea from Cameron Tea is no exception.  The leaves are dark chocolate in color.  They’re long, slender and wiry, but they aren’t so slender that it looks like they’ve been slivered down to size.  They appear to be whole leaves that have been rolled lengthwise.

The dry leaf doesn’t have a strong aroma, it smells a little bit like warm leather and earth.  It’s a very light scent … barely there.  The brewed tea has a stronger fragrance, offering warm notes of leather, molasses and maybe even a gentle spice note here and there.  It’s not a particularly strong scent, but it’s pleasant.

But it’s the flavor that wins me over with this tea.  It’s a warm, rich, robust flavor.  It’s not robust in the way that … say an Indian Assam black tea would be.  It’s not the kind of black tea that I’d turn to to get me up and running for the day.  It isn’t a strong “gusto” kind of tea.

Instead, this is more of the kind of tea that I’d want for my second cup of the day.  After I’ve already got my jump start, and I’m looking for something to keep me going and something that is going to inspire a positive outlook on the rest of the day – this tea is THAT tea!

It is sweet with notes of cacao and caramel and yes, even some notes of molasses.  It’s a sweet tasting tea, but it doesn’t taste cloying.  There are subtle hints of earth and leather.  It has a thick, buttery, smooth texture to it, although it doesn’t taste overly “buttery” the way a green tea or green Oolong might.  At the start, there is very little astringency.  It does build as I continue to make my way to the bottom of the cup; I start to notice a sort of dry “pucker” in my mouth after the sip.  But it is a subtle sensation, and even those who tend to be sensitive to astringency would probably find the astringency of this tea acceptable.

As I continue to sip, I start to pick up on notes of stone fruit.  Imagine a ripe plum that’s been drizzled with molasses and then lightly roasted.  That’s the fruit note I’m experiencing.  Not so much of the “tart” or sour notes of the fruit, it’s all about the sweetness of life in this teacup!

I love this tea!  Then again, I’ve been overjoyed by everything that I’ve tasted thus far from Cameron Tea.  If you are looking for exceptional black and Oolong teas … you need to check out Cameron Tea!

Taiwan AliShan Jin Xuan Oolong Tea (Competition Grade) from Cameron Tea

AliShan Jin XuanTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Oolong

Where to Buy:  Cameron Tea

Tea Description:  

AliShan is one the famous oolong tea growing areas in Taiwan. Located at altitude of 1500m, the mountain has a rich soil and ideal climactic conditions. The cool climate and moist from daily mists make the plants to grow very slowly and produce tender, flavourful tea leaves and buds.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

Oh.  My.  Goodness!  YUM!

By now, I’ve tried several different teas from Cameron Tea, and I’ve been quite delighted with the teas that I’ve tried!  But this one … this is the best thus far.  Not surprisingly, it is an AliShan Oolong.  A Jin Xuan AliShan at that.  What that means, essentially, is that this is a Milk Oolong.  And it’s one of the finest Milk Oolong teas I’ve encountered in quite some time!

So sweet and creamy and oh-so-good!

Since this is an Oolong, I approached the brewing the same as I would just about any other Oolong:  in my gaiwan.  But instead of combining the first two infusions in one cup, I combined the first five infusions in my YiXing mug that is designated for AliShan Oolong tea.

And the combination of the first five infusions is lusciously sweet and smooth.  It has a flavor that is somewhere between milk and sweet cream with hints of vanilla.  The texture isn’t quite as heavy as whole milk.  It’s probably more like the texture of a 2% milk.  Which is a nicer, creamier texture than the milk that is usually served in this house.

We get 1% milk.  I personally prefer 2% milk.  But since I’m not a big milk drinker nor do I consume a lot of cereal, I don’t balk too much at the 1% milk.  What I’m driving at here is that I like the texture of this tea better than I like the texture of the milk we buy.  Although … I’m not sure how Oolong tea would work on cornflakes.

AliShan Jin Xuan cuppedThe flavor is so sweet and delicious.  The floral notes in this cup (the first five infusions) are mingling with the creamy tones, and in this cup, the creamy notes are stronger than the floral notes.  The creaminess lingers, but it never feels overwhelming to the palate.  It is quite enjoyable.

I can also taste hints of fruit in this cup, but they are distant.  It’s actually quite a complex cuppa, but I find the creamy notes so delightfully decadent that it’s hard to focus on anything but the sweet, creamy notes!

Since I LOVED that first cup so much, I decided to go ahead and infuse those leaves a little more, and I brewed a second cup – a combination of infusions 6 – 10.

And believe it or not … the second cup was nearly as lovely as the first!  Still very creamy!  The creamy notes are more distinctly vanilla this time around … making this cup even more delicious in my opinion.  The (still) subtle floral notes of the cup seem to emphasize the vanilla.

I taste hints of a melon-like flavor in the distance, the aforementioned fruit notes that I noticed in the first cup are slightly more distinct now … but only slightly.  This tea is still more about the creamy notes than it is about either flower or fruit.  This cup is a little more astringent than the first.  I noticed barely any astringency in cup #1 and now there is a mild astringency to this cup.

If you are a fan of Milk Oolong teas … this tea should be at the very top of your MUST TRY list.  Trust me.  You’ll be thanking me after you try it.  And you’re welcome!

Taiwan Beipu Oriental Beauty Black Tea (Premium Grade) from Cameron Tea

OrientalBeautyBlackTeaTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black

Where to Buy:  Cameron Tea

Tea Description:  

*This black tea is a fully oxidised version of traditional Oriental Beauty.

Region: Beipu, Taiwan

Type: Black Tea

Harvest Time: Winter 2013

Oxidation level: Fully oxidised

Taste: Refreshing floral aroma with fruity and honey taste.

When to drink: Throughout the day

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

Wow!  This Beipu Oriental Beauty Black Tea is absolutely DELIGHTFUL.  I’ve had quite a few Oriental Beauty Oolong teas, but only maybe a handful of Oriental Beauty Black teas, and of those that I can remember … they really impressed me with their amazing flavor.  This one is also quite impressive.

The dry leaf aroma is somewhat earthy, reminding me of damp, mossy earth (there’s a lot of that up here in the Pacific Northwest) with notes of flower in the distance.  Once the tea is brewed, more of those floral notes emerge, and the earthy notes have subsided somewhat.  It smells rich and inviting.

It has the soft, buttery texture of an Oolong tea, but with the well-rounded, full flavor of a black tea.  The softer texture means that this is not as hearty a tea as many black teas out there.  This isn’t a tea I’d turn to as that first tea in the morning.  I’d choose this for a late morning or early afternoon tea.

The flavor is sweet.  It has a distinct honey note and it’s the first flavor that I can really distinguish in the sip.  The honey notes are intense and almost have a molasses-y undertone.  Then I start to pick up on the fruit notes.  It tastes of stone fruit, evoking thoughts of freshly-picked, tree-ripened peaches and apricots, bursting with flavor and still warm from the sun.

There are some faint (very faint!) floral tones to this, and I find that they’re most noticeable when I slurp the sip.  Mostly I taste the sweet honey, hints of molasses and the juicy peach and apricot flavors.  Such incredible flavor to this tea!

Taiwan Sun Moon Lake Ruby Black Tea (Premium Grade) from Cameron Tea

CameronRubyTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black

Where to Buy:  Cameron Tea

Tea Description:  

Region: Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan

Type: Black Tea

Harvest Time: Winter 2013

Oxidation level: Fully oxidised

Taste: Natural flavour of cinnamon with a slight hint of mint.

When to drink: Throughout the day

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

Another gorgeous black tea leaf from Cameron Teas!  When I opened the package of this Sun Moon Lake Ruby Tea, what I found were leaves that looked exactly like the photo above – beautiful, chocolate brown to black tea leaves, long with wiry curls.

The aroma of the leaves reminds me of leather with very subtle spice notes.  Once the leaves are brewed, the spice notes emerge.  The tea smells of warm spice and leather and wood.  It’s a very masculine fragrance.

The last tea that I sampled from Cameron Teas was a Sun Moon Lake Assam tea, so as I was brewing this tea, I found myself wondering how different this would taste from that Assam.

There are some similarities to that memorable tea:  most specifically, notes of caramel, cocoa and malt with some earthy notes.  Both of these teas share these characteristics, but they definitely DO taste different.  I think that the Assam has more malt to the cup and more of that caramel-y undertone, while this tea has some distinct warm spice notes of cinnamon – just as the description above suggests – as well as a subtle yet crisp, mint-like finish and aftertaste.

This tea has less of the fruity notes and more of a rich cacao and spice flavor than the Assam.  They are distinct differences between the two, and I would find it a difficult undertaking to recommend one over the other because I enjoyed both and rather than recommend one over the other, I’d simply say that you should also try both and determine which you like best!

Both teas are rich and satisfying, but if I were to choose one for that all important first cup of the day, I think I’d reach for this one.  The Assam, while delicious and rich in it’s own way, it has more of an “afternoon tea” type of flavor to me with it’s fruit notes, while this one has the kind of flavor that I think would stand up nicely to a splash of milk and a drizzle of honey if you care to add it to your morning cuppa.

This tea seems more robust to me, which almost seems odd for me to say and to read as I type it … because I generally consider Assam to be a bold, robust sort of tea.  But when it comes to these Sun Moon Lake varieties, I think that this Ruby has a slightly “heftier” flavor and texture than the Assam.  That isn’t to say that I’d recommend this one over the Assam … only that this one offered more of a “breakfast tea” experience to me while the Assam offered me an “afternoon tea” experience.

This is a really excellent Sun Moon Lake tea.  I’m very impressed with these teas that I’ve been trying from Cameron Tea!

Taiwan AliShan High Mountain Oolong Tea (Competition Grade) from Cameron Tea

AlishanCameronTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Oolong

Where to Buy:  Cameron Tea

Tea Description:  

AliShan is one the famous oolong tea growing areas in Taiwan. Located at altitude of 1500m, the mountain has a rich soil and ideal climactic conditions. The cool climate and moist from daily mists make the plants to grow very slowly and produce tender, flavourful tea leaves and buds.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

Yay!  AliShan!  I love AliShan Oolong!  I love LOVE love it!

And this competition grade Taiwan AliShan High Mountain Oolong Tea from Cameron Tea is LOVELY!  It is definitely worthy of all the love I bestow onto AliShan Oolong teas.

The dry leaves have a sweet, floral scent with hints of fruit.  The aroma of the brewed liquid smells very much like the dry leaf, with a little more floral notes and fewer fruity notes.

I brew the leaves in my gaiwan, but since this is an AliShan and it’s a rather special tea to me, rather than using my usual Oolong tea cup that holds two infusions of an Oolong, I combined the first five infusions of this tea into my Yi Xing Mug that is specially designated for AliShan Oolong teas.

The first five infusions mingling together in my tea mug produce a sweet, creamy, luscious flavor.  The overall flavor and texture of the cup is delicate.  Notes of flower, hints of fruit and vegetation, and a light honeyed sweetness wash over the palate.  I would describe the honey notes as a “thinned” honey, it isn’t a thick or heavy sweetness, it’s more like a watered down honey-esque tone that melds with the floral notes in a really delightful way, softening the flowery sharpness.

There is also a distinct, roasted nutty tone to this tea.  This is a distant flavor, something that sort of plays off in the background while these other flavors serve as the primary flavors tasted.

The sip starts out with a fresh, crisp floral note that is immediately followed by a hint of sweet, buttery vegetative taste.  Fruit notes weave their way in and out of the sip while the thinned honey flavors sort of provide an undercurrent of sweetness.  Mid-sip, I start to notice the hint of roasted, nutty tones.  The finish is sweet and crisp with a faint but lingering aftertaste of sweet flower.

A really lovely Alishan Oolong!  Admittedly, I haven’t yet found an Alishan that I’m not fond of, but, I have to say that this Competition Grade from Cameron Tea is certainly an excellent example of this, my favorite Oolong.  I highly recommend it.