We need your help!
The SororiTea Sisters has been going for five plus years now. We began with just two of us: Anne & Jennifer.

We were (and still are!) committed to providing honest reviews of tea and tea products and we started out on that philosophy: to offer our honest opinion about a tea and/or tea product. We decided at the start that we wouldn’t accept money for advertising from tea companies because we felt that it would create a situation where we felt obligated to say something nice about a tea because the tea company was footing the bill for it.
So, we paid for the blog – well, the blog itself is free, but the domain and the annual registration of the domain costs money! We also send packages to each other (and now that we have more sisters, we send out packages to all the sisters) and the postage costs money. And well, times are tight!
So we are now turning to you – our readers! – to ask you to help us out with some of these expenses. Please check out our GoFundMe campaign and contribute what you can. Even something as small as one or two dollars helps – every little bit helps!
I greatly dislike asking for money. I really do. That’s why I’ve been paying for these expenses out of pocket for the last five years. Because I don’t want to ask other people for the money for this. But, as I said, times are tight and I’m finding that this year, it’s been just a little tougher to come up with the money to cover the cost of domain maintenance. I’m hoping that this next year will be a much better one (things are looking up!) and next year, we won’t need to turn to our readers for support. But for now, we really need your help!
Every little bit helps. And PLEASE help spread the word!
Thank you!