Libre Tea Infuser. . . My New Obsession. . . .

Being a tea enthusiast for some time, I’ve seen lots and lots of gorgeous pictures featuring the Libre Tea Infuser.  I’ve always wanted one and was finally granted the chance.  We review all sorts of teas on The SororiTea Sisters but sometimes having the right brewing vessel makes all the difference in the world and can amplify the tea experience that much more.

Libre Tea Infusers are gorgeous bottles that have a glass interior for tea steeping with a durable plastic exterior.  That way only glass is touching the tea itself, but you are giving that extra layer of protection for the bottle itself. Which for me is a wonderful thing.  To say I’m in love with this bottle is an understatement.  After having one for just a few days, I bought two more.

Let’s chat about the look of the bottle itself.  The look is marvelous-sleek with a side of elegance. The bottle is see through so you can see the tea leaves swirling around while the tea is steeping.  The top of the bottle has a screw filter lid where you can easily drink the tea without the fear of a mouth full of leaves coming your way (with an additional lid to screw on top for ease of travel).    That being said though, you do want to big careful which teas you brew in the Libre Tea Infuser.  I would recommend the larger the leaves the better.  I did brew a tea that had smaller and I do mean smaller inclusions in the blend and I did get quite a bit of those inclusions while drinking the tea.  But that has only happened once.

What is really cool about this tea infuser is the versatility.  You can add in hot water and enjoy a lovely hot brew for some time.   Or you can add in some cold water and ice for a cold brew.  I’ve done both and been incredibly happy with the results. I was originally worried about the tea over steeping but so far I haven’t had issues with that.  I actually have been drinking a lot more unflavored teas and the flavors have been perfection when used with the Libre Tea Infuser.

All in all, this is one of the best vessels available for tea drinkers on the go and even just to have on hand for ease of drinking tea.  What I love is I can basically store away all of my other tea tools and instruments to make that perfect cuppa because everything I really need the Libre Tea Infuser accomplishes for me.

Here’s the scoop!

Where to Buy:  Libre Tea Infuser

Libre is the stylish and convenient solution for all infusions on the go – loose teas, fruit water infusions – in fact any beverage!! No flavour transfer with the glass interior.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

**by clicking on the above picture and purchasing the product through Amazon, you will be support the SororiTea Sisters via the Amazon Affiliate Program and will in turn help support tea companies. All monies collected via this program will be used to purchase teas/tea products for the SororiTea Sisters to review.**

Honey Ginger Southern Peach Tea from Impeach Tea and a #Giveaway!


In the past year, there has been a trend for companies to be founded and based on socially responsible ideas. With the world being so socially active and connected anymore, that makes sense.  What I’m loving are the tea companies that are starting to join in on this movement.   Impeach Tea is one of those companies.

At their core, Impeach Tea provides affordable flavored teas with a charitable mission-to give 10% back to organizations in need of support.  I wish they had a bit more information about which charities they have recently donated to or even a bit more about when they were founded but they do provide quite a bit more about their what they stand for.

Impeach Tea offers three different black base peach flavored teas- Honey Ginger Southern Peach Tea, American Dream-Peaches ‘N Cream, and Presidential Peach Black Tea.    The one that instantly grabbed my attention was their Honey Ginger Southern Peach Tea.

I thought this would be a great flavored tea to try both hot and cold.  The dry leaves just call for a gorgeous cold brew to really get those bright honeyed peach flavors to pop.

Allowed to steep for 4 minutes with fresh boiled water, this tea yields a robust black tea base with a more gentle honeyed peach touch and a ginger aftertaste.  Really delightful.  This is one of those teas that I continuously found myself grabbing for an afternoon cuppa.  I did find that this is one of those flavored teas where the black tea can really start to overwhelm the cuppa if allowed to cool too much.   Overall, really enjoyed.

I did try to cold brew this tea, but the flavors that I was hoping would really pop out and sing, decided to keep hiding. I thought for sure I would be greeted with a rich honeyed peach ginger tea with hints of a black tea base but those honeyed peach ginger flavors decided to stay gentle.  Still delicious, just wasn’t what I had hoped for.

Regardless, I’m still loving the tea  and have enjoyed cup after cup. I wish they offered green tea varieties or possibly even a honeybush.  But that is just me.  I’m more of a green tea girl.

And now it’s time for one of our lucky readers to check this tea out for themselves! Enter below for your chance to win a tin of each of the flavors Impeach Tea has to offer!  They are also offering an awesome 20% off code for our wonder readers- use SORORITEA at checkout to take advantage of this great discount!

Impeach Tea Giveaway


Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Black Tea
Where to Buy:  Impeach Tea

Honey. Ginger. Peach.  United they stand, divided they fall. A bit dramatic, but we think you’ll agree. Enjoy.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Happy Holidays from SororiTea Sisters and The Kettlery!

We thought a giveaway was the best way to end 2017! The Kettlery has amazingly fresh quality teas and they have graciously offered to allow us to giveaway this gorgeous Herbal Bliss set of their teas!


Description of this brilliant set:

Tisanes or herbal teas, have been used for thousands of years for their complex taste and perceived therapeutic properties. In our mission to promote health and wellness through full leaf teas, we have created the Herbal Bliss Tea Set. This tea set contains three Ayurveda inspired herbal teas: Amusing Peppermint, Lavender Blues and Herb Asia. Also, included: Smart Office Cup, 3 Storage Tins.

Good luck! This set values at over $50 and it is absolutely fabulous!

Happy Holidays to our families and The Kettlery to yours!

Happy Holidays Giveaway!

Wow – We Just Hit 5K! (5,000 Posts, That is!) #TeaGiveaway

Hello – this is Anne – aka LiberTEAS – aka the Mad Tea Artist over at 52Teas! It’s been a while since I’ve written anything over here at SororiTea Sisters. I’m still an admin here but really, it’s more of an honorary title because truth be told, I do relatively little over here, administratively speaking (read: I do nothing) because I’m very busy with the aforementioned Mad Tea Artist thing.

Fortunately, I left control of the helm in the very capable hands of my co-founder Jennifer (aka TeaEqualsBliss) and Nichole (aka CuppaGeek) and they’re doing a really wonderful job – much better than I could have done given my time constraints. So I’d like to start off this article by offering a huge THANK YOU to these two ladies as well as to the many contributors we’ve had over the last eighteen months. I truly appreciate you coming in and keeping this blog going.

TeaEqualsBliss and I started this blog together back in 2010. We were both contributors at another blog and things were not really happening over there. The administrator had things going on in her own life and found less and less time to devote to the blog and let me tell you – running an active blog like this takes a lot of time and energy! That’s a lesson we both learned very quickly when we decided to pool our talents and start our own tea blog.

5000postsWe were truly a team – I was writing at least two reviews per day and she was writing at least one while taking on the enormous task of reaching out to tea purveyors to obtain samples as well as get contributions for giveaways to generate some excitement around the SororiTea Sisters blog. I’m so grateful to her for all her hard work that she put forth in those early days and continues to put forth – she helped make my dream as a tea reviewer come true.

It may seem like an unusual dream to some but it’s something that kept me going back then. I had this intense passion for tea and I loved writing. The blog was the culmination of these two passions. My love and adoration of the beverage that is TEA is one of those things that got me out of bed in the morning (well, afternoon – I’m a night owl). It’s still what keeps me going, only in a different capacity. It’s still what keeps our beloved blog going – six years later – and it’s what brings others to us willing to write about their own love of tea. And – it’s what brings YOU here to read about our various tea adventures – your interest in tea is what keeps us going. It’s because of you – our readers – that we’ve enjoyed the success that we have over the years so you are just as responsible for us being here as we are – thank you.

We love sharing our joy of tea with others and this blog is a celebration of that – and I’m really proud of all the accomplishments that I’ve made with SororiTea Sisters.

Congratulations to all the SororiTea Sisters – past, present and future! – who have helped make this blog what it is today! Here’s to another amazing 5,000 reviews!


In honor of our 5000th review, we would like to do what we do best and giveaway some tea! We have a wonderful gift pack of teas from Blue Hour Tea and Virginia Tea Company and a lovely tea towel from Stylish Girlz included in this gift set. Perfect for those winter nights just ahead of us!

iusb_760x100-23003709_8tvj download logo

5000th Post Giveaway!

Winter Cinnamon Green Tea from The Kettlery Plus A Giveaway!

Winter will soon be upon us. You can feel the chill in the air. At least here in the Midwest you can.  Our nights are getting colder and are days are starting to get that winter like feel to them.  This is when I start really drinking teas that have that soul soothing warmth to keep me going!

wintercinnamongreentea2Winter Cinnamon Green Tea from The Kettlery is a flavored green tea that is a blend of green tea, orange flavors and spices, like cinnamon.  The description of the tea says that this is a spicy tea with a mild tangy profile. I’m not sure about the tang but there is a resounding spice note for sure.

This tea starts off with a warming buttery richness from the green tea with a very noticeable cinnamon flavor. The orange flavors are mild and seems like the cinnamon may be overwhelming those flavors. This is the second time I’ve had this tea and cup after cup, this is what I’m picking up- a green cinnamon tea.  Which is lovely. This tea gives me that warm and cozy feel that I can really wrap my hands around.  Give me a huge mug of this with my favorite blanket and a good book and I’ll be set!

It would be nice to get those orange teas to pop but I’m quite content with what I have. Maybe some experimenting will get those notes to come through.


And speaking of The Kettlery. . . its Giveaway Time!

earlgrey2This prize is simply fantastic my friends. Valued at $45 this Earl Grey set is gorgeous and gives you the chance to check out 3 different types of Earl Grey teas that The Kettlery offers (all in tins!) along with a lovely Kava cup. Enter now to try and win this set and enjoy right before the holidays!

Good luck to our readers! We will have one more giveaway of The Kettlery’s wonderful Herbal Bliss box so stayed tuned for that.

Earl Grey Time with The Kettlery!


Don’t forget to sign up for the SororiTea Sisters newsletter as well! Get a dose of tea related loving delivered to your inbox each week. Exclusive reviews, articles, and giveaways will be coming out soon!

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type: Green Tea
Where to Buy:  The Kettlery


This warm and inviting green tea flawlessly blended with refreshing orange and savoury cinnamon creates a soothing tea with a tangy aroma with a spiced citrus taste.


Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!