Soothing Chamomile from Balcony Teas. . . .

This is one of the only teas in my current review box that came in a sachet, and I’m so glad that it did! The visual presentation of the pyramid sachet with the large floral accents within this blend made this tea a beautiful pre-brew piece of art. This blend has a distinctive chamomile aroma due to the fact that this blend has the full chamomile flower. In addition to the visual of the chamomile flower, you can also see the lime flower that is included in this blend. The sachet that Balcony Tea uses for this blend is an exceptional choice as the smallest tea leaves did not get into my brew, but this particular sachet also allows for an even flow of water to the leaves and provides an option for those of us who need to brew on the go.

I opted for this tea as we’d had a tantrum filled night at my house with a toddler who was still testing the ability to stay up as late as she wanted. Once brewed, I continued to be able to smell both the chamomile as well as the wildflowers included in this blend. I was able to enjoy this blend straight or with a splash of honey. Balcony Tea does suggest that you do not add milk to this blend, and I would agree as I think the milk would mask some of the brilliant (but delicate) flavors in this tea. This was great for both calming my nerves after a rough day and getting me ready to relax in bed. Great chamomile blend!

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Herbal
Where to Buy:  Balcony Teas

Feel transported to a beautiful evening in the Mediterranean. All is calm and you can smell wild flowers. Perfect for a moment to yourself or to wind down after a busy day.


Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Muse from Tay Tea

Muse. Say it with me…Mew-zzz! Muse from Tay Tea is an herbal tisane that I am rather smitten by. Muse from Tay Tea is blended with 100% organic botanicals: lemon verbena, peppermint, spearmint, lemongrass, lavender, rose petals and lemon balm

Upon opening the sample bag and again while infusing my surroundings were pepped up by the wonderful peppermint and spearmint that filled the air! Mint is one of my FAVORITE aromas! The more intense the better in my book. So I was completely THRILLED at the intensity of the minty-fresh-goodness in this blend of ingredients! Muse by Tay Tea was an eye opener that is for sure!

The lavender and rose made the dry blend look very pretty and gave it that floral nod in the aroma and flavor, too. The lemongrass and balm immediately brought me joy, too! Muse from Tay Tea was a smile in a cup! Sunshine in a cup! It seemed to change my whole outlook on the day, life me up and energize me and my senses, and awakened my creative thoughts while made me ponder life’s possibilities…okay, I know that is a little dramatic…but this has to be one of my favorite herbal tisanes I have experienced in a long while and I can’t wait for another cup!

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type: Herbal
Where to Buy: Tay Tea


A healing citrus infusion with a soft, floral bouquet. This tisane is blended with 100% organic botanicals: lemon verbena, peppermint, spearmint, lemongrass, lavender, rose petals and lemon balm. Perfect when you need a break from the stress of the world.


Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!